Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

But darkness did cover the world once... in legend. We know so little about the Keyblade War; only that it was just the beginning. Amidst that crisis... a precious light was found. It is a curious tale and one worth exploring. They say ruin brings about creation. So what would another Keyblade War then bring? When the darkness falls, will we be found worthy of the precious light the legend speaks of? I must have these answers. The χ-blade needs to be forged. And with it, the door to the Keyblade War will be unlocked.
~ Master Xehanort describing his long term goal.

Master Xehanort is the main antagonist of the Dark Seeker Saga in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

He orchestrated the events of the series via his Heartless Ansem and Nobody Xemnas. He seeks to create a balance between Light and Dark by using Kingdom Hearts to restore the universe to a blank slate.

In Japanese, he was voiced by the late Chikao Ōtsuka (who also played Professor Gerald Robotnik in Sonic X) in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, and by his son Akio Ōtsuka from Kingdom Hearts III onwards. In English, he was voiced by the late Leonard Nimoy in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, the late Rutger Hauer in Kingdom Hearts III, and Christopher Lloyd in Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • After revealing his intent to Eraqus that he wanted to start a second Keyblade war which could end the universe, they fought resulting in Xehanort scarring Eraqus’ face.
  • He attempts to train Ventus into becoming the Light that can forge the X-Blade and his future vessel. His training was cruel forcing him to fight Neoshadows despite his objections. Even when Ven refused, he ripped the Darkness out of his heart which he named Vanitas, which left Ven in a comatose state and would have died on the Destiny Islands if it weren’t for Sora sharing his heart with him.
  • He sabotages Terra’s Mark of Mastery Exam by sending Eraqus a letter saying that he felt Terra was not fit to be a master and rigging the exam with Darkness making Terra lose control. He then used this opportunity to try to convince Terra to not resist using the Darkness.
  • He tells Maleficent about other worlds and the seven Princesses of Heart to create a backup plan for creating the X-Blade. This also make him responsible for Malifecent’s evil deeds in KHI due to the knowledge he gave her.
  • He is implied to have conspired with Maleficent to control Terra into stealing Aurora’s heart. This act also distances Terra from his friends, making him more susceptible to Xehanort’s manipulations.
  • He gives Braig his backup plan to fill thirteen people with his heart and mind and to help him if he loses his memories after possessing Terra.
  • He manipulates Ven into going back to the Land of Departure to ask Eraqus about his past knowing that Eraqus would attempt to kill him. He then urgently tells Terra to go there afterwards knowing that he would fight Eraqus to protect Ven. After Terra defeated him, Xehanort then killed the weakened Eraqus from behind in front of him. This act is made even worse by the fact Eraqus was his former friend since teenage years.
  • He then destroys the The Land of Departure by having the world be consumed by darkness claiming that Terra would no longer need a home.
  • He froze Ventus, nearly killing him, and then orders Vanitas to fuses with Ventus and kill Aqua. After the X-blade is forged, he then possesses Terra taking his bid for himself.
  • He attempts to kill Aqua while controlling Terra’s body. When Terra tries to regain control, he uses his No Name Keyblade to force Terra out of his heart and into the Guardian.
  • He experimented on innocent people and attempted to get the heart to renounce itself. This resulted in the Heartless coming into the worlds making him responsible for their rampage across all worlds. While this was not his intention, he proceeded do create artificial Heartless and attempt to control them.
  • When Ansem the Wise had enough with his experiments, he banished him to the Realm of Darkness.
  • He resorted the MCP in Space Paranoids despite knowing how evil it was.
  • After regaining his Keyblade, he strikes down all of his fellow apprentices, turning them into Nobodies before splitting himself into his Heartless half, "Ansem," and his Nobody half, Xemnas. This makes him responsible for both of their omnicidal plans using Kingdom’s Hearts.
    • Once both were destroyed and reform as Master Xehnaort, there is no trace of Ansem and Xemnas identity left in Master Xehanort. Showing that unlike Sora, Xehanort doesn't respect his Nobody and only looks at Xemnas as "Useless puppet."
  • After being restored to his former body, he planned to have Sora be his thirteenth vessel and nearly succeed only being stopped by Lea.
  • Using his thirteen selves, he does battle with the seven guardians of light to create the X-blade. To get the final key to forge the X-blade he killed Kairi in front of Sora to motivate him into attacking him and getting the last key.
  • He does not seem to care about vessels after they served their purpose only seeing them as mere puppets to complete his goal as implied by Marluxia to Larxene that Xehanort see them as "empty husks" and not caring that they rebelled while Luxord points out to Xigbar that Xehanort only "cares about is the clash between the seven lights and thirteen darknesses."
  • After obtaining the X-blade, he attempts to use it to use Kingdom Hearts to destroy all the worlds and remake them into new ones.
  • During the final battle in Scala ad Caelum, he sent the Replica Xehanort's back to the Keyblade Graveyard against the remaining guardians while he himself fought Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
  • Saying he passes the heinous standard would be underestimate. He is the one that set standard of Kingdom Heart series by creating the Emblem Heartless, Nobodies, and being responsible for Ansem, Maleficent, Pete, and Xemnas’ crimes, in which Ansem and Xemnad are extension of himself.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is tragic as his classmates were killed by Baldr, who fell prey to Darkness due to losing which his sister which combined with him seeing corruption in the world, and Eraqus being unable to see Light and Darkness in a grey light shattered his worldview. Due these events, it caused him to believe the worlds were corrupt and needed to be fixed.
  • He is a genuine extremist as due to what he saw when he went to other worlds, he realized it was all corrupt and needed to reset the worlds with Kingdom Hearts so he could help lead the worlds so that they would not be corrupted.
  • He has a pet-the-dog moment as he decided to let the comatose Ven spend his last days in peace on the Destiny Islands before Ven managed to share Sora’s heart.
  • Despite killing him, he still cared for his friend Eraqus as they had a genuine friendship and he happily departed with him into the afterlife. He also cared for his classmates in Scala ad Caelum and blamed himself for their deaths (save for Bragi) and they are a major reason for his fall to darkness.
  • He ultimately redeemed himself after Eraqus told him to give up the X-blade and entrust the future to Sora. He gives up his Omnicide plan and gives the X-Blade with Sora and departs peacefully into the afterlife with Eraqus.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
The Walrus | Captain Hook | Hades | Firebird | Jumba Jookiba | Alameda Slim | Te Kā | Arthur | Soldiers | Virana | Callisto Mal

One-Eyed Bart | Henry J. Waternoose III | AUTO | Mor'du

Giant Magnet | Lady Eboshi | Jacques von Hämsterviel | Super Super Big Doctor | Sweet Pete

Live-Action Features
Winifred Sanderson | Kissin' Kate Barlow | Davy Jones | Kraken | Speckles | Red Queen | Theodora | Constantine | King George III | Lope De Aguirre | Sweet Pete | Malvina Monroe

Marvel Studios
Thanos | Mandarin | Scarlet Witch | Arishem the Judge | Gorr the God Butcher | Namor

General Hux | Count Dooku | Darth Vader

Animated Television
DuckTales (1987)
Emperor Ping the Pitiless | The Golden Goose

Demona | Matrix | Jason Canmore | Robyn Canmore

Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Jumba Jookiba | Jacques von Hämsterviel | Richter | Holio | Frenchfry

Phineas and Ferb
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Aloyse Von Roddenstein | Rodrigo | Darthenshmirtz | Super Super Big Doctor | Baljeet Tjinder

Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Preston Northwest | Lumberjack Ghost

Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Meteora Butterfly | Mina Loveberry | Solaria Butterfly

Big Hero 6: The Series
Obake | Noodle Burger Boy

King Andrias | The Core | Lysil and Angwin | Curator Ponds

The Owl House
The Collector | Unnamed Previous Golden Guard

Bessie the Cornish Cow | Brick Bristol | Cassandra | Cedric the Sorcerer | Count Dooku | Darth Vader | The Goblin | Janja | Shego | The Sorcerer | Steelbeak | Strange Supreme | Train Bandit Leader

Live-Action Television
Marvel Television
Hive | Jiaying | Calvin L. Johnson | Bullseye

Marvel Studios
He Who Remains | Arthur Harrow

Darth Vader

Disney-Hyperion Books
Dr. Myron Ned-Grant

Video Games
Master Xehanort | Xemnas | Master of Masters | Xigbar | GO-4 | Mad Doctor | Second Sister

Mad Doctor | Donald Duck


Bill Cipher | The Black Hiver | Elsa | Emperor Belos | Friar Archibald Tuck | Goofy | Joy | Mickey Mouse | Miles Walker | Mr. Incredible | Mokey the Mouse | Prince Achmed | Romeo | The Sun | Wilford Brimley | Minnie Mouse

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Amphibia Inconsistently Heinous | Buena Vista International Inconsistently Heinous | Gargoyles Inconsistently Heinous | Gravity Falls Inconsistently Heinous | Kingdom Hearts Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Phineas and Ferb Inconsistently Heinous | Pixar Inconsistently Heinous | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | The Owl House Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous

           KH Inconsistently Heinous

Organization XIII
Master Xehanort | Xemnas | Xigbar

Disney Villains
Captain Hook | Hades | Davy Jones

Master of Masters
