Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Edmundo from Haunted Tales For Wicked Kids - Ends November 4th
  2. Specimen 8 from Object Fool - Ends November 4th

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Removals of the day, see:

  1. Seymour Krelborn from Little Shop of Horrors - Ends November 4th

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Discussions of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
Anime Inconsistently Heinous
Cartoon Inconsistently Heinous
Live Action Inconsistently Heinous
Video Game Inconsistently Heinous

Anime Inconsistently Heinous

Inconsistently Heinous characters from anime.

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Cartoon Inconsistently Heinous

Inconsistently Heinous characters from cartoons.

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Live Action Inconsistently Heinous

Inconsistently Heinous characters from live-action.

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Video Game Inconsistently Heinous

Inconsistently Heinous characters from video games.

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Anime Inconsistently Heinous
Cartoon Inconsistently Heinous
Live Action Inconsistently Heinous
Video Game Inconsistently Heinous

In this wiki, you will find characters who commit crimes that are as heinous as what a Pure Evil villain would do, but they still have preventions so severe that they can't even qualify as Near Pure Evil.

Their good counterpart is Inconsistently Admirable.


Arthas Menethil is one of the main antagonists of the Warcraft franchise.

He is the former Prince of the kingdom of Lordaeron before he was tragically corrupted by the cursed sword Frostmourne and turned into a Death Knight in his attempt to save his people. Ironically, he ends up slaughtering his own people and becomes the very thing he initially fought against. He then merged with the Lich King, sat on the Frozen Throne and waged war on the whole world.

To Vote for next month's Inconsistently Heinous For Headline, go to IHFH
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Alexkrzywicki1 Alexkrzywicki1 23 hours ago

"'Nihilistic' Cowards"

People say nihilists and cowards can't overlap, because cowards value their own lives while nihilists don't, which that…

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Snake Man 12.0 Snake Man 12.0 1 day ago

Inconsistently Heinous Proposal: Specimen 8 (Object Fool)

Hello everyone, Happy Halloween, and welcome to my seventh Inconsistently Heinous Proposal and my first proposal of thi…

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