Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
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Peace is about co-existance. And Outworld's repeated dismissals to reach a non-violent accord between our two realms has forced us to employ military action. Our mission is to end the conflict in Outworld and let these people finally peace.
~ Raiden

Raiden is the main antagonist of the YouTube video Secret History of Mortal Kombat by mashed. He is the Earthrealm's psy-ops commander, responsible for the propaganda campaign with the goal of demonising the Outworlders to justify the invasion of their realm by the Earthrealm's army.

He was voiced by Mick Lauer (most commonly known as RicePirate).

His Evil Ranking[]

Debated Validations[]

  • He is implied to have some sort of respect for Kano since he allowed him to live upon meeting him again. However, this could have just been out of pragmatism so he can continue to portray himself as a hero.

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Unlike his canon version, who is an extremist but still has the best intentions at heart, this Raiden doesn't care for the people of Earthrealm he is supposed to protect, referring to them as "sheep" and having his subordinates kill dozens of them to further his goals.
  • He and his subordinates orchestrated an operation codenamed "Mortal Kombat" for the sole purpose of justifying the invasion of the Outworld. Said operation involved:
    • A complete takeover of mass media so that it would portray Outworlders as barbarians and warmongers, effectively dehumanizing them.
    • False-flag attacks, such as terrorist bombings, which caused dozens of deaths, that were blamed on the Outworld.
    • While not seen, Goro in his conversation with Noob Saibot claims that threats like wizards, warlords and robots were also involved in this campaign, likely causing even more deaths and destruction.
  • His Operation "Mortal Kombat" plan succeeded in justifying the subsequent invasion of the Outworld, where the Earthrealm army stole the realm's resources and murdered the locals, often in brutal ways as seen in one of the photos obtained by Kano. While Raiden isn't shown taking part in any of this directly, he is still responsible for making it all happen, yet he shows no remorse about it, implying that he supported and even encouraged these actions.
  • When Kano was caught trying to reveal the evidence of atrocities committed by Earthrealm's forces, Raiden ordered Sonya to "finish him", which she complied with, although Kano ended up surviving.
  • Despite Sonya and Raiden arguing that the invasion of the Outworld was necessary to provide the Earthrealm with resources it needed to survive, there's no evidence to support their claims, and even if they are true, they were never shown trying to find a peaceful solution with nothing hinting at it being impossible. Additionally, Raiden mentions having profitted off the war, which, combined with his treatment of Earthrealmers, hints at his goals being selfish at core.
  • The video ends with him still at large and the war he started ongoing, and while Kano can still reveal the truth about it, it's possible that he chose not to after Raiden told him what his lies meant for the Earthrealm.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • The entire Secret Histories series is a parody, meaning everything in it, including Raiden, is played for black comedy.


  • He, Dark Kahn, and One Being are the only three Mortal Kombat Inconsistently Heinous so far.
    • Out of them, Raiden is the only one to come from a fan work.


           Kombat2 MortalKombat Inconsistently Heinous Kombat2

Dark Kahn | One Being

Guest Star Villains
Deathstroke | Jason Voorhees | Kratos | Leatherface | Rambo | Terminator | Omni-Man

Raiden (Secret History)


           Image-removebg-preview (39) Inconsistently Heinous

Cuphead and Mugman | The Devil | Dr. Thomas Light | Jerry | Mario | Raiden

The Wizards

See Also
Mashed Inconsistently Heinous

           Mashed Logo-removebg-preview Mashed logo   Inconsistently Heinous

Stand-Alone Videos
Mario | Yoshzilla

Secret History
Mario | Raiden | Dr. Thomas Light | Cuphead and Mugman | The Devil | Jerry

Cartoon Nightmare
Postman Pat

Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers
Luigi (Mario and Luigi: Super Anime Brothers)

The Cursed Cap Saga
Waluigi | Wario

Luigi's Lament
Bowser | Luigi

The Wizards

See Also
Secret History Inconsistently Heinous
