Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

This Inconsistently Heinous was Headlined on July 2024.

This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

Hear me, Krabs, when I discover your formula for Krabby Patties, I'll run you out of business! I WENT TO COLLEGE!
~ Plankton's first quote.
But it's becoming increasingly obvious. I can deny it no longer! I am small.
~ Plankton's most famous quote.
You wanna fight over this recipe? I'll give you a fight you'll never forget!
~ Plankton ending his friendship with Mr. Krabs, foreshadowing their long-lasting rivalry.

Sheldon J. Plankton, better known as Plankton, is the main antagonist of Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants franchise.

He is the owner of an unsuccessful restaurant called the Chum Bucket who is constantly seeking (and always failing) to obtain his former best friend and business rival Mr. Krabs' secret recipe for Krabby Patties in order to expand his business and eventually take over the world. He's also the former best friend turned business rival and archenemy of Mr. Krabs, as well as the archenemy of SpongeBob SquarePants.

He is voiced by Doug Lawrence. In the musical adaptation, he was portrayed by Wesley Taylor.

His Evil Rankings[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

In General/Background[]

  • He constantly attempts to run Mr. Krabs out of business by stealing the Krabby Patty secret formula.
  • Many of his schemes specifically include trying to kill Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob, as well as frequently endangering innocent people.
  • He regularly admits that he loves being evil, even rejecting redemption for his first instance stating he would never give up villainy for anything.
  • While he does care about his wife, Karen, this hasn't stopped him from mistreating and even showing his selfishness to her at times.
  • Even when he was young, as shown in "Friend or Foe", he dismissed Old Man Jenkins getting food poisoning with the excuse that "he is an old man", presuming it was what made him more vulnerable, proving he also knew of the health risks. Following such, he even had the nerve to blame the also young Krabs for it.
    • In the same episode, he struck a nerve by calling Krabs "Rag Boy", mirroring what he took up calling him after their falling out when they were young.
  • Even though he is shown to have had an extremely tragic upbringing, having lived in poverty and dealing with bullying, with his ancestors also being eaten by whales, it eventually becomes an absurdly lowly excuse to justify his actions.
  • Even though chum is the only piece of the secret formula he got, he still promotes chum eating, and due to most of the Bikini Bottom citizens being fish, this means he promotes cannibalism.

TV Series and Movies[]

  • In "Plankton!", he tries to steal a Krabby Patty and when that doesn't work he tries to trick SpongeBob into giving him one by giving him a Golden Spatula as a gift and trying to convince him that they are friends. Additionally, during his conversation with SpongeBob he litters by tossing a cake on the street.
    • When SpongeBob refuses to give him a Krabby Patty he sneaks into his house and takes control of his brain so that he would steal a Krabby Patty and bring it back to the Chum Bucket against his will. Additionally, during this process he breaks into Squidward's house and verbally assaults him, and also breaks into Patrick's house and tosses him.
    • He also attempts to force SpongeBob to gently release the patty into his analysis machine, with him even asking “any last words?” in the most sarcastic and cruel tone he could muster at the time.
  • In "Culture Shock", he pretends to be a magician for the Krusty Krab talent show and tries to run off with a Krabby Patty that he takes from a fish in the audience, and then after Mr. Krabs stops him he tries to use a magic trick to disappear, but he instead ends up burning himself and a bit of the floor.
  • In "F.U.N.", he tricks SpongeBob into thinking that he was his friend and that he changed his ways so that he can finally get his hands on a Krabby Patty. Additionally, after SpongeBob finds out that Plankton stole a Krabby Patty he tells him that all he ever wanted was friendship, only to then admit that he didn't actually want that because being evil is too much fun.
  • In "Walking Small", he tries to turn Goo Lagoon into the new site for "The Chum Bucket Mega Bucket", and he also manipulates SpongeBob into driving the beachgoers away from the beach.
  • In "Imitation Krabs", he disguised himself as a robotic salesman and tried to get SpongeBob to tell him the secret formula by offering to give him $100000, and when SpongeBob says that the formula is the property of Mr. Krabs and that it may not be divulged, Plankton gets furious and threatens SpongeBob with violence.
    • Later in the same episode, he uses a robotic duplicate of Mr. Krabs to trick SpongeBob into giving him the secret formula, and also distracts the real Mr. Krabs with a penny so that he wouldn't get in his way. This plan would have actually worked if it wasn't for the fact that he installed a self-destruct system. This is due to everyone (even Mr. Krabs and Squidward who knew it was a fake Mr. Krabs) not knowing it was Plankton until the end of the episode and SpongeBob thinking it was actually Mr. Krabs until the end of the episode when the robot self-destructed when SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs found out it was him and figured out the entire scheme.
  • In "Welcome to the Chum Bucket", he cheated in a game of cards so he could have SpongeBob working for him. He later forced SpongeBob to make a Krabby Patty by threatening to put his brain inside a robot duplicate of himself, which he succeeded in. However, SpongeBob still disobeyed Plankton after this.
  • In "The Fry Cook Games", both he and Mr. Krabs pitted SpongeBob and Patrick against each other and made them hate each other just to win the games. Plankton even says at the end of the episode he wanted SpongeBob and Patrick to kill each other.
  • In "The Algae's Always Greener", he hides inside a ketchup bottle so that he can get a Krabby Patty, then after that fails he uses a machine called the Transmogrifier to switch lives with Mr. Krabs due to being jealous of his success.
  • In "Plankton's Army", he tries to steal the formula by using a robot to buy coral bits with a dollar and then jumping out of the dollar and demanding Mr. Krabs to give him the formula, then after that fails he tries to hire some henchmen to help him get the formula, and when that also fails he calls his extended family and teams up with them to get the formula.
    • He and his cousins break into the Krusty Krab, beat up Mr. Krabs and Squidward, trap them in a toilet, and torture Mr. Krabs by flushing the toilet, which causes him to spin around.
    • He manages to actually get his hands on the formula after his cousins figure out the combination to the safe and open it, however, Plankton ran away when he found out that one of the ingredients was ground up Plankton (however this wasn't true as the recipe Plankton had was actually a fake one Krabs made).
  • In "The Sponge Who Could Fly", he asked SpongeBob to spread the word of evil.
  • By far his most heinous role was in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie for several reasons:
    • He stole King Neptune's crown and framed Mr. Krabs in the process, resulting in him only being spared a 6-day stay of execution.
      • While Mr. Krabs was no better than Plankton (even if Krabs himself did nothing wrong in this scenario), this is nowhere near a mitigating factor on Plankton's part. This is mainly because nobody treats Krabs' execution like a good thing in-universe: with SpongeBob himself coming into his defense against King Neptune after snapping out of his drunken state despite calling his boss out for not getting the promotion of being manager, Squidward eventually realizes that this is all part of Plankton's scheme after noticing that he is selling Krabby Patties at the Chum Bucket and seeing that everybody was wearing bucket helmets everywhere in Bikini Bottom, with him even threatening Plankton that he would report him to King Neptune for his crimes, and Mindy being in total horror that her father was finally going to kill Krabs permanently after his 6-day stay of execution was up after she annoyed him too much by "stalling" him.
      • What makes this worse is that Mr. Krabs was still conscious while frozen, meaning that Plankton ended up getting him condemned to a fate worse than death for six days straight.
    • He lies to Perch Perkins after getting the secret formula by telling him that Mr. Krabs gave him his blessing to sell the Krabby Patties at the Chum Bucket to "[not] let the flame die out", just to hide his true nature.
    • To take out SpongeBob and Patrick, he hires a mercenary by the name of Dennis, making him responsible for him ripping the mouths off of Floyd and Lloyd and apparently killing Victor by punching him into The Thug Tug. Additionally, his dialogue of describing him to Karen as a "vicious, cold-blooded predator" shows that he's aware of how much of a dangerous monster he really is.
      • Despite hiring him, it's made clear that Plankton doesn't care about him as he only views him as a pawn to get rid of SpongeBob and Patrick entirely. He also doesn't even blow a fume when he finds out that Dennis failed him to kill both of them after they succeed in bringing back King Neptune's crown.
    • He mind-controlled and enslaved everybody in Bikini Bottom after Squidward found out that he gained the Krabby Patty secret formula, and he forces them to do labor constantly without any break at all, while using a whip to abuse them with to make them "move faster".
      • Judging by the Bikini Bottom citizens' reactions when they were freed by SpongeBob near the end of the film, it's likely that they were fully conscious during the brainwashing, making this a fate worse than death.
      • Additionally, some of the people shown getting mind-controlled were two babies, a young boy, and Gary, showing that he's even willingly to do this to children and pets.
    • In easily one of his most cruel moments, he eagerly prepares to witness Krabs be executed by getting burned to death. What makes this even more repulsive is that Plankton and Krabs used to be best friends as kids. It should also be noted that the fire blasts from Neptune’s trident are shown to be extremely painful. As such, it would have been an agonizing execution for Mr. Krabs, making Plankton’s eagerness to see it done to him even more cruel in tone.
    • He mind-controlled Neptune as a ploy to take over the seas for himself and enslave everyone.
    • He and his mind-controlled slaves corner SpongeBob, Patrick, and Princess Mindy, and he would have succeeded in having Neptune kill the trio if he didn't stop to mock SpongeBob about being a "stupid kid".
    • After his defeat, he tried to fake remorse to make everyone think he was just joking around before ultimately threatening them that he would destroy them all after he was taken to prison for his crimes.
    • Unlike most of his other roles, this is by far his most serious and nightmarish one yet.
  • In "Fear of a Krabby Patty", he makes the Chum Bucket open 23 hours a day so that the Krusty Krab is open 24 hours in a bid to tire out SpongeBob. He then orders 10,000 Krabby Patties under a fake name to drive SpongeBob to exhaustion (though this also fooled Mr. Krabs due to him also being sleep deprived since he opened it for 24 hours himself), causing him to hallucinate giant Krabby Patties, then impersonates a psychologist to get the Krabby Patty formula which fails though SpongeBob completely fell for it due to him accidentally sleeping and Plankton attempting to wake him up even using loud obnoxious noises to do so failing every time.
  • In "Krabs vs. Plankton", after slipping on a wet floor he pretends to be injured and tries to sue Mr. Krabs in court for everything he's got, including the Krabby Patty secret formula, and he even tells a fake story to the jury to earn sympathy so that he can win the case.
  • In "Enemy In-Law", he used a giant robot to kidnap a bunch of people and take them to the Chum Bucket.
    • He falls in love with Mr. Krabs' mother and while he did initially have genuine romantic interest in her, after Mr. Krabs tells him that she knows the secret formula, Plankton decides to marry her just so he can finally gets his hands on the formula. It's also shown that he was using cameras to spy on her.
      • He also ends up abandoning Karen and tells her that she isn't his wife and is actually his W.I.F.E. (Wired Integrated Female Electroencephalograph), and he even shuts her off.
  • In "Wishing You Well", he tosses a coin down the Eugene Krabs Memorial Wishing Well and wishes to be tall enough to be able to crush his enemies, and additionally, when his wish comes true at the end of the episode, he proceeds to destroy some buildings.
  • In "New Leaf", he comes up with a convoluted plan that involves him pretending to change his ways, opening a gift shop, and pretending to befriend Mr. Krabs so that he will give him the formula. At first it seemed like the plan actually worked, however, it is then revealed that the formula was a fake one and that Krabs was actually aware that Plankton's change was a lie the whole time.
    • Additionally, it's also shown that a rat died from eating Plankton's chum.
  • In "Krabs à la Mode", after learning that Mr. Krabs always keeps the temperature of the Krusty Krab at 62° and refuses to change it, Plankton freezes the Krusty Krab by leaving a faucet running, opening a freezer, and changing the temperature to -15° so that he can run Krabs out of business. He also covers the thermostat with a piece of paper to trick Krabs into thinking the temperature was still 62° which succeeds.
    • After Mr. Krabs turns the Krusty Krab into an ice rink, Plankton tries to steal a Krabby Patty and runs over SpongeBob, Squidward, and a hockey team with a Clamboni.
    • After revealing to Mr. Krabs that he was the one responsible for freezing the Krusty Krab, he constantly turns the dial on the thermostat to repeatedly freeze and unfreeze everyone in the restaurant and even sadistically laughs while doing so.
      • By doing so, he temporarily got all of them in fates worse than death.
  • In "Bucket Sweet Bucket", he tricks SpongeBob and Patrick into remodeling the Chum Bucket for him, and after Squidward also joins in he uses the opportunity to try to steal the secret formula from the Krusty Krab.
  • In "Goo Goo Gas", he created a baby gas to try to turn Mr. Krabs into a baby so that Krabs will be defenseless against Plankton trying to steal the secret formula. Near the end of the episode, he created a new baby gas in an attempt to make people stay babies. He even tested the gas on his wife Karen. Even if one argues that he failed to make the baby gas permanent seeing as the characters are fine in future episodes, that does not change the fact that he made a legitimate attempt to make the formula permanent.
  • In "Atlantis SquarePantis", he tried to kill SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Sandy, and a bunch of Atlantean guards with a tank, however, he failed because the tank's ammo was actually ice cream.
  • In "Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob", he hypnotizes Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy with mind control shampoo and has them say bad things about the Krabby Patties so that the Krusty Krab's customers would go to the Chum Bucket instead.
  • In "20,000 Patties Under the Sea", he verbally assaulted a family, and even told the grandma that someone should put her in a box floating down the river, which can be considered a death threat.
  • In "Spongicus", he tries to get Patrick mauled and possibly killed by a sea lion. He also prevents his customers from leaving unless they buy chum.
  • In "Komputer Overload", he replaced Karen with a bunch of new robots and uses them to try to steal the secret formula. However, he does end up apologizing to Karen and gets back together with her at the end of the episode.
  • In "Chum Caverns", he uses a whip to force the cave dwellers to work at the Chum Caverns.
  • In "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy", he stole Sandy's fur to use it as a disguise for stealing the secret formula, which resulted in Sandy getting arrested for public nudity without so much as a fair trial in the end of the episode.
  • In "The Inside Job", he goes inside SpongeBob and attaches a device to his eyes so that he can see SpongeBob make a Krabby Patty, then when that doesn't work he attaches the device to his eardrums so that he can hear Krabs tell the formula, then when that also fails he attaches the device to his brain and later his heart to try and absorb his knowledge of the Krabby Patty secret formula.
  • In “Greasy Buffoons", he and Mr. Krabs each sold their customers bowls of grease and lied to them, telling them it was soup. They both got a bunch of their customers sick all just for business competition.
  • In "SpongeBob's Last Stand", he created a highway while destroying Jellyfish Fields and causing it to become a polluted wasteland. Besides the fact that it harms nature, jellyfish also started destroying Bikini Bottom as revenge. Plankton didn't know about this, but he didn't care. He also built the highway over the Krusty Krab to run Mr. Krabs out of business and force him to give Plankton the secret formula.
    • Additionally, he also admits that he has been stealing Mr. Krabs' mail for the past five years.
  • In "Rodeo Daze", he tried to blow up the Krusty Krab with dynamite.
  • In "Gramma's Secret Recipe", he takes his grandmother's teeth and clothes so that he can trick SpongeBob into thinking that he's his great grandmother and steal the formula.
  • In "Buried in Time", after witnessing that Mr. Krabs put a copy of the secret formula inside of a time capsule, he decides to drill a hole into the capsule so that he can get the formula.
  • In "Shellback Shenanigan", he disguises himself as a salesman and convinces Gary to leave his shell and take a vacation, and then after that he puts on the shell to trick SpongeBob into thinking that he's Gary so that he can get the formula.
  • In "Perfect Chemistry", he pretends to be Sandy's lab partner in order to get her to make him a teleporter that he can use to steal the secret formula.
  • In "The Other Patty", he tries to steal a Krabby Patty, however, he fails because Mr. Krabs rigged all Krabby Patties to blow up after getting 10 feet away from the Krusty Krab.
    • After he eats a bit of a Flabby Patty and finds out that it tastes fantastic, he tries to steal the Flabby Patty secret recipe, and eventually teams up with Mr. Krabs to do so.
    • After he and Mr. Krabs learn that the Flabby Patty Shack was set up by SpongeBob to get them to work together, they decide to chase after him so that they can beat him up, showing that they aren't grateful for him trying to restore their friendship.
  • In "Frozen Face-Off", he set up a race as a ruse so that he could steal the secret formula. The temperatures during the race were life-threateningly low and he even put Karen, his own wife, at risk. It's also shown that he didn't care that she could possibly die. He later tries to fry SpongeBob and his friends to death, not even caring that he almost killed Karen as well.
  • In "Sweet and Sour Squid", he tries to strike up a friendship with Squidward so that he can get the formula.
    • Later in the episode, he ends up stealing Squidward's clarinet after he hears how bad his clarinet playing is.
  • In "Fiasco!", he steals the art piece made by Fiasco thinking that it was the remains of a Krabby Patty and planned on using it to reverse engineer a whole Krabby Patty.
  • In "Free Samples", he deliberately poisoned people by giving away fake Krabby Patties so that he can frame Mr. Krabs.
  • In "Karen 2.0", he tried to replace Karen with an upgraded version of her, despite Karen being his wife. However, he later regretted this and showed care for Karen again.
  • In "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!", he infected the entire Bikini Bottom with a virus called Jerktonium, which makes people mean against their will so he can get the formula from Santa. When the virus didn't work on SpongeBob due to being extremely kind and innocent, Plankton sent a robot clone of him to make SpongeBob look naughty as well.
  • In "Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up Is Go", he teams up with Man Ray to take the secret formula from Mr. Krabs and rule the world.
  • In "Jailbreak", he teams up with a bunch of prisoners to break out of jail so that they can steal the secret formula.
  • In "Evil Spatula", he breaks into the Krusty Krab with a fax machine and cuts off a bit of SpongeBob's spatula which causes it break when SpongeBob tries to use it, and later he gives SpongeBob a spatula called the Majestic Sizzlemaster and uses a voice modifier to talk to SpongeBob through the spatula so he can gain his trust in working the grill, and then after that he purposely burns the Krabby Patties and tries to convince SpongeBob to give him the secret formula.
  • In "It Came From Goo Lagoon", he creates a giant goo bubble and forces Mr. Krabs to give him the formula or else he would pop the bubble and cover Bikini Bottom in goo, only to still pop it anyways even after Krabs gave it to him (although it's also revealed that Krabs didn't give him the real formula). Additionally, while on his way to the Krusty Krab, he shocked SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy, and also destroyed Sandy's submarine.
  • In The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, he drops a jar of tartar sauce on SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs and also uses a plane to attack the Krusty Krab, and then after the plane is taken down by SpongeBob and Patrick, he continues his attack on the Krusty Krab with a tank, and also crushes a Bikini Bottom citizen in the process, and then after the tank is taken out, he uses a giant robot to try to kill Mr. Krabs and steal the formula.
    • After the giant robot stops working, he tries to bribe Mr. Krabs into giving him the formula, only to then realize that the only thing he has in his wallet is a penny. He then, gives the penny to Mr. Krabs and acts like he has given up, however, it's then revealed that this was a trick as this Plankton is actually just a robot decoy, and the real Plankton was hiding in the penny so he can get into the safe and steal the formula.
    • After he successfully sneaks into the safe, he tries to use a fake secret formula to avoid activating the pressure plate that Krabs installed to protect the real formula. When SpongeBob catches him doing this, Plankton offers him the chance to join him but also admits that he would eventually betray SpongeBob anyway.
    • Later in the movie, when SpongeBob and Plankton travel back in time to get the formula only for them to find out that SpongeBob got the wrong secret formula bottle, he blamed SpongeBob for taking the fake formula, even though it's technically his fault for not reminding SpongeBob that he was about to swap the formulas in the past. He also called him the worst teammate ever, which upset him.
    • While he does end up helping SpongeBob and the others get the formula back and defeat Burger-Beard, at the end of the movie he tries to steal a Krabby Patty by disguising himself as Gary, which shows that didn't truly redeem himself and will still continue being evil.
  • In "Company Picnic", he uses holograms to create a better company picnic than Mr. Krabs so that he can trick Krabs and Squidward into working for him and then order Krabs to give him the secret formula.
  • In "Married to Money", he disguises himself as a female stack of dollar bills named Cashina so that he can get Mr. Krabs to fall in love with him and give him the formula.
  • In "CopyBob DittoPants", he used a copy machine to clone SpongeBob so that he could steal the secret formula.
  • In "Lame and Fortune", he uses fortune cookies to trick the Krusty Krab's customers into eating at the Chum Bucket, and he also gives Mr. Krabs a fortune cookie that tells him to give Plankton the formula or die.
  • In "Pineapple Invasion", he sets of a skunk in the Krusty Krab, which causes SpongeBob, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and all of the customers to leave the restaurant, and then he tries to steal the formula by blowing up the safe, however, it's then revealed that there was another safe inside of the safe he blew up, and he proceeds to get crushed and thrown out the window by Mr. Krabs.
    • After hearing that Mr. Krabs is letting SpongeBob take the secret formula home with him, he tries to get the formula by tricking Gary into think that he's a door-to-door snail product salesman, then after that fails, he tries to trick Gary into thinking that he's a Sweetie Patrol Girl, then when that also fails, he distracts Gary with a cutout of himself, which allows him to finally be able to get into SpongeBob's house.
    • While searching for the secret formula, he tears up the house until he is confronted by Gary, who proceeds to beat him up until he goes inside of Gary's snail to look for the formula. He eventually makes it to the center of the shell, and thinks that he found the formula, however, it turns out that he actually found one of SpongeBob's grocery lists, and went insane from breathing in the fumes in Gary's shell.
  • In "Salsa Imbecilicus", he uses Patrick's DNA to create a sauce called Salsa Imbecilicus and planned on using it to make Mr. Krabs as dumb as Patrick so that he can get the formula, however, the sauce instead ended up making everyone in Bikini Bottom dumb with Sandy and Karen being the only exceptions.
  • In "Mimic Madness", after SpongeBob develops Mocking Mimicry Madness, he and Squidward briefly suggested to kill him. Additionally, he also later tried to trick Mr. Krabs into giving him the secret formula.
  • In "Plankton Gets the Boot", he destroys the molecular analyzer just because it complimented Karen's screensaver. The machine itself was shown to be sentient, making Plankton accountable for murdering it.
  • In "Plankton Retires", he tried to get the secret formula with multiple different methods, which includes flying into the safe with a jetpack, taking a Krabby Patty that Mr. Krabs dropped when making a Krusty Katering delivery, stealing a Patty from a customer, cutting through the walls of the Krusty Krab with a laser, hiding in a customer's stomach, and using a robot to trick Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob into thinking that he retired so that they would follow the robot to Dullsville and he would be able to steal the formula without them being around to stop him. At first it seems like the last method might have actually worked, however, it's then revealed that the Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob that went to Dullsville were also robots and the real Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob manage to stop Plankton from stealing the formula.
  • In "Spot Returns", he feeds Spot too much which causes him to reproduce and give birth to a bunch of amoeba puppies. Later, after giving the puppies away to a bunch of people with the help of SpongeBob, the puppies all came back to the Chum Bucket with something that they stole from the people that they were given to. This gives Plankton the idea to use the puppies to steal the formula and he tricks SpongeBob into helping him train the puppies so that he can accomplish this.
  • In "Spin the Bottle", he poses himself as a wish-granting genie in a bottle and planned on breaking his bottle so that Mr. Krabs would have to put him in the bottle containing the secret formula.
  • In "No Pictures Please", he hides in Rube Goldfish's camera in hopes of getting pictures of the Krabby Patty ingredients.
  • In "Shopping List", he follows SpongeBob and Sandy around and takes their ingredients so that he can use them to make Krabby Patties, not knowing that they aren't the actual ingredients for a Krabby Patty.
  • In "Patnocchio", he poses as Patrick's conscience in order to get him to steal a Krabby Patty.
  • In "The Krusty Slammer", he vandalized the entirety of Bikini Bottom by using red spray paint to write messages about Mr. Krabs to make him look like a jerk.
  • In "Plankton's Old Chum", he makes up a holiday called Chum Day in order to trick SpongeBob into hiding his rotten chum all over Bikini Bottom.
  • In "The Krusty Bucket", he uses DNA samples from himself and Mr. Krabs' hair to create a clone named Plankrab and use him to steal the formula, however, this backfires when Plankrab takes over both the Chum Bucket and the Krusty Krab and then combined them to create the Krusty Bucket.
    • After Plankrab splits in two, he and Mr. Krabs trick both of the Plankrabs into giving each other a handshake which resulted in them melting away and dying. While this is fairly justified given that Plankrab took over their restaurants, Krabs and Plankton were also shown laughing over their deaths with Plankton even jokingly stating "Splitting? so soon?".
  • In "Karen's Baby", he showed no care for his son Chip and convinced him to run away, although it ultimately backfired. However, he later regretted his decision and began to care for Chip.
  • In "SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout", he jumps into SpongeBob's pocket so that he can take his keys, and after he realizes that he didn't take SpongeBob's house keys but rather the keys to the Krusty Krab, he planned on using them so that he can take the formula, however, he doesn't even get the chance to do so because Mr. Krabs immediately crushes him and takes the keys.
    • He gives his section of the party a torture theme because he believes that SpongeBob is a sadomasochist because he works for Mr. Krabs, and he is also seen using torture devices on Sandals and Fred.
  • In "Handemonium", he brings the Chum Bucket glove to life in order to beat Mr. Krabs in a arm-wrestling match and steal the formula. He does actually succeed in beating Mr. Krabs, however, the glove rebels against him and goes on a rampage in Bikini Bottom.
  • In "The Ghost of Plankton", he uses a ghost extracting machine to turn himself into a ghost and does some training with the Flying Dutchman so that he can steal the formula.
  • In "The Hankering", after he finds out that Mr. Krabs has a secret craving for chum, he tricks him into giving him the formula in exchange for a lifetime supply of chum, and after Mr. Krabs does actually give him the formula, he double-crosses him by using the Chum Bucket glove to crush Krabs and SpongeBob.
  • In The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, he uses a giant mechanical claw to remove a food cover from a uneaten Krabby Patty, and put a piece into an analyzer to figure out the formula, and would have succeed if SpongeBob didn’t enter the kitchen to look for keys which caused Plankton to go through a series of mishaps that ended up foiling his plan.
    • When he realizes that SpongeBob truly is the factor for all his failures, he tries to get SpongeBob out of town so that he wouldn't be around to stop him from getting the Krabby Patty secret formula, and he does this by kidnapping Gary and selling him to King Poseidon and telling Otto to take SpongeBob and Patrick to the Lost City of Atlantic City and never return. He does end up succeeding, as Mr. Krabs' sadness over SpongeBob being gone causes him to just give Plankton the formula without hesitation, however, Plankton ends up feeling guilty for this and teams up with Krabs, Squidward, and Sandy to save SpongeBob and Patrick.
  • In "Say Awww!", he creates a robot called Q.T.-π to punish anyone that says "awww" by eating them. This results in Q.T.-π eating many people in Bikini Bottom, including Plankton himself.
  • In "SpongeBob on Parade", when he sees Mr. Krabs entering the Bikini Bottom Parade with a giant bottle containing the secret formula, he creates a float of his own so that he can sabotage the parade and take the formula. It's also worth noting that he actually managed to obtain one ingredient for the secret formula, which was salt.
  • In "Single-Celled Defense", after getting tired of being stepped on all the time, he goes to Sandy to learn how to defend himself with karate. After his training is complete, he tests his new skills on Bubble Bass and manages to flip him over, then after that he goes to the Krusty Krab to steal the formula, and beats up the customers, as well as the security ninjas.
  • In Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie, he took sadism in seeing everyone running in terror when the Bikini Bottom gets taken away into the surface by the B.O.O.T.S. marine biology lab.
    • After Bikini Bottom gets taken away into the surface by Sue Nahmee, Plankton plans to escape the giant fish bowl holding the Bikini Bottom by being picked by humans and clone himself to create an unstoppable army and rule the world, however the human scientists picked Mr. Krabs and Squidward instead of him, quickly foiling his plan.

Video games[]

  • In the wrong story of SpongeBob SquarePants: Operation Krabby Patty, he kidnaps SpongeBob's pet snail Gary, and forces SpongeBob to do tasks for him to get Gary back.
    • Later in the game he tells his army of sea ants to steal Krabby Patties and bring them back to the Chum Bucket, however, they mishear him and end up bringing them to SpongeBob's house instead.
  • In the right story of SpongeBob SquarePants: Operation Krabby Patty, Plankton created a robot replica of Mr. Krabs and orders the sea ants to use it steal Krabby Patties from the Krusty Krab.
    • Later in the game SpongeBob informs Mr. Krabs of Robo Krabs, however, Mr. Krabs isn't worried about it and even laughs about it being one of Plankton's "college educated plans". When Plankton hears this he gets angry and orders the sea ants to fire Robo Krabs, however, the robot self-destructs instead.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, he tried to use a bunch of robots, including robot versions of Sandy, Patrick, SpongeBob, and even himself to steal the secret formula while also not caring if Bikini Bottom gets demolished in the process, however, he accidently forgot to set the switch to "obey", which resulted in the robots kicking him out of the Chum Bucket and causing havok in Bikini Bottom.
    • While he did help SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy obtain Golden Spatulas, it's only because he needed their help so he can get back into the Chum Bucket and regain control of his robots, which makes this purely pragmatic.
    • During a news broadcast, he threatened to crush the Bikini Bottom citizens, and later in the game he states that he will stomp on their children and their children's children.
    • He hacked the computer in the Police Station to make it say good things about him.
  • In the video game The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, he committed the same crimes he did in the movie, however, it is shown that he already brainwashed King Neptune, which would imply King Neptune somehow became aware of Plankton's treachery when he was about to kill Mr. Krabs, even before SpongeBob and Patrick would come to the Krusty Krab 2. And unlike in the film, Plankton managed to order the brainwashed King Neptune to kill SpongeBob.
    • When King Neptune gets freed from Plankton's brainwashing over him thanks to SpongeBob, Plankton refused to surrender and once again ordered King Neptune to kill SpongeBob while also calling him an idiot, which caused King Neptune to punish Plankton.
  • In Nicktoons Unite!, he attempted to take over Bikini Bottom with vacuum machines, then he joins the Evil Syndicate, teaming up with Professor Calamitous, Vlad Plasmius and Denzel Crocker, and later in the game he kidnapped Patrick, Mr. Krabs and some jellyfish and attempted to kill SpongeBob, Jimmy Neutron, and Timmy Turner, and Danny Phantom with a giant crab robot.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger, he teamed up with Jumbo Shrimp, and together they created a machine to shrink people for their amusement.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab, while he did team up with SpongeBob and Patrick to get out of the nightmare, it was for pragmatic reasons as he wanted to get out of the nightmare.
    • Then, in Plankton's ending, although it is not canonic, he managed to take over Bikini Bottom, but then sentient Krabby Patties destroyed his empire and ruined his plans.
  • In SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis, he went on a rampage at Atlantis with a tank and attempted to kill SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and Sandy.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants: Underpants Slam, while he did help King Neptune to get his underwear back, it was only because King Neptune offered a reward to the one who would get the most underwear and was forced to do so (along with SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and Mr. Krabs), making this pragmatic.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom, he attempted to take over Bikini Bottom, joined the Evil Syndicate again, teaming up with villains such as Technus, Beautiful Gorgeous, Tlaloc and Dib and attempted to kill heroes such as SpongeBob, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Tak and Zim.
  • In SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge, he uses the batteries that fell into the ocean to power his giant robot and robot army, and he also takes the safe with the Krabby Patty secret formula, as well as the map to the key and the two copies of it that opens the safe.
    • Additionally, He and his cousins Rainchild and Clem tried to kill SpongeBob and his friends, however, they failed to do so.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is On & Off, as he sometimes does heroic deeds, such as helping get the formula back from Burger-Beard and helping save SpongeBob and Patrick from King Poseidon. Even when he had the formula on his hands, he still returned it to Mr. Krabs.
  • Him being very comedic alone is enough for him to not even be NPE. In every episode he's in, he is completely played for laughs for his incompetence, and while he was taken more seriously than usual in the first film, he still had some moments where he was treated as a joke such as when SpongeBob stepped on him and his defeat with him being stepped on by multiple people and then thrown to jail. Even in the first movie, where he is arguably at his absolute worst, Plankton still has his usual comedic quirks.
  • For all of his egotism, envy, and wrath as the main antagonist of the show (and by enlarge, the entire franchise) and despite his many Faux Affably Evil moments, he is capable of being genuinely very affable to others, as he genuinely cares for and loves his wife Karen, his son Chip, and his pet amoeba Spot. He also has many Pet the Dog moments. These moments of kindness are expressed very consistently, further preventing him from being NPE.
  • He has shown remorse for some of his actions, such as when he apologized to Karen for his behavior in "Komputer Overload", or when he felt guilty after seeing that his actions caused Mr. Krabs to get depressed and decided to help him and the others save SpongeBob in Sponge on the Run.
  • He has shown kindness to SpongeBob at times such as helping him cope with who he really is and showing up to celebrate his birthday.
    • In the episode F.U.N, despite him ultimately betraying SpongeBob's trust in the end, it is implied that he had actually accepted his friendship and gotten along genuinely well with him, and was apparently going to abandon villainy, only going after it because Karen reminded him of what his plan was to steal the Krabby Patty.
  • He has several insecurities, it is established that all he truly wants in a majority of episodes is to be successful and loved as a restaurant owner, which makes him border on scapegoat territory at times.
    • In "One Coarse Meal", he is played for sympathy when Mr. Krabs scares him with a disguise of Pearl to the point where he becomes paranoid, traumatized, and wants to kill himself due to his fear of whales haunting him.
    • In "Plankton's Regular", it is played for sympathy when he finally finds one customer who enjoys his chum and Plankton considers ending his rivalry with Krabs by focusing on the success of The Chum Bucket, but Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob deliberately interfere with Plankton having at least one customer, which ruined Plankton's livelihood and he falls into a state of despair.
  • He has standards like being disgusted with Mr. Krabs, saying stuff such as "And I thought I was evil!" when he confronted Krabs along with other Bikini Bottom citizens for being greedy and selfish by ruining their lives with a newspaper that was filled with harmful lies about them.
  • He shows genuine respect to Mrs. Puff for pulling out brass knuckles in "Teacher's Pests".
  • Ultimately compared to Mr. Krabs (especially in more recent seasons), despite his vile and evil nature, Plankton is still a more sympathetic and even noble character than Mr. Krabs.


  • The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was originally going to end the show before Nickelodeon requested more SpongeBob SquarePants episodes due to the success of the first 3 seasons, alongside the one the film turned out to be. Had the show ended after the film as originally planned, it's possible that Plankton would have qualified as Near Pure Evil because post-first movie episodes reverted him back to a villain not relatively taken seriously, became more sympathetic and gained many more redeeming qualities, to the point of even having heroic roles.
    • Conversely, Plankton (alongside Karen) was originally planned to be a one-time character. However, this changed once Doug Lawrence wrote him in multiple other episodes. He would have been considered too bogstandard to rank if Stephen Hillenburg kept him as a one-shot villain, due to his only crimes are attempting to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula and control SpongeBob.
  • Plankton is one of four Inconsistently Heinous characters in SpongeBob SquarePants, the others being SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, and his former best friend and now arch-enemy Mr. Krabs.
    • Additionally, he and Mr. Krabs are the only two characters in the series that are both Heroic Benchmark and Inconsistently Heinous at the same time.

External Links[]


            Inconsistently Heinous

SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Mr. Krabs | Plankton | King Poseidon

SpongeBob SquarePants characters
Mecha Chocolate Guy | Mr. Krabs (Mr. Krabs' Unquenchable Blood Lust | The Simpson's Hellfire on Earth) | Patrick Star (The Bikini Bottom Horror | Patrick Goes Berzerk And Kills Everyone) | Sheldon J. Plankton (SpongeBob in Real Life | Dankton) | SpongeBob SquarePants (HSP | Slendybob) | Squidward Tentacles (Bikini Bottom Massacre | Squidward and the Canned Bread Epidemic) | Gary The Snail (Astrobort)
The Black Hiver | Angulocust | Santiago

See Also
Nickelodeon Inconsistently Heinous | Netflix Inconsistently Heinous | Paramount Inconsistently Heinous

            Inconsistently Heinous

TV Shows
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Mr. Krabs | Plankton

The Fairly OddParents
Overlord Glee | Shirley

Invader Zim
Zim | Almighty Tallest

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius
Professor Calamitous | The Nanobots | Shirley

My Life as a Teenage Robot


Danny Phantom
Vlad Plasmius

The X's

The Penguins of Madagascar
Dr. Blowhole | Kuchikukan

T.U.F.F. Puppy
Verminious Snaptrap | Chameleon | Bird Brain

Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
Bart Thumper | Sister Eater

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
Shredder | Wyrm | Krang

Henry Danger/Danger Force
Drex Stinklebaum

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Baron Draxum

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Plankton | Mr. Krabs
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: SpongeBob SquarePants | Plankton | Patrick Star | Mr. Krabs
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus: Zim | Almighty Tallest
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run: SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Plankton | Mr. Krabs
Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank: Ika Chu
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Superfly

Mecha Chocolate Guy | Mr. Krabs | Patrick Star | Slendybob | SpongeBob SquarePants | Squidward Tentacles (Bikini Bottom Massacre | Squidward and the Canned Bread Epidemic) | The Black Hiver | Peppa Pig | Timmy Turner | Jimmy Neutron | Rhubarb Bunny | Dora Marquez | Daddy Pig | Yandere Katara

See Also
Avatar Inconsistently Heinous | Jimmy Neutron Inconsistently Heinous | Netflix Inconsistently Heinous | Paramount Inconsistently Heinous | SpongeBob Inconsistently Heinous | TMNT Inconsistently Heinous

            Inconsistently Heinous

Animated Features
Bebe's Kids | Beavis and Butt-Head | Rameses | Eric Cartman | Sheila Broflovski | Clyde Donovan | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Mr. Krabs | Plankton | Kim Jong-il | The Toad | Tai Lung | Gallaxhar | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Chantel DuBois | Moriarty | Ika Chu | Superfly | Megatron

Live-Action Features
Michael Corleone | Jason Voorhees | T-800 | Debbie Jellinsky | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Mr. Krabs | Plankton | Sweeney Todd | Mrs. Lovett | Thanos | Billy Bickle | Shadow the Hedgehog

Animated Television
Beavis and Butt-Head | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Mr. Krabs | Plankton | Ren Höek

Live-Action Television
Bryce Walker | Tyler Down

The Black Hiver | Mr. Krabs | Slendybob | SpongeBob SquarePants | Squidward Tentacles | Mecha Chocolate Guy | Oscar | Squidward Tentacles | Willy Wonka | Patrick Star | Rhubarb Bunny

See Also
Avatar Inconsistently Heinous | Comedy Central Inconsistently Heinous | DreamWorks Inconsistently Heinous | Jimmy Neutron Inconsistently Heinous | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Netflix Inconsistently Heinous | Nickelodeon Inconsistently Heinous | Sonic the Hedgehog Inconsistently Heinous | South Park Inconsistently Heinous | SpongeBob SquarePants Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous

            Inconsistently Heinous

Animated Features
Zim | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Plankton | Mr. Krabs | Dr. Fry | Dr. Onda

Live-Action Features
Light Turner | Bee

Animated Television
Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Darth Revan | Viggo Grimborn | Dagur the Deranged | Emperor Zarkon | Haggar | Morgana | Angor Rot | Dracula | Isaac | Lord Viren | Claudia | Avizandum | Catra | Hordak | Light Hope | Colonel Kubritz | Dr. Saira Bellum | Scarlemagne | Henry Wu | Evil-Lyn | The Nowhere King | Erodious the Planet Killer | Rand Ridley | J.R. Scheimpough | ROBOTUS Alpha-Beta | Silco | The Devil | Henchman | Tails Nine | Older Scott Pilgrim | Melvinborg

Live-Action Television
Thomas Shelby | Martin Brenner | Bryce Walker | Tyler Down | John Kreese | Bullseye | Terry Silver | Sam Lesser | Mira Kano | Morizono Aguni | Lee Byeong-chan | Father Paul Hill | Jin Seon-moo | Jeffrey Dahmer | Ye Wenjie

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Avatar Inconsistently Heinous | Castlevania Inconsistently Heinous | Cuphead Inconsistently Heinous | Disney Inconsistently Heinous | DreamWorks Inconsistently Heinous | Inside Job Inconsistently Heinous | Jimmy Neutron Inconsistently Heinous | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Masters of the Universe Inconsistently Heinous | My Little Pony Inconsistently Heinous | Nickelodeon Inconsistently Heinous | Paramount Inconsistently Heinous | SpongeBob Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | Tales of Arcadia Inconsistently Heinous | Universal Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Warner Bros. Inconsistently Heinous

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