Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Khan from Star Trek (Alternate Timeline) - Ends February 10
  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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  1. None at the moment.

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  1. None at the moment.


Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about the First World of the Yuno Gasai as her Second and Third World incarnation was not voted as Inconsistently Heinous. and thus only the First World of the Yuno Gasai's info and crimes should be put here.
Joker Smile

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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

Maybe the future is bad. But there's a future beyond that, right?
~ Yuno Gasai

Yuno Gasai is the main protagonist of the anime/manga series Future Diary. She is the second diary owner in the Survival Game, and she is the owner of the "Yukiteru Diary/Diary of Future Love".

She was voiced by Tomosa Murata in the Japanese version of the anime, and Brina Palencia in the English dubbed version.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Make Her Heinous?[]

Shared with 2nd World[]

  • Out of resentment towards her abusive mother, she gave her parents sleeping pills and put them in cage, but she killed them even though she didn't intend to. However, it is understandable to some extent if one considers the abuse she has suffered.
  • She has consistently stalked Yukiteru Amano, wearing a bunny costume and constantly interfering with Yukiteru Amano's confession to Moe Futaba.

Exclusive to Herself[]

  • After winning the first world and becoming a god, she killed herself in the second world to take her identity.
  • At the time of the Sakurami Middle School terrorist attack committed by Minene Uryu, she sprinted down the hallway and detonated motion-sensing bombs that Minene had placed in her classroom just because the students held Yukiteru hostage, killing many students.
  • She shot Keigo Kurusu in the ear with a pistol.
  • She brutally murdered Reisuke Hojo with a knife.
  • She gave Yukiteru Coke containing sleeping pills, kidnapped him, and locked him in the basement of a hotel that had been turned into an abandoned building.
  • She fired her crossbow at the leg of the Oji Kosaka.
  • She used a loophole in Aru Akise's detective diary to stab herself in the stomach, and she made Yukiteru distrust his friends over the phone and made him murder his friends.
  • After having sex with Yukiteru, she tried to kill Yukiteru in order to become a god once again on the last day of the world. Also, she once again became a god against the second world in order to be with the Yukiteru of various dimensions.
  • Although she is not as evil as John Bacchus and Funatsu, she is the most heinous and has killed the most people in the Future Diary.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • Despite her very heinous deeds, she is still portrayed as way too tragic and insecure. She was physically and mentally abused by Saika Gasai. In the end, this led to Yuno killing her parents, which caused Yuno to close the door of her heart.
  • She truly loves Yukiteru Amano. The reason she fell in love with Yukiteru was when she killed her parents about a year ago at the time of the movie, suffered from guilt, and suffered from extreme suicidal thoughts. Similar to her, she has a conversation with Yukiteru, who was left in the classroom because she couldn't fill out the questionnaire due to family problems. After that, after hearing her Yukiteru's dream of going to see the stars with her family, she became his family and she had the goal of going to the stars with him.
  • She's redeemed, and the scene where Yukiteru's final kiss and dies is very sympathetic.


  • She is the only Inconsistently Heinous villain in The Future Diary.
  • Only Yuno Gasai in the first world timeline is counted as Inconsistently Heinous because her second world timeline didn't meet the heinous standards since she was killed early on, and her third world timeline lacks villainous acts, since she is reconciled with her parents and on much better terms with them.
  • She is the icon of Spoilers template.

External Links[]
