Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

I am the end and the beginning. I am the hand of madness.
~ Ice Finn to Big Destiny.
Wonderful! I thought I'd rescued all the humans! Now you can hang out here with everyone else! Gunther says we just need a few more gems. Anyway, now I'm going to freeze you!
~ Ice Finn to Finn the Human and Jake the Dog upon meeting them.

Ice Finn, the Farmworld version of Finn Mertens, is a recurring antagonist of Adventure Time, serving as the protagonist villain of the Season 5 two-parter premiere "Finn the Human/Jake the Dog" and the secondary antagonist of the Season 7 episode "Crossover".

He is an alternate incarnation from the eponymous adventurer who was born when Finn wished that the Lich never existed, leading to the creation of the Farmworld timeline, a reality where humanity didn't go extinct and thus Finn grows up as a poor cyborg farmer with his parents, his little brother and his pet dog Jake. However, when his family gets threatened by the Destiny Gang, Finn resorts to don the Ice Crown that Simon Petrikov used to save humanity in hopes of not losing his mule Bartram, resulting in his transformation into Ice Finn.

Like his original version, he was voiced by Jeremy Shada.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Swipes the Ice Crown from Simon Petrikov's corpse at his final resting place to sell it in hopes of keeping Bartram, ignoring Marceline's warnings to not touch it as its misuse could cause the planet's annihilation.
  • Throws ice shards everywhere randomly after putting out the fire of his farm and freezing the Destiny Gang, in spite of Marceline's warnings to not do so, leading to the frozen Mushroom Bomb (which Simon froze to save humanity) to finally detonate, claiming Marceline's life and mutating his dog Jake into Farmworld's version of the Lich.
  • Freezes all people he comes across with to "protect" them, even though such condition is basically a fate worse than death if Tromo's description of it as him being frozen and confused during his immobile state is of any indication.
  • Kicks Marceline's still-alive head as she slowly dies because of the toxic liquid the bomb unleashed due to her grabbing Jake. Although he may have done so because he thought Marceline was trying to drag Jake with her out of spite for him not listening to her, Finn had no right at doing so as he could have merely pulled harder due to Marceline not having any strength left, plus Marceline was more focused at pointing out that such catasthrophe would have been avoided if Finn had taken her seriously.
  • Apparently engages in a fight his world's Lich after his esence materializes into Jake.
  • Eventually teams up with his world's Lich and finds the Enchiridion with him in order to "save" the Multiverse, planning to encase all people in existence on ice to form his own Kingdom of Frost.
    • Though it can be argued that Ice Finn's involvement in the plans of Farmworld's Lich wasn't that complicit as he was actually unaware that the Lich planned to annihilate all of the Multiverse's life, he accepted his plans nonetheless before finding out and was still no better than him as he was going to put everyone in a fate worse than death. Even Prismo himself points out that Ice Finn poses a threat to the architecture of all realities, showing a Multiversal Map losing all realities upon his entrance, heavily implying catasthrophic consequences in the long run.
  • Starts his plans to "save everyone" by encasing millions of people (possibly his world's entire human race), including Billy's Farmworld counterpart Bobby and his own family despite originally asking Bartram to take them away from him, tauntingly assuring them that he loves them and that they need to stay frozen for a while even though he evidently isn't freeing them anytime soon. In a flasback from the spin-off series, it's shown that he once froze a couple with their baby kid, proving that just like with his baby brother, not even minors were safe from him.
  • Twirls two ice blocks with two people inside around just for his own amusement.
  • Attacks the mainstream Finn the Human and Jake the Dog when they come to his reality to save the Multiverse under Prismo's orders by stealing Farmworld's Enchiridion, throwing ice rays at them and trying to freeze them.
  • Freezes Big Destiny again when he tries to run away for his life after Farmworld's Lich ceases off his brainwashing on him, even though Big Destiny brought them the jewels they needed for their ritual to open the Multiversal Portal.
  • Freezes his mainstream counterparts and watches content at how his Lich forces the mainstream Jake into sleeping with his breath.
  • Allows the Lich to force Bobby into using his nasal gem to make the Enchiridion open the Multiversal Portal, proceeding to ask how many dimensions are there to save only for the Lich to reveal his true intentions for the Multiverse.
    • Albeit accidentally, it should be noted that because of him temporarily opening the portal before closing it by removing the Ice Crown's jewel from the Enchiridion, Ice Finn is indirectly responsible for allowing the Farmworld's Lich hand to multiply itself and fall into infinite dimensions, permitting the Lich to reach eternal existence.
  • In spite of redeeming himself, his powers led to his world growing more distrusted of magic, leading the Destiny Gang to take over the town and rule it with an iron fist while Finn and his family moved away from there. Even farmers make scarecrows based on him, proving how much he impacted the Earth.
  • Despite how high are the show's Heinous Standards thanks to GOLB, the two Liches, Dr. Gross, the Stag, Uncle Gumbald, Orgalorg, the Earl of Lemongrab, Warren Ampersand, and Patience St. Pim, none of these villains exist in the Farmworld timeline (save for its own Lich with far more resources than him and the bog-standard Destiny Gang) and they have far higher resources, allowing Ice Finn to stand out.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Is a well-intentioned extremist, as he didn't want to use the Ice Crown originally but merely sell it to save his mule from being sold just to pay the Destiny Gang, only donning it once the Destiny Gang threatened the lives of his family.
  • Cares for his family (his parents and his little brother) and his pet animals (Jake and Bartram), pleading his mother to not force him to sell Bartram and asking Bartram to take his parents and his younger sibling away to safety when he realizes how dangerous the Ice Crown is turning him. Years later, by the time he becomes a family man, it's shown that he loves all of his kids and misses his late wife.
  • Has a few moral agency issues thanks to the Ice Crown's influence over him (similarly to what happened to the mainstream Simon Petrikov when he transformed into the Ice King), as he repeteadly mentions how the Crown's power is invading his brain, forcing him to freeze everything through voices that tell him to do so, convincing him that freezing everyone is good for them, as evidenced when Finn frees Tromo and Trami (despite them endangering his family minutes ago) before freezing them again under the promise to protect them.
  • Even as the Ice Finn, has good yet misguided intentions as he uses his ice to stop the fires caused by the Destiny Gang and freezes everyone to keep them save. While this was a fate worse than death in the long run and he intended to repeat it throughout the Multiverse, Ice Finn's plans are by far better than killing everyone permanently like the Lich intended.
  • Reedems himself upon learning of the Lich's real intentions, futilely trying to freeze him first with his incomplete Ice Crown, assisting his mainstream counterpart in defeating him once the mainstream Finn reminds Ice Finn of the heroic person he is and even renounces to the Ice Crown by throwing it to the ground before Prismo rewrites his timeline to his reality gets freed of both the Lich and the Ice Crown on the mainstream Finn's request.
  • His possible death as a result of fighting Scarab was possibly played for sympathy, as he died defending Fionna Campbell, Cake the Cat and Simon Petrikov, three strangers he had barely known to the point of even lying about their locations, from Scarab, made sure his children were safe inside his home and ordered his son Jay to not only save himself but also Little Destiny, the daughter of no other than his archenemy Big Destiny, who had left him to his fate.

External Links[]


           Adventure Time logo Inconsistently Heinous

GOLB | Princess Bubblegum | Hunson Abadeer | Ice Finn | Betty Grof | New Death

Ice King (A Glitch Is a Glitch)

           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Inconsistently Heinous

TV Shows
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kanker Sisters

Codename: Kids Next Door

Dragons: Riders of Berk/Dragons: Defenders of Berk
Dagur the Deranged

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003)/Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader
Darth Revan

Samurai Jack
The Black Mass

Powerpuff Girls Z

Dr. Kamikazi | Gus Turner | Constantine | Clammadon

Transformers: Animated
Blackarachnia | Headmaster

The Garfield Show
Commander Harland | Varicella

Pink Panther and Pals
Big Nose

The Spies | The WALL-E-NATOR

The Looney Tunes Show
Daffy Duck | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Marvin the Martian

The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange
Annoying Orange | Broccoli Overlord

Steven Universe
White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Spinel

The Tom and Jerry Show
Tom Cat

Major Nixel | King Nixel

Count Venamus

We Bare Bears

Infinity Train
The Conductor | Grace Monroe

Transformers: Cyberverse

Underfist: Halloween Bash: Bun Bun
Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon: Drizelda
Steven Universe: The Movie: Spinel

Adult Swim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Master Shake

Robot Chicken
Calvin | Donald Trump | The Xbox

Moral Orel
Clay Puppington


Rick and Morty
Rick Sanchez | Tommy Lipnip

Samurai Jack
The Black Mass

Zombie Argentinosaur

Smiling Friends
Mr. Frog | Frowning Friends | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Oscar

The Black Hiver | Courage | Jeff Randell | Mojo Jojo (SuperMarioLogan) | Parker Cerise | Black Pearl

See Also
Affiliated Studios
20th Century Studios | DreamWorks | Lucasfilm | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | Netflix | Warner Bros.
Affiliated Franchises
Adventure Time | American Dad! | DC Animated Universe | Ed, Edd n Eddy | Family Guy | Final Space | Futurama | Garfield | Looney Tunes | Powerpuff Girls | Regular Show | Robotboy | Star Wars | The Amazing World of Gumball | The Boondocks | The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy | Total Drama | Transformers

           WB 2023 Symbol Inconsistently Heinous

Animated Features
Gríma Wormtongue | Sauron | Martin Brisby | Tom Cat | Simone Lenoir | Morgan Moonscar | Mr. Freeze | Eric Cartman | Sheila Broflovski | Clyde Donovan | Mr. Chairman | Boogey Man | Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Bun Bun | Kanker Sisters | Lord Business | Rigby | Harley Quinn | Drizelda | Will Magnus | Joker | Joker | Doomsday | Spinel | Batman | Diego von Schniffenstein

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | HAL 9000 | Nothing | T-800 | Audrey II | The Riddler (The Batman Saga) | Hannibal Lecter | Riddler | Mr. Freeze | Scrappy-Doo | Deus Ex Machina | The Architect | Mr. Chairman | Ra's al Ghul | Pale Man | Sam | Robert Angier | Sweeney Todd | Mrs. Lovett | Artemisia | Amanda Waller | Gellert Grindelwald | Alan Jonah | Emma Russell | Fleegle and Drooper | Arthur Fleck | Steppenwolf | Starro | Tony Soprano | Christopher Moltisanti | Dark Flash

Animated Television
Mr. Freeze | Mandy | Brain-Eating Meteor | Jack O'Lantern | Cthulhu | Morg | Bun Bun | Kanker Sisters | Big Nose | Master Shake | Calvin | Clay Puppington | Warden | Father | HIM | Dr. Kamikazi | Gus Turner | Constantine | Clammadon | Riley Freeman | Robert Freeman | Luna | Chris McLean | Courtney (Total Drama) | Chef Hatchet | Fang | Count Dooku | Rigby | Anti-Pops | Warden of the Internet | Halloween Wizard | Mitsuru Shinehara | Major Nixel | King Nixel | Ice King | Hunson Abadeer | Ice Finn | Betty Grof | GOLB | Gumball Watterson | Bobert 6B | Larry Needlemeyer | Ant-One | Mr. Chanax | Game Child | Virus | Donald Trump | The Xbox | Megatron | Count Venamus | The WALL-E-NATOR | White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Darth Revan | Commander Harland | Varicella | Rick Sanchez | Ralph | The Black Mass | Avocato | Ash Graven | Sheryl Goodspeed | Grace Monroe | New Death | Zombie Argentinosaur | Mr. Frog | Frowning Friends | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Oscar

Live-Action Television
Game of Thrones
Cersei Lannister | Daenerys Targaryen | Night King | Qyburn | Drogon

Tony Soprano | Christopher Moltisanti | Eek Stack Ik Ik

Video Games
Dark Kahn | Agent 47 | Diana Burnwood | Lucas Grey | Silvio Caruso | Alexa Carlisle | Marcus Stuyvesant | Wazir Kale

Daffy Duck | Tom Cat | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Marvin the Martian

The Black Hiver | Eddy (MeatCanyon) | Courage | Jeff Randell | Mojo Jojo (SuperMarioLogan) | Fred Jones | Harry Potter | Duncan (Duncan Murders Chris) | Kristal McLane | Trevor McGregor | Willy Wonka | Conductor | Warner Bros. Discovery | Mandy (Grim Tales Under Below) | The Grinch

See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Inconsistently Heinous | Batman Inconsistently Heinous | Cartoon Network Inconsistently Heinous | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Heinous | Ed, Edd n Eddy Inconsistently Heinous | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous | YouTube Poop Inconsistently Heinous
