Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

It's the dawning of a new age. The end of the White Lotus and soon, the end of the Avatar.
~ Zaheer's most famous quote.
You think freedom is something that you can give or take on a whim, but to your people, freedom is just as essential as air, and without it, there is no life. There is only... darkness.
~ Zaheer's second famous quote.
When we dispatch you in the Avatar State, the cycle will end. So we lucky few, this band of brothers and sisters in anarchy, are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom. Together, we will forge a world without kings and queens, without borders or nations, where Man's only allegiance is to himself and those he loves. We will return to the true balance of natural order. And though you will never again be reborn, your name will echo throughout history: Korra, the last Avatar.
~ Zaheer

Zaheer is a major antagonist of Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise.

He is one of the main antagonists of the 2012 Nickeloden animated series The Legend of Korra, specifically being the main antagonist of Book Three: Change and the overarching antagonist of Book Four: Balance.

He is the leader of the anarachistic Order of the Red Lotus, a splinter organization of White Lotus, seeking to bring freedom to the world by plunging it into chaos and killing world leaders and Avatar. He is also the third arch-nemesis of Avatar Korra, and is by far, one of her most personal enemies yet.

He was voiced by Black Flag singer Henry Rollins.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • His main goal is to plunge the entire world into chaos, believing it would usher in a new world without governments or ruler.
  • When Korra was announced that she was the Avatar, Zaheer and Unalaq came up with a plan to kidnap her so they could open the spirit portals and release Vaatu, bringing in an age of chaos. Zaheer and his teammates, P'Li, Ghazan and Ming-Hua attempted to kidnap Korra to indoctrinate her to their beliefs of Anarchy.
  • In his escape, he imprisoned all the guards of his prison in his cell, giving them only one bowl of rice as food. It should be noted that this was the only food they could get for 3 weeks as Zaheer's prison is isolated and the next shift change wouldn't be for 3 weeks.
  • When Aiwei accidentally leads Team Avatar to him in the Spirit Realm, Zaheer coldly tosses him to the Fog of Lost Souls, condemning his soul in Fog of Lost Souls to be trapped forever and driven to total insanity.
  • He assassinates the Earth Queen, Hou-Ting, by airbending the air out of her lungs and causing her to suffocate. Even if the Earth Queen was even viler than Zaheer and absolutely deserved her death at his hands, it is still very brutal, being considered one of the franchise's darkest moments.
    • This plunges the entire Earth Kingdom to chaos, causing huge riots, and causing the Earth Kingdom to collapse, leading to the rise of Kuvira.
  • He threatens Korra to hand herself over to him with a threat of genocide against the newly revived Air Nation. In order to see if Korra would actually come and to keep his word, Zaheer attacks the Northern Air Temple, where the newly revived Air Nation are settling currently, to round them all up and imprison them so in case if he has to wipe them all out, he would.
  • When Tenzin confronts him, Zaheer and his team violently beat him to near-death.
  • In the season finale, he plans to slowly kill Korra by poisoning her with mercury and attempting to bend the air out of her lungs. Due to Zaheer's horrific attempt on her life, Korra has severe PTSD and was crippled for three years, distinguishing the act from a mere "kill the heroes" act.
    • While this act was because Korra's training under the White Lotus meant she wouldn't susceptible to the Red Lotus' anarchist beliefs, Zaheer still would have killed her regardless since the Red Lotus intended to return the world to the era before the Avatar.
  • Even with Avatar's high heinous standards, Zaheer's attempts to plunge the entire world into chaos, having done so to the Earth Kingdom, and his limited resources due to not having armies to control help Zaheer stand out from Unalaq, Ozai, Sozin and Vaatu.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Zaheer's actions are out of genuinely good intentions, wanting to bring freedom towards all people, tearing down all world order so people won't be oppressed by rules and would be free to do whatever they want and voice their opinions without anyone trying to silence them. This is why he plunged the Earth Kingdom into chaos, as the Earth Queen was extremely oppressive towards the people and wanted to free them of her rule, believing the Earth Kingdom belongs to the people rather than to leaders like her. Even if he has shown moments of hypocrisy (imprisoning people until they are no longer a threat to him, working with the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe, or bargaining with the Earth Queen), Zaheer was genuine in his belief. It can even be understood that Zaheer hates all world leaders following Unalaq's betrayal and perversion of the Red Lotus' goals; it was possible he never intended on honoring his deal with Hou-Ting, telling her the location of the airbenders Korra freed from her custody, given his experience with Unalaq.
    • Like Unalaq, he also believed Avatar Wan made a major mistake separating the human and spirit worlds and teamed up with him to free Vaatu and also bridge the two realms. Unlike Unalaq, Zaheer was genuine in his good intentions, not using it as an excuse for his lust for power (as Zaheer doesn't care about that).
  • He has shown to have standards multiple times as he despises tyrants like Ozai, Sozin, Kuvira and Hou-Ting, who view their people only as tools to satisfy their power-hungry nature and being severely uncaring towards them or that for the sake of conquest, has committed horrific actions against the people of this world; he also seems to loathe inept leaders like Raiko, who resort to scapegoating others to preserve their public image. He calls Unalaq selfish in his intentions to free Vaatu and remake world in his image solely to satisfy his power-lust and god complex and perverting the Red Lotus cause for his selfish intentions. He even stops Ming-Hua from killing an innocent operative as it goes against what they stand for.
  • He was remorseful when he realizes that it is because of him assassinating Hou-Ting Kuvira, a worser tyrant, rose to power to the point of even helping Korra to defeat her, which also make him on & off.
  • He loves P'Li, to the extent he was even willing to sacrifice his desire to unlock the ability to fly for her as he has to let go of all Earthly tethers to do so. He also cares about his other friends, Ghazan and Ming-Hua, genuinely being nice with them and breaking them out of prison, treating them as equals. His moments not being in flight can translate that he still holds his Earthly tethers, only temporarily putting them aside.
  • He is affably evil. He was genuinely nice to Ikki when he talked about Guru Lahigma, as told, has Ming-Hua spare an innocent operative as it goes against what they stand for, even with his threat of genocide, which is also something that upsets him. Zaheer is willing to let them go if Korra arrives, and even helps Korra get over her PTSD she got from his horrific attempt on her life out of genuinely altruistic reasons to help her defeat Kuvira.

External Links[]


           Avatar The Last Airbender logoInconsistently Heinous

TV Shows
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Azula | Jet | Koh the Face Stealer

The Legend of Korra
Amon | Hiroshi Sato | Varrick | The Evil Unalaq | The Fog of Lost Souls | Zaheer | Kuvira


Yandere Katara

See Also
Nickelodeon Inconsistently Heinous
