Alright, since I've just been added to the whitelist, I'm ready to make my first ever proposal.
What's the work?
The Unfamous is a six-episode miniseries created by the Scratch user Huntedskelly. It serves as an intermission between the eighth and ninth Immersion games, also created by him, that explains what happens when Void escapes from prison. The series serves as a slight drift from the Immersion games, as it is more heavily focused on Huntedskelly (a self-insert of the creator) than the previous games' protagonists, but it is still canon to them.
Who's the candidate?
Void is the main antagonist of the series. He is a former Scratch user (originally known by his username "Diov") who felt shunned by "famous" Scratch users (by the series' definition, those with at least 1,000 followers) ignoring him and decided to enact revenge by kidnapping them and imprisoning them within his former solitary confinement cell.
(Just a heads-up: In case you get confused about the character versus the location as you read this, "Void" (capitalized) will refer to the character, while "the void" (not capitalized) will refer to the location.)
What makes him heinous?
NOTE: If you think this section looks plagiarized from Void's article on the Villains Fanon Wiki, I'm trying hard not to do that; also, if it helps, I wrote that article myself.
The first truly evil thing that Void ever did was raging to the Scratch Team, demanding that all famous users get banned. However, the Scratch Team was quick to notice that Void posed a danger to Scratch, so they banned him instead, declaring him "too unstable" for the website. At an unknown time later on, Void absorbed an unstable dimension, which nearly killed him but gave him his interdimensional dark magic superpowers. He became so powerful and dangerous, he ended up needing to get imprisoned in solitary confinement at the Naidisbo Space Prison in the void dimension.
At the end of Immersion Part 8 | The Opening, we're informed that Void has been broken out of prison by Alteration, and The Unfamous goes into detail about everything he does next. The first thing we see him doing in the series is crashing a Famous Scratchers party, where he breaks into a nightclub and begins opening portals and kidnapping anybody he can see by throwing, pushing, dragging, or sucking them into the portals, which all lead to his former confinement space. Although his main target is famous Scratch users, he is also willing to portal away any propaganda that gets thrown at him, as well as users who aren't "famous" by the series' definition that stand up and oppose him (for example, 3Robloxlover, who was the first to fight against him). He also destroys the nightclub during this attack, leaving it in ruins. Huntedskelly later arrived with a gun and started shooting at Void, but he deflected the projectiles with his dark magic shield and used it to push Huntedskelly himself into the void. He did almost get sucked into the portal, but Nicopete119jumped into the portal and threw him back out to safety. While Void was busy continuing his rampage at the nightclub, Huntedskelly escaped with some of the few survivors, namely Stickguy, Kitty497, AlexStudiosinc, and NoobyNoob1234. The news report later on confirms that Void has claimed at least 20 victims and counting, and he then continues to spread across the Scratch platform, kidnapping famous users everywhere.
Sometime later, Void recruited an unpopular user named Cheesenugget1 (off-screen) to join forces with him; we're later told that she agreed because he promised to give her fame in exchange. Void then sent his various void dimension monsters to attack Griffpatch's lair, which Cheesenugget1 was "defending" with her friends, namely ReyRexy, SilkyShark and Owlowicious. Cheesenugget1 gave her friends the idea to fight the monsters for a little while longer, then escape at the right moment; this was ultimately a trick so she could betray them. When they all climbed aboard their helicopter to escape, Cheesenugget1 turned against her friends by staying behind and breaking the platform the helicopter was on with her sword, causing them all to fall towards a portal that Void opened at that moment. Although SilkyShark and the helicopter got sucked through the portal, ReyRexy and Owlowicious survived. Cheesenugget1 then explained that her "motive" for betraying them was because they decided to save the famous Scratchers, which directly went against Void's plan. Void then supplied her with a staff that she used to knock ReyRexy and Owlowicious into the portal, causing them to get sucked into the void as well.
A while later on, Huntedskelly discovered via the help of a well-intentioned hacker named Gechurl that Void had captured so many famous users, there weren't many left; however, the most famous users he hadn't yet captured (and eventually would target) were Griffpatch, -TheGreenNinja-, -Rocket-, and -BoyMcBoy-. He formed an alliance of people who were willing to go against Void, and he sent out two rescue teams to intervene in his attacks; one team went after Griffpatch, while the other went after -Rocket-. While all this was going on, Void was attacking Mr. Melon's lair, which quickly failed because Mr. Melon was strong enough to fight back.
Later, Void showed up at Griffpatch's lair and kidnapped all five of his bodyguards, leaving him vulnerable to becoming his next victim. The rescue team that Huntedskelly sent out to save Griffpatch from Void then arrived, but Void overpowered them all with his dark magic. Griffpatch himself then decided to fight Void, which prompted Void to tell him that he failed, along with everyone to come, claiming that "Scratch needs correction". He then tried to suck Griffpatch away, but Griffpatch stopped him by placing his hammer in front of himself and, after explaining that a failure is not necessarily a mistake, he forcefully pushed Void out of his lair. This didn't stop Void, though, as soon after that, he opened a giant portal inside Griffpatch's lair, sending Griffpatch himself and the entire team sent to rescue him into the void.
Just after that, Void sent his monsters to attack -Rocket-'s lair, which is where Huntedskelly had gone with the other rescue team. The monsters attacked them all in brutal ways (among which included ramming and pouncing on top of them, shooting them in the eyes with lasers, diving from great heights to crush them, pounding and slapping them against the ground, and picking them up to drop them from great heights), which even temporarily killed Cheesedrawer before Stickguy lifted up the monster that crushed him. However, it wasn't long before -Rocket- showed up with a rocket launcher that he used to kill most of the monsters, lessening the danger they were in at the moment.
Meanwhile, Sharkyshar, one of the people Void had imprisoned in his former confinement space, formulated a plan to send one person out of the void and help drive Void back from his actions. One person (whose name I cannot find within the project's files) volunteered, but we're then told that he previously fought Void many hours ago, but Void was much more powerful than him, so he easily got pushed into the void. Then another user named Mergedimentions volunteered because he didn't fight Void at all and only wound up in the void because he jumped in to save his friend, which failed because they both got sucked through the portal. They sent Mergedimentions out of the void just as Void had arrived at -BoyMcBoy-'s lair and was preparing to abduct him. (For context, I'll add that -BoyMcBoy- tried to fight against Void with only the use of a makeshift sword and shield made using the rectangle tool and ellipse tool, respectively, as Void tried to blast him to the ground before sucking him away; Void eventually trapped him in a bubble that drained his strength until he was too weak to keep fighting.) Void was about to send -BoyMcBoy- into the void when Mergedimentions arrived and saved him before getting away. After that, Void captured -TheGreenNinja-, who was defenseless and roaming about on the streets instead of trying to defend himself at his lair.
Later, at -TheGreenNinja-'s lair, Huntedskelly and his team (which had expanded due to them recruiting two other teams; one made by Huntedskelly's friend, Pumpkin Boy, and another made by a highly skilled and yet not very popular user named Walle10-0) devised a plan for one of their new recruits, Blahsblah, to impersonate -TheGreenNinja- to lure Void in before Huntedskelly, -Rocket-, and -BoyMcBoy- distracted him, giving everyone else time to fight off his monsters. When they executed the plan, however, it backfired horribly because they didn't know that Void had already kidnapped -TheGreenNinja-; Void promptly kidnapped Blahsblah even though he wouldn't have targeted him otherwise, blatantly ignoring his begs to not capture him, and ordered his monsters to attack and "leave no survivors". Huntedskelly, -Rocket-, and -BoyMcBoy- then fought Void using their weapons, but Void used his superpowers to dodge their attacks and deflect them back at them with murderous intentions. He also badly injured -Rocket- by blasting him a few times, then tried to deliver the coup de grâce by making one of his laser-shooting monsters burn him to death; however, -BoyMcBoy- stepped in and killed the monster. Void then blasted -BoyMcBoy- and possessed him, forcing him to harm himself by pummeling himself against the ground, then blasted him again so he would be too weak to keep fighting. Huntedskelly tried to fight back, followed by -BoyMcBoy- and -Rocket- once they recovered, but Void destroyed all of their weapons and pinned them all to the ground. He tried to send them all into the void; however, Huntedskelly was ready, so he ordered his comrades, who had already defeated Void's army of monsters, to bring in the kill code they had created to close off the void and free everyone imprisoned inside. Walle10-0 passed the kill code to Crystal_Mage, who passed it to GrapheneGraphics, who passed it to Vortech-, who passed it to Stickguy; Stickguy threw the kill code at the portal leading to the void, but then Cheesenugget1 showed up and destroyed the kill code with her sword. Lacking any interventions, Void then dragged -Rocket- and -BoyMcBoy- into the void, along with almost the entire squad.
After this, Void explained to Huntedskelly that he hates famous Scratchers because they take all the attention away from other, less popular users, and, declaring that he disgusts him, tried to drag Huntedskelly into the void as well. But then Erif showed up, decoded the portal, and fought Void alongside Pumpkin Boy as Huntedskelly escaped. While they were fighting, Walle10-0 sent a remotely controlled droid out of the void to inform Huntedskelly and the remaining the survivors (consisting only of AlexStudiosinc, Mcgullicuty, and Dbedolla22) that they don't need a kill code to close off the void; they just need to overload it with a cloning script.
Before long, Void managed to overpower both Pumpkin Boy and Erif, and they both got thrown into the void. He then went around looking for Huntedskelly, who was busy initiating the cloning script needed to overload the void. After Huntedskelly finished, he came out of hiding, which prompted Void to blast him to the ground. He then tried to kill Huntedskelly by crushing him with a slab of concrete, but Huntedskelly cut through it with his sword; this prompted Void to crush the sword in his bare hand, leaving Huntedskelly defenseless. With some help from AlexStudiosinc, Mcgullicuty, and Dbedolla22, Huntedskelly manipulated Void into blasting a help message into the stratosphere. The help message summoned an ex-Scratch user named IrrationalMango (previously GoldenEagleStudios), who had retired to YouTube and therefore was resistant to Void's superpowers because they were all based around Scratch code. Frustrated that IrrationalMango would be a tough target, Void sent his monsters to attack him and teleported to Huntedskelly, who was piecing the cloning script together. He tried sniping him with one of his pointed projectiles, but AlexStudiosinc took the fall instead, causing him to get weakened and sucked into the void. Void then also dragged Dbedolla22 into the void, then finally sucked away Huntedskelly. However, Huntedskelly had thrown part of the cloning script to Mcgullicuty, who dove into the void as IrrationalMango held the portal open. Once Mcgullicuty entered the void, Huntedskelly executed the cloning script, causing Mcgullicuty to get cloned so many times, it completely overloaded the void, crashed it, and freed everyone who was imprisoned inside.
Even with everyone freed, Void was not willing to admit defeat, so he ordered his monsters to attack again, and he even laid out some attacks himself, like thrusting Mergedimentions backwards into a wall, flipping over a car while someone was driving it, and summoning tentacles to pin IrrationalMango to the ground. It didn't take long before Stickguy knocked Void down and Huntedskelly pinned him to the ground, warning him to stay down. However, this only prompted Void to tell him that because he had overloaded the void with the cloning script, he had actually restarted it (effectively restoring it to its full amount of uncontrollable power), and that he was now about to blow it up. The void then began ripping through the main dimension, and Void decided that if his destiny was not to bring about balance among recognition of Scratchers (since that had failed), then it was to bring forth the end. Erif then informed Huntedskelly that he had inadvertently "ignited a bomb" set to kill them all, and after Void mocked him for a brief moment, Huntedskelly decided that he would rather spend his final moments fighting Void to the death than anything else. He then pushed Void into a rift, causing them both to wind up in the restarting void dimension. They spent some brief time fighting, but Void won the battle.
They then arrived at the void's nexus, which was now at its full size and due to blow up at any minute. Void explained that the nexus would explode regardless of what he did, and even though this inherently meant that he could not win, he was perfectly fine with letting the impending omnicide happen because it meant that Huntedskelly and everyone else who opposed him would lose. He then openly dissed Huntedskelly and all other famous Scratchers, declaring that his ulterior motive was to get revenge on them so they get the message to stop treating non-popular users unfairly by ignoring them. Anything he does beyond this moment is not villainous.
What makes him inconsistent?
For starters, it should be noted that Void is genuinely tragic and has a sympathetic backstory. He was once an ordinary Scratch user who simply wanted people to notice his favorite project that he made because he felt that it wasn't getting enough views. He even tried to advertise it, but got rudely called out for it, which is what sent him spiraling into depression and eventually led him down the dangerous path of villainy that he chose. Although he claims to not be fame-hungry, I have a feeling he may actually be somewhat insecure, given that he does hypocritical things (elaborated below).
There are also a few comedic moments that detract from his villainy, such as him confusedly staring at a coffee cup as Huntedskelly throws it across the room, Starstriker3000 slowly calling him an ugly blueberry before saying he won't come up with insults on the file, and Huntedskelly making him look behind himself, only for him to realize seconds later that he was stalling him.
Finally, the biggest thing that can't make him go any higher is that he redeems himself at the very end of the series. Void did reject lots of offers of redemption in his final moments, but the one that got him to finally redeem himself is when Huntedskelly told him that he had a purpose (despite his claims that he no longer had one) and simply needed to find it. Because he was the only person who managed to successfully absorb the void in the past, he gained everyone else's trust to stop the nexus from exploding, which effectively caused him to gain sympathy for Scratch. He decided that it deserved another chance, and once Huntedskelly decided to take matters into his own hands, Void made him stand down, declaring that he had finally found his purpose. He then made everyone leave the void and faced the nexus head-on by himself, taking his life in the process while preventing the omnicide he almost let happen on his own accord. Huntedskelly even went on to later say that Void died a hero.
Heinous standards
Since The Unfamous is canon to the Immersion games, it's useful to look at them as well.
Immersion has some average-level Heinous Standards, with a clean balance of villains who do and don't pass the baseline. Now, in terms of who Void should be compared to, there are only two other villains who have posed a threat to Scratch as a whole: Nepo and Alteration.
Now, although Alteration has been characterized as the most dangerous person under the Scratch Team's containment, he has issues with insufficient characterization and Fridge Horror that prevent him from meeting the baseline, so it feels safe to assume that Void stands out relative to him.
As for Nepo, he attempted a terrorist attack on Scratch with his 1.4 Tribe, which we're told has the goal of reverting Scratch all the way back to the 1.4 era. He has fewer resources than Void, but I believe that Void uses his higher resources to his advantage; Nepo also has a few issues with Fridge Horror (albeit just enough that I think he could qualify as NPE at the maximum) because we aren't outright told how badly the 1.4 Tribe's attack on Scratch would affect it; for all we know, he could be leaving the users alone (likely except for those who oppose him) while simply downgrading the code. Void, on the other hand, is a direct threat to the users of Scratch, whether they oppose him or not, and even though he didn't cause the near omnicide that would have destroyed all of Scratch, he was still more than willing to take responsibility for it and let it happen. Crimes like these are worse than anything Nepo has ever attempted, so I believe Void also stands out relative to him.
In terms of other things to consider, Void has a very clearly established moral agency because he primarily targets famous users; those with under 1,000 followers don't really attract his attention, so he leaves them alone. He is, however, quite explicitly a hypocrite because he claims that he longs for proper treatment of less popular Scratchers, and yet he still sends "unpopular" users like Walle10-0 into the void— the same punishment he's carrying out for "famous" users— if they fight against him.
I'm probably looking at a hard yes for this guy.