Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
NOTE: This page only covers Monstrox's actions from the TV series, as his comics counterpart was voted Pure Evil.

That Mer-loser always thinks he knows the way out. Well, there's no way out this time. Ever since my defeat at the hands of Merlok so many years ago, all I've thought about is revenge. I tried to regain my powers as the Book of Monsters. Then, as the Cloud of Monstrox, I assembled the Forbidden Powers to become the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction. And now... finally... I'll take my vengeance on the kingdom... on the Nexo Knights... on Merlok... on everyone! I'll wipe this realm from the face of the map!
~ Monstrox.

Monstrox, also known under the alias The Book of Monsters and The Cloud of Monstrox, is the main antagonist of the LEGO Nexo Knights TV series. A former member of Wizards' Council, he is obsessed with spreading his influence all over the realm of Knighton. Defeated by the wizard Merlok, he was stuck in the form of a book for about a century until the royal jester Jestro freed him.

He was voiced by Mark Oliver.

His Evil Ranking[]

Debated Validations[]

  • It's heavily implied that he was corrupted by the Forbidden Powers, due to Merlok 2.0 claiming that he "drove himself mad casting them", but since it's not made clear if he was evil before using them or not, it can't be said for sure if this gives him moral agency issues.
  • In Seasons 3 and 4, he appears to actually care for Jestro to some degree despite brainwashing him, but since he keeps making cruel jokes at his expense and even knocks him away with no concern for his safety after his plan comes to fruition, it's possible that he enjoyed having him around but didn't truly value him as a friend.
  • Although he is seemingly affable to Axl's mother, apologizing for a rude comment about the peasants' sweat he made in front of her, he likely subverted it when he tried to destroy the whole kingdom later on.

What Makes Him Heinous?[]


  • It's implied that he's done a lot of damage to the kingdom by using Forbidden Powers.
  • He was somehow responsible for Merlok's sister Wanda's fall to villainy, which forced her brother to turn her to stone, and while it's not stated if Monstrox is aware of this, he calls Wanda by her villainous alias, Ruina Stoneheart, when she first appears, implying that he is aware.
    • The spin-off book The Forbidden Power hints that he corrupted other members of the Wizards' Council as well.

Season 1[]

  • When Jestro discovered him, he convinced the jester to become his servant, playing on his insecurities by promising to turn him from a laughing stock into a feared villain. Hypocritically, he laughs at Jestro way more often than any other character in the series.
  • He prompted Jestro to attack Clay, his only friend, forcing Merlok to sacrifice himself to stop the villains.
  • He and Jestro attacked Waterton, which could've resulted in a severe water shortage across the kingdom.
  • He and Jestro attacked the royal family and the investors they were giving a tour.
  • He employed Whiparella to make the Nexo Knights hallucinate their worst fears.
  • He released Lava Monsters on a filming set, endangering the filming crew and actors, although their main target were the Nexo Knights.
  • He and Jestro attacked Axl's home town of Diggington to distract the heroes and leave with the real Book of Deception, leaving them with a decoy.
  • Using the Book of Deception, he disguised his monsters as Nexo Knights and sent them to rob villagers to tarnish the real knights' reputation.
  • He led an attack on the capital city to kill King Halbert. When Jestro expressed doubts about it, remembering how nice the king was to him, Monstrox corrupted him further with the Book of Vengeance.

Season 2[]

  • He and Jestro raided the Knights' Academy in search of a snow globe that contained Monstrox's old castle.
  • His monsters raided Auremville and ended up kidnapping Lance's parents. Although he eventually decided to let them go and return all the gold the monsters had stolen, it was only because his minions turned too greedy and lazy and Lance's parents annoyed him.
  • He sent Moltor and Lavaria to take part in a chili cooking contest to win a chili recipe that would make his monsters more dangerous.
  • He and Jestro captured and tormented the hotel staff and Clay, with Monstrox hypocritically accusing the latter of never standing up to Jestro when he was laughed at.
  • He infected himself and his monsters with a severe cold to pass it on the Nexo Knights.
  • He planned to recruit the citizens of Laughington into his army by impressing them with his stand-up performance.
  • When Jestro escaped, he sent his monsters to capture him, and when they brought the jester back, he revealed to him that he never planned to help him and was only using him as a pawn.
  • He prepared a ritual to possess Jestro's body and restore his powers.
  • After Clay traded the Book of Betrayal for Jestro's freedom, Monstrox captured and prepared to possess the knight instead.

Season 3[]

  • After returning in the form of a cloud, he zapped Jestro, turning him evil again.
  • He and Jestro attacked the Lava Lands Amusement Park in search of the former's old staff.
  • He and Jestro attacked Armorville to test the Forbidden Power of Relentless Rust. During the fight, he zapped Clay, which made him slowly turn to stone. While it may've been an accident, as Clay was touching a statue Monstrox tried to bring to life at the moment, he is shown following Clay with his eyes after he is zapped and smiling wickedly, implying that he knew something bad was going to happen to him. Additionally, he shows no remorse when he is clearly aware that Clay is petrified.
  • While Jestro sympathised with Roberto Arnoldi over his backstory, Monstrox only saw the outcast sculptor as a suitable pawn and mistreated him several times.
  • He brainwashed Robot Hoodlum, leader of the Merry Mechs, to make him steal the Nexo Knights' shields.
  • He and Jestro enslaved the population of Diggington, including Axl's parents, to make them mine out the Three Brothers.
  • He had Jestro and Arnoldi infiltrate the arts museum to get the Forbidden Power of Collapsing Crumble, later instructing Jestro to use it to "bring the house down", which could've killed everyone inside the building.
  • After discovering that the Lava Monsters had turned good and had a statue containing another Forbidden Power in their town, he tried to trick them into giving it to him before Magmar revealed his true identity.
  • He took part in an attack on the Lava Monsters' town for disobeying him. Although he later states that he can't decide if he hates or loves his former minions, he doesn't even try to call off the attack.
  • He resurrected Ruina Stoneheart and had her capture Queen Halbert as a distraction from the Stone Monsters' attack on Fortrex.
  • After collecting four Forbidden Powers, he set off to attack the capital city once more, torching another town on his way for no reason.
  • He almost killed Merlok 2.0 while trying to destroy his memory banks.

Season 4[]

  • He resurrected Clay, turning him evil and sending him to attack Fortrex, knowing that the Nexo Knights would be unwilling to kill their former teammate.
  • He smiled when Clay punched and destroyed one of his Stone Monsters, showing no sadness over the death of his minion.
  • He tested Clay's loyalty by ordering him to kill Robin, who was caught spying, which is made worse by the fact that Robin is still a child, and refused to turn him evil again when he was revealed to have gone good, deciding to kill him instead.
  • He and Jestro attacked Rockstead, destroying many houses to make new monsters out of their ruins, and threatened Arnoldi when he wasn't caring them fast enough.
  • His monsters thrashed Slab Rockowski's estate despite him having nothing to do with their fight with the knights at the moment.
  • He and Jestro robbed the bank in Stinking Rich and Happy Hill to buy Krakenskull and his army from Jorah Tightwad, and it's implied that they stole practically all the gold the town had.
  • After the Krakenskull's army ended up less effective than needed, he had Jestro turn all the gold in Tightwad's vault into lead. While Jorah deserved it for offering Monstrox a deal in the first place, it also means the gold's rightful owners will never get it back.
  • He had Jestro test three more Forbidden Powers on various towns, which put citizens in actual danger at times.
  • He didn't even try to comfort Jestro after he's nearly been killed by Clay, getting mad at him for losing the tenth Forbidden Power even though it wasn't Jestro's fault.
  • He had Jestro completely destroy the town of Strongheim with the Forbidden Power of Awesome Annihilation.
  • After becoming the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction, he knocked Jestro's flyer away for trying to command him, showing no concern about his safety.
  • He went on a rampage across the kingdom, destroying several towns. While he doesn't try to kill the fleeing citizens and it's not confirmed if he actually managed to kill any, he still didn't give them a chance to evacuate and was aware that he was endangering their lives.
  • He attacked and tried to destroy Knightonia, planning to eventually do the same to the rest of the kingdom.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is played for laughs way too often to consider it a minor prevention. Even in the last two seasons, where he is taken more seriously, he has too many detracting comedic moments to count as PE or NPE.
  • Although it's barely noticeable, he cares for Lava Monsters on some level despite often insulting them, as he was sent into depression after they turned on him and claimed that they were like children to him while barely participating in Jestro's attack on them. It's also not confirmed if he planned to destroy them and their town alongside the rest of the kingdom.


  • Monstrox and Jestro are the only two Nexo Knights villains to be considered Inconsistently Heinous.
  • Before the Nexo Knights series was cancelled, Monstrox was planned to reappear in its fifth season. It's unknown if his Inconsistently Heinous status would change had the show continued.

External Links[]


           Lego Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Joker | Lord Business

TV Shows
Mixels: King Nixel | Major Nixel
Nexo Knights: Jestro | Monstrox

Video Games
LEGO Harry Potter: Lord Voldemort
LEGO City Undercover: Rex Fury
LEGO The Incredibles: Omnidroid v.10

Columbus | The Creature | Dark Mayhem

See Also
Ninjago Inconsistently Heinous
