Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

All that and more. I'm carrying on what you yourself began, and I'm creating a brand new world, one heart at a time. I thought you'd praise me, but all you ever do is hold me back. I understand, though. Unlike me, you have a heart. And you're powerless to control it. Consumed by the jealousy you feel toward the student who surpassed you.
~ Xemnas to Ansem the Wise.
I feel...the emptiness where my companions once stood. I took them for granted. And now, I have...nothing. My first surge of emotion in years...for as long as I can remember... and it's... loneliness. Do you see? A heart is just pain.
~ Xemnas speaking from his heart.

Xemnas is the Nobody of Terra-Xehanort, and the leader of the villainous Organization XIII group, acting as a major antagonist of the Kingdom Hearts franchise,One of the three main antagonists(alongside MCP and Pete) of Kingdom Hearts II,the main antagonist of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Memories,one of the two secondary antagonists(alongside Ansem) of Dream Drop Distance, and one of the four secondary antagonists(alongside Ansem,Young Xehanort,and Vanitas) of Kingdom Hearts III.The most powerful of the Nobodies, Xemnas manipulates and deceives his entire group, leading them to believe they cannot regrow their hearts without Kingdom Hearts, when in truth, he merely wishes to use its power to become a god.

He was voiced by Norio Wakamoto in the Japanese version, while in English, he is instead voiced by Paul St. Peter.

His Evil Ranking[]

Debated Validations[]

  • The extent to which he has moral agency is unclear, as while Nobodies are revealed to be capable of growing hearts, althougt Xemnas has enough of heart to be capable of time travel, it wasn't clear how much emotional capability he has. However, Axel, a fellow Nobody, did turn good by his own free will, which would seem to imply that Xemnas has the option to be good and merely isn't taking it, but it is unclear exactly when Axel regained his heart.
  • He's particulary effect by Terra memories due to being created from his body, which make him call Aqua's armor "friend". It's unclear if he care for Ventus and Aqua as an partically extension of Terra or not because this idea never revisit again.

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Was directly responsible for some of the Organization becoming Nobodies, and then went on to purposely hide the fact that they can naturally develop a heart over time, instead lying that Kingdom Hearts would restore their hearts to manipulate them into helping him restore it. In truth, he merely wanted to use its power to become a god.
  • Even after this, he is a rather bad boss to the Organization, showing apathy towards an unconscious Axel and threatening to turn those who fail him into Dusks.
  • In 358/2 Days, he tries to have Roxas and Xion kill one another in an attempt to kill Roxas and prevent Sora's awakening.
  • Willingly assists Master Xehanort in his evil plans after the latter's return in Dream Drop Distance.
  • Tortures Axel in III, before directly ordering Xion, his friend, to kill him. When she resists, he kicks her to the ground and calls her a useless puppet, before trying to kill them both.
  • Kidnaps Kairi and brings her to Xehanort.
  • Meets the heinous standard, as while Master Xehanort and Vanitas have done worse than him, he has fewer resources than they do, and his deceiving the Organization into committing atrocities in the name of a false goal is unique.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is genuinely tragic. Once considering the heart to be weak and powerless, he grew obsessed with nothingness as he feared the pain of loneliness and couldn't connect with others, only realizing the value of being strong enough to shoulder the pain of having a heart once he truly has nothing left to return to - no allies or friends, and no hope of redemption.
    • His feared of pain and loneliness can be blamed to original Xehanort memory, which many of Xehanort tragedies is something that he can't control. As Xehanort Nobody, Xemnas represent of Xehanort manipulative tendency and as well as his loneliness and sadness.
  • After he regains his heart, he displays far too much remorse to be NPE or PE. He admits that he took the Organization for granted and regrets all his maltreatment of his now former underlings.
  • He develops a genuine respect for humans, and Sora in particular, for having the strength to shoulder the pain and complex emotions that come with having a heart.
  • His final defeat and subsequent death are played for sympathy. Be send back to the past to be killed and his heart absorbed by Master Xehanort original heart, reduce him to become just another page of Xehanort life.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
The Walrus | Captain Hook | Hades | Firebird | Jumba Jookiba | Alameda Slim | Te Kā | Arthur | Soldiers | Virana | Callisto Mal

One-Eyed Bart | Henry J. Waternoose III | AUTO | Mor'du

Giant Magnet | Lady Eboshi | Jacques von Hämsterviel | Super Super Big Doctor | Sweet Pete

Live-Action Features
Winifred Sanderson | Kissin' Kate Barlow | Davy Jones | Kraken | Speckles | Red Queen | Theodora | Constantine | King George III | Lope De Aguirre | Sweet Pete | Malvina Monroe

Marvel Studios
Thanos | Mandarin | Scarlet Witch | Arishem the Judge | Gorr the God Butcher | Namor

General Hux | Count Dooku | Darth Vader

Animated Television
DuckTales (1987)
Emperor Ping the Pitiless | The Golden Goose

Demona | Matrix | Jason Canmore | Robyn Canmore

Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Jumba Jookiba | Jacques von Hämsterviel | Richter | Holio | Frenchfry

Phineas and Ferb
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Aloyse Von Roddenstein | Rodrigo | Darthenshmirtz | Super Super Big Doctor | Baljeet Tjinder

Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Preston Northwest | Lumberjack Ghost

Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Meteora Butterfly | Mina Loveberry | Solaria Butterfly

Big Hero 6: The Series
Obake | Noodle Burger Boy

King Andrias | The Core | Lysil and Angwin | Curator Ponds

The Owl House
The Collector | Unnamed Previous Golden Guard

Bessie the Cornish Cow | Brick Bristol | Cassandra | Cedric the Sorcerer | Count Dooku | Darth Vader | The Goblin | Janja | Shego | The Sorcerer | Steelbeak | Strange Supreme | Train Bandit Leader

Live-Action Television
Marvel Television
Hive | Jiaying | Calvin L. Johnson | Bullseye

Marvel Studios
He Who Remains | Arthur Harrow

Darth Vader

Disney-Hyperion Books
Dr. Myron Ned-Grant

Video Games
Master Xehanort | Xemnas | Master of Masters | Xigbar | GO-4 | Mad Doctor | Second Sister

Mad Doctor | Donald Duck


Bill Cipher | The Black Hiver | Elsa | Emperor Belos | Friar Archibald Tuck | Goofy | Joy | Mickey Mouse | Miles Walker | Mr. Incredible | Mokey the Mouse | Prince Achmed | Romeo | The Sun | Wilford Brimley | Minnie Mouse

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Amphibia Inconsistently Heinous | Buena Vista International Inconsistently Heinous | Gargoyles Inconsistently Heinous | Gravity Falls Inconsistently Heinous | Kingdom Hearts Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Phineas and Ferb Inconsistently Heinous | Pixar Inconsistently Heinous | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | The Owl House Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous

           KH Inconsistently Heinous

Organization XIII
Master Xehanort | Xemnas | Xigbar

Disney Villains
Captain Hook | Hades | Davy Jones

Master of Masters

           Bro Inconsistently Heinous

Playable Characters

Giga Bowser | Dracula

Subspace Army

World of Light
Dharkon | Galeem

Jin Kazama



See Also
Nintendo Inconsistently Heinous
