Requirements for getting white-listed
All requirements must be met in order to be white-listed.
- Users must have seven days worth of activity on the wiki and at least 30 edits. User accounts must be at least seven days old on the wiki and edits must be in good-faith; edit-spamming in order to meet the edit count requirement and disruptive edits will not be considered.
- Users must vote on seven different proposals and provide sufficient reasons for their votes.
- In order to vote on any proposals, users must first have at least three days of activity on the wiki with at least 10 edits to pages. Similar to rule #1, edits must be in good-faith and user accounts must be at least three days old on the wiki in order to vote on proposals.
- Users must abide by the rules of the wiki.
Once the requirements are met, users can ask an administrator to be added to the white list. This excludes all users who are on the black list.
List of users who are allowed to make proposals on the wiki.
- Accounty the Sequel
- Arctic Vixen Star Gamer
- AlbertFandoom
- TheAverageDimentio
- Batman129
- BlazingBlaze6
- BlockIdol
- Bonus Person
- BlubenieTheRabootLover
- Capitano Nox
- Cheddar7
- CiscoTheSoto
- Complete monster
- CrystallicWolf108
- Dainzelo
- DavidTheDrawBird8
- Dual89 Proxima
- Ducktales37
- DuskxPhoenix
- DyaboytheSBSPfanboy3
- Eleeysium
- Erza221
- FriendlyGrim
- Flowman777
- FunFactSeeker329
- Gabster2to
- GCrobat
- Godpleasesaveusagain
- Haven1234
- Ian565878
- Iceaura39
- Idk65432
- Itskenny9031
- ITVdude2000
- JackJackX
- Jamz64
- JayAnimeLover201011
- Jechiro
- Joaco34215
- КайСмит
- Kakarot Prime
- Kera3009
- Kirbypro8112
- KKisnotreal
- Linogrin
- LordGalvatronYT
- LordJarman
- Lucariobot
- Luigi Hunter
- MarioD0607
- Mariogoods
- Marshenwhale
- Marvel&StarWarsFan2890
- Mathlete333
- MistaClean
- Mp-hj
- Mudkip77
- Mythro
- OgreAchiever
- OldMcBrother
- Omnificence
- Ordeaux26
- Oscarsfan2004
- Ranpo Kitan Enjoyer
- RealM1NEPR0
- Red1297
- Rmb-bousca
- RobinYang45
- RubyDoesStuff
- SalohcinPancakes
- ScandaXD
- Shakespeare1597
- Snake Man 12.0
- Snonk
- StarManatee
- Star Wars Fan Boy 1999
- Stellatheblogger
- SWLover2
- Tabbykitth07
- TAMF2006
- The great mark
- The Pro-Wrestler
- TheRealImaginator
- TheRiddlerKidder
- Thunderclark44
- Tripp Everett
- UltraBits76
- Veryender214
- Victor 61516
- Villain Lover999
- VillainShot2500
- Vrx04
- XRoyUltra
- XXxMegalodonPrimexXx
- Yololologuy2006
- Yorkobe Shounen
- Zerukin
- Zitojo
- Zoopmech-134