Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki


This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

This is just the beginning, Ladybug. You and Cat Noir may have won this battle, but I will win the war. I will get your Miraculouses. I will get the absolute power! And then my secret dream will come true!
~ Hawk Moth's chronologically first revenge saying after Stoneheart's defeat, and his most famous quote.
Fly away/Voyage, my little Akuma/Megakuma, and evilize him/her/them/this broken heart!
~ Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch sending an Akuma/Megakuma to corrupt someone.
Nooroo, dark wings, rise!
~ Gabriel's transformation phrase into Hawk Moth and Monarch.

Gabriel Agreste, born Gabi Grassette, better known as Hawk Moth (Le Papillon in the French version, which translates to "The Butterfly"), later Monarch, is the main antagonist of the Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir franchise. He is the father of Adrien Agreste, and the archenemy of Ladybug and Cat Noir, unaware that his own son is the current holder of the Cat Miraculous.

He is also a fashion designer and supervillain obsessed with the Miraculous jewels, specifically the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses, which he desires to steal and combine in order to change reality, with the ultimate goal of saving his wife Emilie by creating a new world for them to live in. He is the former holder of the Butterfly Miraculous, using its power of Akumatization to transform normal people into supervillains under his control. In Season 4, he unified the Butterfly Miraculous with the Peacock Miraculous, becoming Shadow Moth (Papillombre in the French version). In Season 5, he takes the new alias of Monarch after stealing the Chinese Zodiac Miraculouses from the Chinese Miracle Box with the help of his nephew, Félix Fathom. In the final episode of Season 5, "Re-creation", he successfully manages to get his hands on both the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, and made his wish to heal Nathalie, who was affected after using the broken Peacock Miraculous, and join his wife in the afterlife, at the cost of his own life.

In the French version, he was voiced by Antoine Tomé and in the English dub he was voiced by Keith Silverstein, both of whom also voice his movie counterpart.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

In General/Background[]

  • He terrorizes Paris on a weekly basis in order to draw out the holders of the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses so he could steal and use them to revive his wife, Émilie, being completely aware that this would result in the complete destruction and rebirth of reality itself and someone losing their life in return but this is a price Gabriel is willing to pay, in spite of Emilie’s wishes not to be saved.
  • He is extremely hypocritical regarding who he targets with his akumas and exploits any weakness no matter where it's sourced from to create a supervillain from one of them, being as willing to aid villainous characters who were "wronged" by heroic characters like Marinette or Adrien in some way take revenge upon them, such as Chloé, Lila, and Bob Roth, as he is with the opposite case of a heroic character being wronged, like Marinette and Adrien's friends, those being Alya, Juleka, Ivan, Alix, and Rose, and even the insecure Kagami Tsurugi, daughter of his ally Tomoe Tsurugi. He's even shown to take advantage of outright lies that expose someone's emotional weakness to him, showing that he doesn't even care if someone becomes his prey due to a truthful scenario either.
    • He has even caused some of the akumatizations himself by setting up situations that would provoke them, such as Nino, Simon, Audrey, and Chloé.
  • He has created numerous villains through his akumatization powers and, if they don’t follow his orders, he is bound to threaten them or torture them into compliance. While most of the akumatized villains are bog-standard due to only attempting to kill the heroes, there are several akumatized villains who push the boundaries and go beyond standard villainy. For example, some of the akumatized villains attempt to brainwash a large number of people, including Princess Fragrance, Darkblade, Malediktator, Robostus, Miracle Queen and others, and some of them threaten or attempt to endanger Paris, these include the Gamer and Queen Banana. And then, in the Shanghai special, there is YanLuoShi, who attempts to cause destruction on Shanghai, which is a bigger city than Paris. After that, in the New York special, there is Techlonizer/Miraclonizer who, under Hawk Moth's orders, attempted to start a world war. And lastly there is Stormy Weather who attempts to cause an eternal winter which would kill everyone on earth.
    • Another thing that makes this worse is that he has no standards for who gets akumatized, which shows that he is willing to corrupt teenagers going through mental problems, the elderly, grade schoolers/preschoolers, and he even akumatized a baby several times. The only standard is that he is not willing to akumatize his son Adrien, as seen in one episode "Glaciator 2" where Adrien is upset, Hawk Moth decides not to akumatize Adrien, and even then he goes back on this decision in "Transmission."
  • He is very cruel to his kwami Nooroo, believing him to be a slave rather than a friend. At times, Gabriel even zips his mouth shut to prevent him from talking.
  • He consistently tries to kill Ladybug and Cat Noir for getting in the way of his schemes, being fully aware that they’re just teenagers. Even worse when you take into account that Cat Noir is Adrien, Gabriel’s son, however Hawk Moth doesn’t know that.
  • He repeatedly claims to care about his family and supposedly seeks the Miraculouses to build a better life for them, but he solely just wants to bring Emilie back for himself, and often just uses Emilie’s revival to justify his madness.
  • In an effort to “protect” him from the world, he forces Adrien to be homeschooled in spite of how lonely it would make him.
  • Despite caring about his son, Gabriel rarely ever speaks any quality time with him and often never allows him to have a social life.
  • He constantly states how much he worries about Adrien’s safety but he often ends up, putting his son in direct danger as Hawk Moth, and sometimes gets him nearly killed by his Akumatized Villains.
  • In a way, he’s a partial Karma Houdini since the public would never learn of his vile actions and wrongfully praise him as a hero for “defeating” Monarch. Though there was some truth to this statement, it still doesn’t make up for everything he did.
  • While he has many comedic moments, like being sometimes unable to control his own akumatized villains, this doesn’t detract from his villainy since his crimes and abusive behavior are taken completely seriously by the narrative.

Season 1[]

  • When Adrien’s friend, Nino, tries to convince Gabriel to throw Adrien a birthday party, Gabriel coldly refuses and deems Nino a bad influence, forbidding him from speaking to Adrien or entering his house again (and is likely to have purposefully did it just for another akumatization).

Season 2[]

  • When the Kwamis attempt to locate and rescue Nooroo, Hawk Moth thwarts their attack and attempts to learn their location through a painful mental shockwave so he could capture them all.
  • In the season 2 finale, he decides to akumatize his assistant Nathalie (though she was willing to do so) and uses her powers to boost his, allowing him to send out multiple akumas at once, which he uses to cover the city of Paris with akumas, creating an army of akumatized villains to fight against Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Season 3[]

  • In the Shanghai special, he akumatizes shady black market dealer Cash into King Cash and works with him to steal the Prodigious, a mysterious and powerful piece of jewelry that is similar to the Miraculous.
  • When the heroes de-akumatize King Cash, he sends the akuma over to Mei Shi and transforms him into YanLuoShi, who, as mentioned previously, attempts to lay waste to the city of Shanghai, although this isn't what Hawk Moth wants, but only because Adrien is in Shanghai.
  • In “Feast" he sends Nathalie, as Mayura (her supervillain identity whilst wielding the Peacock Miraculous), to Louvre Museum and gets her to release the dormant Sentimonster inside of it using her powers, which Hawk Moth then akumatizes into the villain Feast, a large monster with an appetite for the Miraculous.
  • When Nooroo advises him to give up on his schemes and spend more time with Adrien, Gabriel refuses to listen and zips the Kwami’s mouth shut.
  • He allows Lila to frame Marinette for cheating and stealing so her and her friends could be almost akumatized.
  • He ambushes Master Fu and takes control of the Miracle Box before convincing Chloé to betray Ladybug and akumatizes her into Miracle Queen, allowing her to brainwash all of Paris and ultimately expose the secret identities of all Miraculous holders, save for Ladybug and Cat Noir.
  • He tried to force Master Fu to tell him Ladybug and Cat Noir’s secret identifies, which would result in Fu sacrificing his memory to make Ladybug the new guardian,
  • Though he seems to admire Chloé, he doesn’t truly care for her, only seeing her as a valuable pawn, since he abandons her to Ladybug’s mercy in the season 3 finale.
  • In the New York special, he akumatizes supervillain Techno-Pirate into Techlonizer, and works with him to steal what he finds out to be the Eagle Miraculous.
  • He gives Techlonizer the Eagle Miraculous. allowing him to become Miraclonizer, which leads to him using his powers to turn all of the United Heroes berserk as he makes them be able do whatever they please without their moral codes preventing them from doing so, and, under Hawk Moth's orders, attempted to nuke Paris in hopes of starting a world war.

Season 4[]

  • Throughout Season 4, he continues to wreak havoc in Paris as Shadow Moth after repairing the Peacock Miraculous by sending out both akumatized villains and sentimonsters. He is even willing to eliminate his Sentimonster creations once he’s done with them, carelessly wiping them from existence, even though they’re sentient beings as well.
  • In "Sole Crusher," after sensing the titular villain "weakening," while uncertain that he was aware of Marinette (or unbeknownst to him Ladybug) who is trying to reason with her, an incredibly furious Shadow Moth contacts her and manipulates her by threatening to take back her powers and leave her with the ''losers,'' while saying "would you" before ending connection with her.
  • In the season 4 finale, stating that the reason he keeps losing is that Ladybug never takes any risks, he akumatizes a young boy into becoming Risk, a supervillain that influences all of Paris to become more reckless.
  • He creates the colossal sentimonster Strikeback to wreak havoc across Paris. Ladybug and her team eventually manage to defeat Strikeback, but because of Risk she unknowingly at the time made a fatal mistake, that being she decided to recruit Adrien to her team with the Dog Miraculous, however the person she thought was Adrien turned out to be his manipulative identical cousin Félix disguised as Adrien. Félix manages to trick Ladybug and steal all of the Miraculous in the Miracle Box from her, and gives them to Gabriel in exchange for the Peacock Miraculous. This grants Gabriel his first major victory over the heroes and, with the power of sixteen Miraculous on his hands, names himself Monarch, as he threatens to relentlessly terrorize Paris until he gets his hands on the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous.

Season 5[]

  • In the Season 5 opening episode "Evolution" he decides to use the Rabbit Miraculous to go back in time and attack the heroes when they were at their most vulnerable state. However Nathalie suggests he instead goes back in time and gives his past self a USB drive which contains the information on how to fix the Peacock Miraculous, which in turn would stop Émilie from getting sick without the need to carry on fighting Ladybug and Cat Noir.
  • He decides to selfishly choose to follow his grudge against the heroes, which predictably results in him getting bested once more. When Nathalie chews him out for this at the end of the episode, to the point of her stating she doesn't want to help him anymore, he says it wasn't his fault and blames it on Ladybug.
  • The episode "Multiplication" reveals he teamed with Kagami Tsurugi's mother and business partner of his, Tomoe Tsurugi, who is aware of Gabriel's secret identity. They develop a line of rings known as Alliance which has various features and applications on them, though their main purpose is that he can transfer the powers of the Miraculous through them to create more powerful akumatized villains, which Tomoe allows herself to be the test run for as she was re-akumatized into Ikari Gozen with the additional powers of the Mouse Miraculous.
  • Throughout the fifth season he becomes increasingly crueler and more controlling towards Adrien, attempting to sabotage his new relationship with Marinette at any opportunity. His increased cruelty towards Adrien leads to attempting to akumatize him in "Transmission," meaning he has thrown away his past standards of not wanting to akumatize his son.
  • In "Deflagration" he actually comes closer than ever before in getting Ladybug and Cat Miraculous due to them not being in the hands of their regular holders, instead being in the hands of Alya Cesaire and Zoe Lee, both of whom wear Alliance rings unlike Marinette and Adrien which Gabriel is able to track. He captures them and is able to steal their Miraculous, coming close to making his wish before he is stopped by Plagg who makes a plan with Tikki which results in him having the Ladybug and Cat miraculous taken from him by Ladybug and her various classmates.
  • In "Collusion" he frames Mayor André Bourgeois as a fraud who abuses his powers by editing a video of a conversation he had with him. This allows him to akumatize Marinette and Adrien's teacher Miss Bustier into Miss Sans-Culotte, a villain that wants to bring a revolution by forcibly removing Andre from his position. In the end Ladybug and Cat Noir team up with her and they attempt to remove Andre from his position, albeit in a non-violent manner, to which André merely agrees to as he no longer wanted to be the mayor. This was all a ploy by Monarch in order to have Chloé, who he had been conspiring with. take over her father's role as the mayor, leading into the next episode, "Revolution" where Gabriel akumatizes Chloé and allows her to rule over Paris as a tyrant, sending anyone she disapproves of to "detention". Though Gabriel eventually abandons her as the Parisians decide to rebel against her and help Ladybug and Cat Noir defeat her.
  • Gabriel and Tomoe's final plan is to have both of their kids shipped of to London where they would be held captive as their respective parents form a plan to control the world. First Gabriel akumatizes himself into Nightormentor and uses his powers to spread a powder all of the world that forces people to imagine their worst nightmare. Then Tomoe would upload an application on the Alliance devices called Perfect Alliance that pacifies and hypnotizes the wearers by having them watch avatars of Adrien and Kagami doing various things.
  • For the final step of his plan, Gabriel (or an avatar of him) interrupts the Perfect Alliance app and tells the wearer that Adrien and Kagami have been kidnapped by Ladybug and Cat Noir and the only way to stop them is by using a phrase that would "Miraculize" the wearer, basically turn them into a supervillain which is basically just a zombie with no free will other than looking for Adrien and Kagami and that has Miraculous powers.
  • In the Season 5 finale, he knocks out Nathalie when she tries to stop him from unleashing his plans to get the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous. After knocking her out he takes her to the bedroom and tries to pacify her with an Alliance ring, showing little care as she died.
  • During his final battle with Ladybug, he reveals his true motives while openly admitting that he would destroy as many lives as possible to reunite with Émilie and even boasts he would happily sacrifice anyone to bring back his wife and heal his wound, showing that Gabriel cares for no one else outside of his family.
  • He manipulates Marinette into letting down her guard so he could paralyze her, forcibly taking her Miraculouses and prepared to make his wish, and this was after Marinette offered to work with him and help him figure out a solution for Adrien’s future, saying this was the only solution he needed. However, Gabriel did have a change of heart shortly after.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He genuinely loves his wife Émilie and only seeks to steal the Miraculous so he could wake her from her coma.
  • Despite being emotionally abusive towards him, he does still genuinely care about his son Adrien, as in the finale, at the cost of his own life, he brings back Nathalie so she can take care of him, and he tells Marinette to make sure Adrien remembers him when he was a good father and that he must never learn about the villain he was.
  • He still cares about Nathalie despite knocking her out as he chooses to sacrifice his life to save her and cure her illness.
  • Ultimately, the biggest reason why he cannot be Near Pure Evil like his "Cat Blanc" and "Ephemeral" counterparts is his final actions, which are treated in-universe as an at least a partial redemption. After grabbing the two Miraculous he needs to make his wish from Marinette, instead of awakening Émilie against her wishes, he redeems himself by sacrificing his life so he can join her in the afterlife and, as mentioned previously, revived Nathalie so she can look after Adrien as he becomes an orphan.
    • Furthermore, his death is treated with at least some amount of sympathy, especially by Marinette and Adrien.

External links[]


           Miraculous New Logo 2020 (1) Inconsistently Heinous

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Hawk Moth | Nathalie Sancoeur | Stormy Weather | Cat Blanc | Tikki

Miraculous World

Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
Hawk Moth

