Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Khan from Star Trek (Alternate Timeline) - Ends February 10
  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Removals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Discussions of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

Inconsistently Heinous characters are characters that are heinous, but far too inconsistent to be Pure Evil or Near Pure Evil.

Criteria for Inconsistently Heinous

  • They must be heinous by the general standard and by the in-story standard. Merely above average characters do not count.
  • Continuing from the previous criteria, exploitation characters are allowed, as long as they stand out within their story and are not just part of a story that itself is standing out. Meaning pure shock value characters such as Vukmir cannot qualify because he's not standing out, it's his story that is standing out. In particular, propaganda, pornography and Hentai characters are unconditionally prohibited.
  • The character must commit among the worst crimes in the work and stand out relative to their resources.
  • Characters may NOT rely on off-screen villainy or fridge horror. But if the character has off-screen villainy or fridge horror, but doesn't need it to be heinous, they may still qualify.
  • Show, don't tell villainy is allowed.
  • Characters with standards are allowed as long as they stick out as especially heinous even with their standards.
  • Groups of 5 members or higher are not allowed due to nobody within the group standing out from one another.
  • The character must have too many or too extreme redeeming qualities or other qualities not related to heinousness to count. For example, a redeemed character that is very heinous can count, or a character with numerous otherwise minor qualities can count as long as the qualities are too much to qualify for NPE.
  • Comic reliefs are allowed.