Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
NOTE: This article only covers Harry Osborn and excludes Venom, as only Harry was voted Inconsistently Heinous. Thus, this article should only cover Venom's host, rather than the symbiote itself.



This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

ā€œ I saved your life! And you won't save mine?! Do you want me to die?! ā€ž
~ Harry's breakdown with Peter refusing to return the symbiote to him.
ā€œ Peter: MJ!! Where's...? Harry...?
Harry: Pete? You look tense. Coffee?
Peter: We need to talk.
Harry: You must get tired making the world a better place. Every. Single. Day. But I can help, all you have to do is let me.
MJ: This isn't you
Harry: Wrong, This is the "real" me... I finally have the power, to realize our vision, are you... giving up on me?
Peter: Harry, we need to get that "thing" off you.
Harry: Do Not... Call Us... A "Thing"!
Peter: Harry...
Harry: We are not "Harry". We... Are...
~ Harry at Peter's house telling his plan, before turning into Venom in front of Peter & MJ, also his most famous quote at the end.
ā€œ Let's heal the world, Pete... Together! ā€ž
~ Harry after facing Spider-Man for the last time.

Harold "Harry" Osborn, also known as Venom with his symbiote, is the tritagonist of Insomniac's Spider-Man video game series, serving as a minor character in both the 2018 superhero video game Marvel's Spider-Man and its 2020 spin-off Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and the tritagonist of its 2023 sequel Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

He is the son of Oscorp's CEO Norman Osborn, who had bonded him with an parasite-like organism called the symbiote, as a means of keeping him alive. The symbiote, codenamed VNM-252, initially went off to bond with his best friend, Peter Parker after he was nearly killed by Kraven the Hunter, before it eventually returned to Harry, perfectly fusing the two into Venom. He is the arch-nemesis of Kraven the Hunter.

As Harry Osborn, he was originally voiced by Scott Porter and currently voiced by Graham Phillips, and while possessed by Venom, he was voiced by Tony Todd.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Even before fully descending into villainy, he was already rather arrogant and fairly cocky as a superhero, an example being disregarding Tombstone's advice on how to free him and endangers everyone in the factory with molten steel. While accidental, it's not like Harry wasnā€™t warned above it what not to do. Though this was a side effect of the Venom symbiote.
  • Got angry at MJ, over Peter not giving the Symbiote back to him when his illness started to come back. While he had every right to be angry at Peter, it was completely unnecessary to take his anger out on MJ, who has nothing to do with his condition (unless he didn't mean to).
  • Shattered the container containing the symbiote when Peter tried to warn him of how dangerous it is. Though to be fair, as Harry rightly points out, he would die without it and his father Norman didn't have enough time to search for another cure.
  • Allowed Venom to injure many Oscorp guards, Kravenā€™s hunters and eventually kill Kraven himself by biting his head off, though Kraven deserved it for his long rap-sheet of needless deaths. Him pondering what he just did also proves that he was in control during the event even if he was remorseful for it (all of which alone already made him Heinous).
  • While the heinous standards of the series are high, Harry manages to stand out for allowing Venom to go rampaging through Oscorp Security and killing Kraven, though he is remorseful for the latter.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is way too tragic, insecure and sympathetic to even qualify as Near Pure Evil for the following reasons:
    • He was often neglected by his father growing up.
    • Watched his mother slowly die of a terminal illness over the course of most of his childhood before eventually being diagnosed with said illness himself.
    • Was forcefully separated from Peter and MJ without getting to properly say goodbye or explain what was wrong.
    • Had the Symbiote forcefully attached to him by Norman against his wishes and was isolated inside a tank for two whole years.
    • Had his illness resurface once the symbiote left him to save Peterā€™s life.
    • Peter refused to give the symbiote back under it's influence when he needed it most.
    • Overheard Norman praise Peter and call him a second son, making him feel worthless, unloved, and expendable in comparison.
    • Overall, Harry felt genuinely betrayed by everyone in his life, which caused him to reach his breaking point after Peter refused to give him back the symbiote due to itā€™s dangerous nature. In the end, he set out to do the exact opposite of what he strived to achieve, that being destroying the world under the pretence that he was fixing it due to Venom's manipulation of him.
  • He constructed several Research Stations to help New York City and preserve his mother, Emily's philanthropic legacy in eyes of his father and only stopped because Venom seized control of him.
  • Despite everything that's happened between them, Harry still cares for his friends and family.
    • This is mostly displayed by the relationship between him and his best friend, Peter Parker, offering him to be the Co-Founder of the Emily-May Foundation and was both extremely angry and distraught when Kraven nearly killed him, which caused Harry to get revenge by killing the hunter.
    • This is further shown when even under Venom's influence he refused to kill Peter, and its even noted that his dream of healing the world wouldn't be complete without his best friend at his side.
  • In the first half of the game he did genuinely try his best to help others and be a superhero, even if the Symbiote was making him somewhat arrogant.
  • While he infected a lot of people, including MJ, in symbiotes and planned to do it to the whole world, this was because of Venom's brainwashing influence on him as he uses the terms "us" and "we" instead of "me" or "I" which proves he was likely not in control of his actions. making these Venom's actions and not his.
  • Despite loving so much his father, he is well aware of his flaws and is put off by them and his greedy nature, showcasing standards.
  • Despite what makes him heinous, he's still a morally good character and one of the most admirable characters in the series.
  • He redeems himself at the end of the game. After snapping free from its influence, he feels remorse and realizes that Peter was right about the symbiote, trying his best to hold back long enough so he could destroy it despite knowing that he would die in the process. Though Miles was able to revive him thanks to his powers, albeit at the cost of him being rendered comatose.
  • As a result of his tragedy, feeling of betrayal, and ultimately being put in a coma which most likely he wonā€™t wake up from, Harry is ultimately a scapegoat.


  • Heā€™s the first and currently only version of Harry Osborn to be Inconsistently Heinous, as the version of Harry from the Raimiverse can't qualify due to being far too standard.
  • While currently IH as of now, his status could possibly be affected if he returns for the third game.

External Links[]


          Spider-Man Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Doctor Octopus | Galactus | Thanos | Venom

Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus (his tentacles)
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Doctor Octopus (his tentacles) | Lizard

Spider-Man: The Animated Series: Spider-Carnage
Ultimate Spider-Man: Green Goblin

Video Games
Marvel's Spider-Man: Doctor Octopus | Mister Negative | Norman Osborn | Harry Osborn
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: Doctor Octopus | Norman Osborn
Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Harry Osborn | Norman Osborn | Mister Negative | Doctor Octopus | Sandman

Spider-Man (YTPH El Hombre MusaraƱa) | Miguel O'Hara (The Canon Event Meme) | The Spider-Man
