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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

Now I know what I'm working toward. To create a world without All Might and to prove how fragile society's sense of safety really is. That's what drives me. From this day forward, I will call it my conviction. [...] Everything is All Might's fault.
~ Tomura Shigaraki establishing his main goal.
My mind's empty beyond those flashes and fragments, and yet... there's a heaviness in my heart. Like a lump of lead, never moving. Fueling the rage that propels me, but never brings relief. Even if we bring down hero society... even if I rule the ruins from the shadows.. that lead will be with me all my life. That's why I despise all in existence. All that lives and breathes. Presses on the weight in my soul. So then, why shouldn't I destroy it? Why must I suffer it? When this world falls, we'll see the glorious new horizon that awaits. So why not lend me a hand? I'll show you the holes of Heaven, and the depths of Hell.
~ Tomura Shigaraki explaining his love of chaos and destruction to Daruma Ujiko.
I've got no need for One For All. Did you think you had everything under control? Unlike those flip-flopping screw ups, my heart ain't wavering. Everything I witnessed in this world of ours led to the existence of that house. As Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura, I've got just one hope. The destruction of everything stemming from that house. That's the only thing that's gonna save me, hero.
~ Tomura finally breaking free from All For One's control and accepting his role as the big villain.

Tenko Shimura, better known as Tomura Shigaraki, is the main antagonist of the My Hero Academia franchise.

He is the leader of the League of Villains, the former protégé of All For One, and the arch-nemesis and evil counterpart of Izuku Midoriya/Deku. He is also the son of the late Kotaro Shimura, making him the grandson of the late Nana Shimura.

He is a powerful and dangerous villain, with a main goal of becoming Japan's next great villain and destroying everything in his path. Following his fight with the Meta Liberation Army, he combines his organization with theirs, thus becoming the grand commander of the Paranormal Liberation Front.

He is voiced by Kōki Uchiyama, who also voiced Rui in Demon Slayer, Meruem in Hunter X Hunter, Arisa Sekine as a child in Japanese, and Eric Vale and Emily Fajardo as a child in the English.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

In General[]

  • Although he isn't wrong about corruption within the hero society, his goal of destroying all of it for the sake of starting a new one is rather twisted, to say the least.
  • While his preventions keep him from being close to being a complete monster, he got progressively worse as the series continued, staying true to his goal and resorting to more heinous measures, no matter the cost.
  • He's notably the only villain in the series to be a full-on omnicidal maniac, with his ultimate goal being destroying the whole world and rebuilding it as he and his friends see fit.
  • Although he had a few comedic moments like saying once All Might came there would be a ”continue” coming up, him killing a hero for his cape because he was cold, or using Re-Destro to buy sushi and a villa for his friends, none of these moments detract from his heinousness, and he's taken completely seriously by the time of the Final War.
  • While a few of his victims, such as his father and Nine, arguably deserved their fates, he still killed them in a brutal fashion and out of revenge.
  • Even though he's not the moral rank antithesis of Izuku, who is Pure Good, he is the villainous antithesis of him, with his antagonistic role and beliefs at odds with Izuku, making them arguably the biggest archenemies for each other in the morality conflict of the series.


  • When Decay, the Quirk that All For One gave him, manifested, he willingly murdered his father as revenge for the abuse he put him through before destroying his home, although one can argue he had it coming.
  • He killed two thugs who attacked him earlier after All For One encouraged him to do so.
  • He formed the League of Villains in an attempt to become Japan's next greatest villain.

U.S.J Arc[]

  • In an attempt to kill All Might, Tomura launched an attack on the U.A. U.S.J facility, endangering the lives of several students and even trying to kill some to draw All Might out.
  • Attacked Eraser Head after deducing his weakness and decayed his shoulder, restraining him enough time for the Nomu to attack him.
  • Upon noticing students observing, he mercilessly tried to decay Tsuyu Asui, even though she wasn't involved in his goals.
  • Threatened Kurogiri out of anger for him allowing Tenya to escape.

Vs. Hero Killer Arc[]

  • Tried to recruit Stain into the league after taking notice of his activities, and even Stain called him out for not having a genuine goal and just wanting to senselessly destroy.
  • When Stain showed admiration for All Might, Shigaraki attempted to kill him by launching several Nomus into Hosu City while also killing several innocent people in the process.

Final Exams Arc[]

  • He tried to kill Himiko Toga and Dabi for choosing to support Stain instead of him.
  • Took Izuku hostage in a mall and threatened to kill him if he asked for help or tried to escape, while sadistically explaining how he would kill him.
  • Found his motivation and drive to kill All Might when he meets Izuku Midoriya in a mall after threatening to kill around 20 to 30 people if Izuku doesn't talk with him.

Forest Training Camp Arc[]

  • Had the Vanguard Action Squad attack the U.A training camp and kidnap Katsuki while ordering them to try and kill Izuku and Shoto, leaving several students seriously damaged by poisonous gas.
    • These events would lead to All Might's second battle with All for One and eventual retirement.

Hideout Raid Arc[]

  • Tried to convince Katsuki Bakugo to join the League of Villains.

Shie Hassaikai Arc[]

  • He allowed Overhaul to have Twice and Toga participate in his operation and to help prevent the heroes from retrieving Eri, while also doubling as agents to foil Overhaul's plans and steal the Quirk erasing bullets from him for his own use.
  • Attacked Overhaul's transport to jail (in the manga, killing a police officer in the process) and proceeded to brutally mutilate him, decaying and severing his right arm (while having Mr. Compress compress the left), leaving Overhaul a broken, Quirkless man (although Overhaul absolutely deserved it since he was a hypocritical, vile sociopath and child torturer) and leaving him unable to ever heal his boss from his coma (though this part was unknown to Tomura).

Meta Liberation Army Arc[]

  • Alongside the rest of the League, he murdered the Creature Rejection Clan. Although they were a racist and dangerous cult, he went too far and only killed them so he could use their hideout or steal what they had.
  • Manipulated Gigantomachia to attack the Meta Liberation Army, another villain group, while he takes out their leader, Re-Destro, after killing several members of the group in battle.

Heroes Rising[]

  • Killed Nine for no reason (even though he did deserve it) after he's defeated by Izuku and Katsuki. He also didn't kill him out of standards or because of his evil deeds.

Paranormal Liberation War Arc[]

  • He started the Paranormal Liberation War, an event that caused the collapse of Hero Society and thousands of deaths, putting Japan into a state of misery.
    • This also serves as a catalyst for Midoriya to try to run away from his loved ones out of concern for their safety.
  • Unleashed a decaying wave that destroyed one third of Jaku City and murdered several Pro Heroes such as X-less and Crust, as well as many other civilians, while almost killing many other Pro Heroes, forcing some of them to amputate their limbs to survive.
  • Nearly decayed Ryukyu.
  • Told his High-End Nomus to kill everyone they saw on the surface, leading to dozens of Pro Heroes being killed in battle.
  • Seriously injured Endeavor.
  • Maimed Gran Torino, who is an elderly man, which nearly kills him.
  • Shot a Quirk erasing bullet at Eraser Head, causing him to cut his own leg off before leaping at him and gouging his eye out.
  • Stabbed Katsuki while trying to impale Izuku and badly injured the latter in their fight.
  • Joins All for One to attempt to steal One for All from Izuku.

Final War Arc[]

  • After breaking free of All for One’s influence, he decided to stop trying to steal One for All and just flat-out kill Izuku (the only person in the world with the power to defeat him), with the latter taking him off of U.A. High so he wouldn’t decay everyone there.
  • Used his Decay deep down to destroy a portion of Shizuoka Prefecture, causing flooding and likely killing many innocents. Additionally, he announced his intentions to destroy all of Japan, which would kill millions of people.
  • After All for One's demise, Tomura managed to steal the Danger Sense Quirk from Izuku within One for All.
  • While he doesn't wish to possess One For All, he states that he will take it if it makes it easier to kill Izuku.
  • He kept on using his fingers to destroy everything around him while also trying to kill Izuku as he chases him through the country and denies his attempts to reach out to him, laughing at the notion of Izuku still seeing him as a human being and claiming he's gone beyond that.
  • Being able to see the Vestiges of One For All, he declared that he'd destroy all of them before they had a chance to escape.
  • He decided to keep on destroying until there was nowhere left to run, starting with Mt. Fuji, despite the danger to everyone, including himself, as decaying Mt. Fuji would cause it to explode. The Vestiges also reveal that he had Deku chase him there on purpose and that he has become "destruction incarnate".
  • Upon realizing Izuku's plan to transfer the vestiges to him, he began to reject them through sheer will alone.
  • When Izuku finally pierced through his soul and arrived in his mind, he used his own perception of him to threaten and discourage him, even spawning in a truck to try and kill him.
  • Upon realizing their thoughts can take solid form and harm each other, he used his and Izuku's memories of Stain, Overhaul, and Re-Destro to attack him and prevent him from reaching his core.
  • Even in his final moments after helping Deku and the former One For All users defeat All For One, he didn't apologize for his crimes and was only upset about the fact that he was unable to destroy anything.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is far too tragic for anything but Inconsistently Heinous, even if he didn’t have redemptive qualities to speak of. His backstory is that he was abused by his father due to loving heroes and wanting to be one, while none of his family protected him from the abuse. The abuse from his father made him grow up learning nothing but violence. When his Quirk manifested, he ended up accidentally killing them all and destroying his home, with his only intentional kill—his father—being because of the abuse he suffered at his hands. At this point, he was only a 5-year old child who had to watch this happen which was definitely super traumatizing for a child. Nobody in Hero Society came to help him when he was left alone on the streets, except of course All For One, the last person that should've helped him, leading him to raise Tenko to be a villain and turn him into who he became eventually when he found him, not even caring about him and only wanting to use him as a vessel/tool for hatred to possess him and steal One For All.
    • Even Deku wants to save him because of this—not the monster that is Tomura Shigaraki, but instead the boy that is Tenko Shimura (whose crying vestige as a little child still exists in the vestige world, calling out for Deku and desperate to be saved).
    • His tragedy is only exacerbated when it turns out All For One had literally orchestrated every event in his life — convincing Kotaro Shimura to have a second child, stealing Tenko's original Quirk and giving him Decay, which caused his family's death — meaning that Tomura never had a chance in a happy life and was doomed to be All For One's pawn.
    • He is eventually revealed to have sympathetic insecurities, as when Deku successfully reached through to him and got him to stop fighting, Shigaraki revealed he deluded himself into thinking he willingly killed his family because he couldn’t understand why he was born this way otherwise and that he needed to remain a villain so he could be the "hero for the other villains".
  • He cares for several people:
    • While he was irritated with them at first, Shigaraki eventually grew to appreciate the League of Villains as friends.
      • This is shown when he got angry when Overhaul killed Magne and injured Compress, with him quickly trying to kill Overhaul as retribution for this.
      • He even expresses genuine faith in Himiko and Twice in the process when they go to sabotage Overhaul.
      • He even states he has no need for his own future and only wants the League to live how they see fit, and while he wants to destroy everything he despises, his allies' wishes are the only exceptions to this goal.
      • When he defeats the Meta Liberation Army and turns it into the Paranormal Liberation Front, he gives his allies platters of sushi, gives Mr. Compress a new arm, and lets them live in a fancy villa.
      • During the final fight with Midoriya, he mentions his intent to destroy because “Spinner was totally looking forward to that flattened horizon I’m gonna build." Later on, he explains to Deku that he continues to destroy so that he can be "the hero to the villains," showing his friends are at the forefront of his mind, expressing genuine sadness at Kurogiri's death, and ultimately spending his last moments asking Deku to tell Spinner that Shigaraki fought to the very end.
    • He instantly regretted killing his mother, sister and grandparents by accident during the night his home was destroyed. In the vestige world, he holds no grudge against his sister for telling their dad about the picture and even turns back into a child in front of his mother, proving part of him still cares for them.
    • He remembers and still likes his childhood friends, Mikkun and Tomo, and childhood pet dog, Mon, as when Mirio says he lacks friends, Shigaraki lashes out and says their names as proof he has friends. He is also shown to mention Mikkun and Tomo in his backstory to his mother of how they told him to become a hero like All Might.
    • He develops some genuine degree of respect towards Deku as the series progresses, especially during their final fight, relenting from decaying him after the latter breaks into his mind and gives him comfort by destroying his hatred, opening up to him in a gentle manner about his desire to be a hero for the villains and later sincerely encouraging him to make a better society. His ghost is even seen smiling at him in approval on the final page of the manga when Deku becomes a hero again.
    • He also shows some respect for Eraser Head, calling him a "badass" a few times throughout their encounters. Though he says he was disappointed in Eraser Head for letting Bakugo die, this isn't a full subversion, as during the final battle, Eraser Head is the only hero Tomura calls by his hero name, showing he still has some respect for him.
  • He is proven to have some standards:
    • One of the reasons that Shigaraki betrayed Overhaul was that even he was appalled at how Overhaul treated his minions, such as using one of his men as a human shield or calling him out for his hypocrisy in eliminating Quirks, yet he has one of his own.
    • During the League's attack on the U.A. training camp, he claims that teamwork is a strength, he views his comrades as reliable with real strength, and he refuses to manipulate his teammates.
    • He hated the Creature Rejection Clan due to his disgust for their bigotry against heteromorphic Quirk wielders and was also disgusted by the Meta Liberation Army for messing with Twice's (one of his teammates) fear of cloning, expressing anger at them for "toying with people's hearts."
  • It's heavily implied that he began to feel remorse for his actions once All For One revealed he gave him Decay. He flashes back to everyone he’s ever harmed as his vestige disintegrates, realizing in horror that he wasn’t born a monster and could’ve become a hero if not for All For One.
  • After his grandmother Nana's vestige saves him from destruction, Tomura (or rather, Tenko) obtains partial redemption by helping Deku and the former One For All users defeat All For One once and for all, upon which he admits Deku was right about him being just a crying boy who wanted to be stopped and asks him to comfort Spinner if he's still alive before finally dying and telling him to do his best with a genuine smile on his face. While it's not a full redemption and it doesn’t make him on and off, as he laments that he wasn't able to destroy anything rather than regretting his actions, and it's a one-time switch to the side of good, it's still a very sympathetic end that shows he has respect for Deku.

External Links[]


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