Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

Behold! It is I, KAOS! And as you can see, I AM AWESOME! Of course, I was always awesome, but now that I have the Fist of Arkus and assumed the form of the biggest most powerful robot ever, I AM SUPREMELY AWESOME!
~ Robo Kaos to the Skylanders when the latter are walking across a bridge to the exit of Chapter 16: Bringing Order to Kaos in Skylanders Giants

Kaos is the main antagonist of the Skylanders franchise.

He's a wicked Portal Master who has attempted to conquer Skylands on numerous occasions and is responsible for banishing the Skylanders to Earth.

He was voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz, who also voiced Zim.

His Evil Rankings[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • While one of the Secret Scrolls claims that he was once a prince who abandoned his family due to years of being insulted for his ugliness and smelliness, there’s no in-universe proof it actually happened. Kaos was friendless as a kid, hence why he created the Wilikins, but he’s never shown actually being affected or motivated by it, which keeps his tragedy from holding up.
  • While Kaos suffers many humiliating defeats, he deserves them for his actions.
  • In his first appearance, he destroyed the Core of Light along with Eon, turning Skylands into a wasteland and "turning Eon into a spirit."
  • He banished the Skylanders into Earth after the destruction of Skylands.
  • When a new Portal Master (the player) was rebuilding the Core of Light, he tried to stop them by protecting its pieces.
  • He awakened an Arkeyan Conquertron then rode on it to destroy the surroundings of an island.
  • He used the Fist of Arkus to reactivate the Arkeyan army, then attempted to conquer the world.
  • He attempted to evilize one of the Four Ancient Elementals so he could corrupt everyone in the world.
  • He evilized his minions and many innocent people using the Petrified Evil, causing them to be more evil and shed away their goodness.
  • When the Four Ancient Elementals have been retrieved, Kaos attempted to corrupt the volcano so it would erupt and evilize everyone.
  • He freed the Doom Raiders from their imprisonment, making him responsible for their future actions after this.
  • While he’s appalled at the Golden’s Queen goal to steal all of the gold in Skylands, it’s not because he thinks it’s too evil. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, since he thinks that she’s not evil enough.
  • While he was very passive towards the Skylanders and was willing to help them defeat the Doomlanders, this is only to take his revenge rather than out of honor or heroism. After the Doom Raiders got defeated, he quickly returned into villainy and try to use the Ultimate Weapon.
  • Him being trapped and helping the Skylanders doesn’t make him On & Off since he’s only doing it because they forced him to, and he returns to villainy after freeing himself.
  • At the very beginnings of Superchargers, he successfully conquered Skylands temporarily, capturing Eon, Flynn, Hugo, and Cali.
  • When The Darkness gained sentience, it assisted Kaos to conquer not just Skylands, but the whole universe as well.
  • He doesn't care for Glumshanks, as he constantly mistreats him and doesn't consider him as a companion. The fact that Glumshanks didn't want to leave the Mirror of Mystery because he wanted to stay with the good Kaos showed how toxic their relationship is.
  • He also doesn't care for his mother, as he wasn't happy that she escaped her screen. He later told her to shut up after she complimented him.
  • He created Doomlanders to defeat the Skylanders with Mind Magic, including a giant guacamole monster.
  • He brainwashed almost all of the Skylands with the Brain’s help.
  • While The Darkness is much more heinous than Kaos due to attempting to destroy the entire universe, he has way more resources than him due to being a god of Darkness, not to mention he needed Kaos in order to make himself heinous. Kaos managed to stand out in his own way due to his personal villainy towards Skylands due to his continuous attempts to conquer it, and some of his crimes like trying to evilize Skylands could rival the Darkness' attempt to destroy it.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is way too comedic to be Pure Evil or Near Pure Evil, as he is a Card-Carrying Villain who acts over-the-top with his villainy. In addition, there are several moments where he is not taken seriously, with almost every character in the series mocking him whenever possible. Even Eon, who's considered one of the more serious characters in the series, was briefly concerned about Kaos' face than the fact that he was going to destroy the Core of Light.
  • He genuinely seems to care about the Wilikins.
  • He has his moments of being legitimately honorable in Skylanders: Superchargers:
    • He hesitated to press the button to destroy Skylands via his Sky Eater, only doing so because the Darkness threatened to take away his powers, showing he has standards.
    • When The Darkness asked him to destroy the Rift Engine, he turned it off, betraying The Darkness.
    • He congratulated the Portal Master and the Skylanders for defeating The Darkness once and for all, so it’s heavily implied he respects them.
    • He admits he doesn’t hate Tessa nearly as much as he hates some of the other people at Skylanders Academy during the ending.
    • He hands over his crown to the Skylanders if they beat him at Skystones Overdrive.


  • He is the only villain in the Skylanders series to be IH.

External Links[]
