Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki



This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

ā€œ Garbage like you... who ruins people's dreams... I'll make sure you get what's coming to you! ā€ž
~ Number 6 upon facing Koichi Haimawari.

Number 6, also known as the Scarred Man and by his alias Rokuro Nomura, is the main antagonist of the 2016 Japanese superhero manga series My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, a spin-off of the My Hero Academia series.

He is an operative of the Villain Factory, an organization responsible for creating Instant and Next-Level Villains while distributing a drug called "Trigger" that causes the transformation and spreads discord through their attacks across Naruhata. Number 6 even possesses a desire to become "The World's Greatest Hero" in terms of taking over O'Clock's place, his "idol". He is the archenemy of Koichi Haimawari.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • As the operative of the Villain Factory, he was tasked with distributing the Trigger drug and creating more Next-Level Villains for the research.
  • Upon retrieving Kuin's surviving bee, he helped rejuvenate it into another Queen Bee by feeding it multiple people he kidnapped.
  • He unleashed a Bat Villain to wreak havoc on the road.
  • Distributed the Trigger drugs through the Crab Route at the SS Mall. When he was found out, he hacked into the mall's mechs to make them spiral out of control to the point of self-destructing while making his escape. One of the mechs almost exploded in a populated crowd that could've risked dozens of casualties if not for Fat Gum using his Quirk's endurance to subdue the explosion.
  • He injured and wounded several police officers using their own guns, which he snatched upon using his speed. Although some officers weren't killed in the act, it still left them heavily wounded from the assault.
  • He beat one of his subjects, Octoid, simply for putting a scar on his face.
  • He then distributed the Trigger drug with a different kind of method that involved having them orally taken and soon becoming Next-Level Villains. This was shown when he had one of his distributors, Hina, tried to place the drug into everyone's drinks.
  • He had a Next-Level Villain named Bomber take hold of a cab that had the Little Sisters of St. Lila's Academy in order to have Captain Celebrity go farther enough to have Bomber explode, which could've killed both Celebrity and the three girls. However, Celebrity manages to save them and himself in time.
  • Tried to bomb the Tokyo Sky Egg Tower and kill fifty-thousand people, including children, that participated in Captain Celebrity's farewell party out of spite.
  • He had a multi-armed Bomber attack on Captain Celebrity to put further harm against him.
  • Released at least two-hundred Cluster Bombers as a last resort, which could have killed thousands of people, only being stopped by All Might's Nebraska Smash.
  • Clashed with his idol, Knuckleduster, and almost tried to kill him.
  • Upon going undercover as "Rokuro Nomura", he easily gained Kazuho's trust and would soon have her possessed by Kuin's rejuvenated Queen Bee. This makes him responsible for the existence of Bee Pop and her actions.
    • Because of having her possessed, Kazuho is seen suffering from the Queen Bee's control over her and the Queen Bee almost had her commit suicide in front of Koichi out of spite. Even after Kazuho was freed shortly afterward, it still placed her in a coma temporarily.
  • He plotted on debuting as "O'Clock II" by using Bee Pop's attacks, which endangered multiple civilians within Naruhata, and plotted on having her killed to make himself look good on his debut.
  • Killed several Pro Heroes to create an opening for Bee Pop when his plans weren't going accordingly.
  • Killed Compass Kid when he manages to find the culprit behind the rest of the heroes' sudden murders. What makes this worse is that Compass Kid had a family waiting for him back home and 6 likely didn't care as he killed him anyway.
  • Shot Kazuho from behind after she just gained consciousness by using a syringe that would make the Bees self-destruct after trying to look good in front of Koichi.
  • Attempted to kill Koichi while the latter tried to get the unconscious Kazuho to safety. Shortly after he failed, he threatened to kill Kazuho and then later Koichi.
  • He blew up a police station to eradicate any evidence related to the Villain Factory. This also hospitalized Eizo during the explosion.
  • Commenced Operation Anonymous by causing a massive power outage within Naruhata City and had his Anonymous troops wreak havoc within the streets, endangering at least hundreds of civilians among the way.
  • Attempted to kill Kazuho personally while she was in a coma.
  • Nearly killed Naomasa when the latter had his guard down.
  • During his final battle with Koichi, he attempted to kill him by using his many Style techniques and turning the situation's intensity to make it difficult for Koichi to fight him as he grows stronger.
  • When he failed to assassinate Koichi through his Sniper Style after being stopped by Knuckleduster, he attempts to kill him alongside Soga.
  • When achieving his Destruction Style form, he not only tries to kill Koichi with it but caused so much destruction across Naruhata to the point he almost destroyed half of the city block where there were still bystanders nearby.
  • He duplicated clones of himself to explode and attack left and right, not only did it endanger the panicked civilians, but those attacks could've got them killed from all the debris his clones were creating.
  • Once he regenerates for the final time to confront Koichi, he scars his face that looked exactly like his and tells him that he can't always save everybody before letting himself explode upon knowing he's dead. This was his way putting Koichi through the same situation he felt to torment him before dying.
  • Despite having comedic moments whether or not he's in his Rokuro persona, he's still taken seriously in-universe, and he only played this up as part of his facade when helping Kazuho before dropping it.
  • He has no visible loyalty nor care for the Villain Factory and Kuin, especially AFO (while disguised as O'Clock). He goes far beyond the Villain Factory's orders and was willing to leave them, as seen with 6 destroying evidence of his connection with them and he only fed Kuin's remaining bee out of pragmatism to find any sort of use for it in one of his schemes, demonstrating the fact that he saw Kuin as a tool. Even if he listens to AFO's guidance, he still disobeys him as he insists on continuing Operation Anonymous out of spite against Koichi.
  • Although the series has a high heinous standard and he has to compete with the likes of Tomura Shigaraki, Overhaul, Flect Turn and All For One, Number 6 still stands out for being an extremely personal antagonist towards Koichi, putting Kazuho through an intensely painful fate worse than death, and having one of the highest attempted body counts in the franchise. By the end of the spin-off, 6's actions played a role in the creation of the Nomus and possibly the High-Ends, as well as being the one indirectly responsible for Koichi's departure from Japan.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is a very tragic character; He was originally a normal person before being groomed and manipulated by All For One into becoming the spitefully evil egotist he is now. Even if his actions are deliberately heinous and done on his own accord, he is still an unwilling pawn of AFO at the end of the day and is played for sympathy several times in the manga because of this.
    • This also gives him severe moral agency issues since he suffers from agnosia, which makes him unable to recognize objects or things. It's also been evidenced that he is wholly unaware of the world around him.
  • The reason why he wanted to be a hero like Knuckleduster when he was O'Clock was because he wanted his own identity and meaning in life, showing he is pretty insecure.
  • His death, while not a redemption, is heavily played for sympathy, as he kills himself after learning that nothing in his life is worth remembering and he thinks about Pop Step and her singing voice just moments before he dies.

External Links[]


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League of Villains
Tomura Shigaraki | Dabi

Number 6
