Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Khan from Star Trek (Alternate Timeline) - Ends February 10
  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Removals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Discussions of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

As a wiki, rules are necessary to make sure that people do not disrupt the wiki or others.

General Rules

  1. No Harassment: Harassment will not be tolerated in this wiki. Incidents will result in a block and repeated incidents will result in a long block, potentially indefinite if such behavior is a pattern.
  2. Avoid Edit Warring: Edit warring is the act of repeatedly making edits to undo other edits and will result in a block.
  3. No Vandalism: Do not vandalize our wiki. Examples include deleting large portions of an article's text without permission or changing an article's categories just to get a character approved/disapproved here. It will result in a long (possibly indefinite) block.
  4. No Plagiarism: Do not plagiarize other articles. Make writing in your own words and cite sources when appropriate. Plagiarizing will result in a block.
  5. Avoid Stubs: Try to avoid creating stub pages. Creating a stub page will result in a warning, and if such behavior is extreme (spamming multiple stub pages at once) or continuous (habit of making stub pages) will result in a block.
  6. Do not Spam Edits: Do not spam minor edits, such as spelling mistakes or adding one category per edit. This will result in a warning or block depending on severity and history of edit spams.
  7. Do not Spread Misinformation: Accidents happen, and we are happy to inform other users about information that they do not know about. However, intentionally saying false information, especially related to potentially life-or-death topics like healthcare, will result in a block.
  8. Ban Evasion: Creating a sockpuppet to evade a ban will result in the sockpuppet account getting banned along with an extended block to the puppet-master account.
  9. Character Roles: Abuse of character roles will not be tolerated here. Instances of abuse or edit wars will be dealt with a block.
  10. Moral Scaling Polls: Polls asking about a character's moral scaling status are unreliable and banned as users can vote on them without giving reasons. These polls will be deleted on the spot. Repeated creation of these polls may result in the poll-maker being blocked.
  11. Debated Validations: Adding debated validations is not allowed. New proposals should list all possible preventions as either preventing or non-preventing rather than as debated validations. Current debated validations should be discussed as to whether they should be added as a prevention or removed, depending on whether people agree with it holding up or not.
  12. Discuss Preventions: Preventions must be discussed before being added or removed.
  13. No New Categories: New categories cannot be made without admin approval except for series categories.

Proposal Rules

  1. Make Proposals of Decent Quality: We're not expecting a super-in-depth novel here, but proposals missing entire sections or with very basic information that doesn't provide users enough information to vote will be deleted on the spot. Repeated creation of poor-quality proposals will result in a block. The sections needed are as follows (Note: the sections don't need to use these exact names, of course. As long as the proposal has sections like these, it fulfills the sections requirement):
    1. Proposals and removals:
      1. "Who's the Character": Description of the character.
      2. "What's the Work": A description of the work.
    2. Proposals:
      1. "Heinous Standard": Description of what specifically makes the character heinous. Sections that are a list of all deeds do not qualify as this - deeds included in this section must be only the main deeds that make them heinous. This section must show how the character passes baseline heinousness and relative heinousness (if there is no in-story competition, just note that) and it is highly recommended that specific resources are included as well.
      2. "What Makes Them Inconsistent": What makes the character inconsistent.
    3. Removals:
      1. "Why Do They Not Count": Why is the character insufficiently heinous specifically?
  2. Do not Propose Characters that are not Remotely Close to Criteria: Characters that are so far away from the criteria that it is immediately obvious that the character is either not heinous enough or too consistent in villainy will result in the proposal being rejected and the user being warned/blocked. Obviously, there will be characters that don't qualify that people will propose, and people shouldn't feel afraid of proposing potentially controversial candidates, so try to assume benefit of the doubt. However, if it's something blatant like a mere kill the heroes villain or a villain that has only one tiny PE disqualifying factor not related to heinousness, or if it's something that has been explained to the user before but they refused to listen to, then reject the proposal and warn the user. Continuing to propose characters blatantly far away from the criteria will result in a block.
  3. Votes Must Have Proper Reasoning: When voting, users must give a proper reason for their vote. For proposals, this means including what makes them heinous and inconsistent for yes votes, what makes them insufficiently heinous for no votes, or what makes the preventions minor/illegitimate for votes that argue for the character to be NPE or PE. For removals, this means including how they are insufficiently heinous for cut votes or how they are sufficiently heinous for keep votes. They cannot utilize severe misinformation either. Otherwise, the vote will be invalid. If the vote is close to being valid, then calmly explain to the user what they are missing before declaring the vote invalid.
  4. Cannot Change Invalid Votes: Votes that are marked invalid cannot be changed afterwards.
  5. Removing Approved Characters/Proposing Rejected Characters: Removals for approved characters or proposals for rejected characters must get the approval of an admin beforehand. There must have been at minimum 2 weeks since the previous verdict on the character for a removal or re-proposal to be given.
  6. Proposal Limit: To prevent people from spamming proposals, there is a limit of 1 proposal per user per 7 days.
  7. No Spoilers: Users must wait at least 2 weeks after a work is released to make proposals of characters from it.
  8. Use of Alternate Account(s): Use of alternate accounts is forbidden when making proposals. Any use of alternate accounts will result in a permanent block for the sockpuppet account and a block for the puppet-master account.
  9. White List: Users must be white listed in order to make proposals. If users who are not white-listed make proposals, then their proposals will be deleted. Requirements to be placed on the White List are:
    1. Users must have seven days worth of activity on the wiki and at least 30 edits. User accounts must be at least seven days old on the wiki and edits must be in good-faith; edit-spamming in order to meet the edit count requirement and disruptive edits will not be considered.
    2. Users must vote on seven different proposals and provide sufficient reasons for their votes.
    3. In order to vote on any proposals, users must first have at least three days of activity on the wiki with at least 10 edits to pages. Similar to rule #1, edits must be in good-faith and user accounts must be at least three days old on the wiki in order to vote on proposals.
    4. Users must abide by the rules of the wiki.
  10. Black List: Users will be added to the Black List if they have violated any of the aforementioned rules when it comes to proposals. All users on the black list are forbidden from making proposals. Any users on the black list who makes a proposal will be blocked. Users are only removed from the list by admin discretion.

Who's More Evil Polls

Breaking any of these rules will result in the offending comment/poll deleted and the user warned, or blocked if they already were warned.

  1. Fair Comparison: Make the comparison a fair comparison. The characters should have similar resources and similar crimes. They should also have a similar amount of redeeming qualities, so something like a played for laughs vs redeemed character is not allowed.
  2. High Quality: The poll should be of high quality. Try to elaborate on the post and try to make it an original post.
  3. No Repeats: Polls that are the same as a previous poll are not allowed.
  4. Explain Vote: Explain why you voted the way you did.
  5. No Polls Just for a Winner: Don't create a poll just to have a winner in mind.
  6. Joke Polls: Joke Polls will only be allowed on April Fools.
  7. One Week Between Polls Per User: Each user must wait one week since their previous poll to make another poll.
  8. No Unreasonable Arguing: While reasonable discussion and debate is allowed, unreasonable arguing, such as getting angry over a person's vote, is banned.