Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki



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Joker Smile

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ā€œ Have you finally pieced it all together? Case closed... This is how your justice ends. ā€ž
~ Akechi revealing that he is the traitor to Joker.

Goro Akechi, codenamed Crow while in the Metaverse and also as Black Mask, is the secondary antagonist of the Persona 5 sub-series within the Persona series.

He was a detective investigating the Phantom Thieves of Hearts case, before becoming a member of the Phantom Thieves himself temporarily. It is later revealed that he works for Masayoshi Shido, the main antagonist of the game, and is the real culprit behind the psychotic breakdown and mental shutdown incidents. He's the arch-rival and foil of Ren Amamiya.

In Persona 5: Royal, Akechi is given more focus and depth in the expansion, particularly with his bond with Ren. He later became the 2nd main focus during the third semester, where he aids the Phantom Thieves in battling Takuto Maruki to restore their original world.

His Japanese voice actor is Sōichirō Hoshi and his English voice actor is Robbie Daymond, who also voices Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter x Hunter, and Toneri Ōtsutsuki in Naruto: The Last.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Causing countless car and train accidents that led to him taking the lives of possibly 100 people in the process.
  • Using his Persona, Loki, to take down important people connected to Shido by forcing them into psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns. Using this, he killed at least two of the parents of the Phantom Thieves, being Kunikazu Okumura (Haru's father) and Wakaba Isshiki (Futaba's mother).
  • Joining the Phantom Thieves to capture and kill their leader, Ren Amamiya/Joker, all the while deceiving the other members before actually bonding with them. And this was before he had any intentions of doing so.
  • In the game's bad ending, he kills Ren and outright wins the game.
  • He ambushes the Phantom Thieves in Shido's Palace and attempts to kill them to ensure they don't change Shido's heart before the election, which would ruin his revenge plan.
  • In spite of the Persona series' incredibly high heinous standard, Akechi still stands out due to his lack of resources (compared to other villains such as Masayoshi Shido, Yaldabaoth and Tohru Adachi) but still managing to commit some truly malicious acts. Plus, while all of his crimes were technically done under Shido's orders, Akechi willingly approached him and let him recruit him as his underling (and illegitimate son), making his worst acts a matter of personal agency.
    • Additionally, despite Shido committing much worse crimes, he would not have been able to get as far as he did given his lack of intelligence and he couldn't have even ran a campaign to become Prime Minister without Akechi's help and his knowledge of the Metaverse, making Akechi stand out even further.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He formed genuine bonds with the rest of the Phantom Thieves after infiltrating their group with the original intentions of betraying them.
  • Heā€™s genuinely tragic as his own father Masayoshi Shido raped his mother who was a sex worker that later got became pregnant and give birth to him, After this his mother shamed him for having a child like him out of wedlock, and committed suicide, And never had any genuine friends as a child, When he was older Shido later treated him as a puppet to kill others and later says that he was planning to kill Akechi after he becomes the next prime minister of Japan.
  • Due his tragic past, upbringing, and loneliness, he has insecurities that are played for sympathy, as he wants attention and validation.
  • He redeems himself by sacrificing himself to save the Phantom Thieves.
  • Helps the Phantom Thieves defeat Maruki who was going to rewrite reality that would of undermined all of their achievements. This stands out even among the other thieves, as while most of them would have gone back to their ordinary lives, Akechi doesn't know if he is even still alive in the original reality and is thus willing to sacrifice himself to save it.
  • He has moral standards:
    • He criticizes Sae Nijima's willingness to use illegal methods to win cases.
    • He is disgusted when Maruki tries to use Sumire as a meatshield and sets her on Joker, even stepping out of the fight to make sure he won't hurt or kill her.
    • When he comes to the conclusion that he died in Shido's Palace and Maruki brought him back from the dead, Akechi is adamant that Joker refuse Maruki's deal on the basis that he does not want to live as a puppet.
    • In the Thieves' Den, he actually shows his disgust towards Kamoshida and Madarame for their actions, even admitting he would've killed them for their crimes.
    • In Tactica, he was legitimately shocked and disgusted to see Guernica slaughtering numerous Mouscots.
  • He shows care for certain people:
    • Ultimately, in spite of trying to kill Ren, he still legitimately respects him and sees him as a worthy opponent. If Ren dies during the third semester when Akechi is the navigator, Akechi is genuinely distraught and angry. He also admits that he wished he and Ren could've met in the past, believing that they would've legitimately become great friends.
    • As first mentioned above, despite his jerkish moments with them, Akechi genuinely grew to actually care about the Phantom Thieves. In fact, when it was believed that he "killed" Ren, he prevented Shido from targeting the rest of the thieves, convincing him to spare their lives.
    • He has a degree of care for Sumire, sincerely complementing her when she does well in battle and showing concern for her if she is afflicted with a status effect in the third semester. When Maruki drives her insane and has her attack Joker, Akechi steps back, not wanting to harm her.

External Link[]


Persona Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Persona 4
Tohru Adachi

Persona 5
Goro Akechi
Persona 5 Royal
Takuto Maruki
Persona 5 Strikers
Akira Konoe | Kuon Ichinose | EMMA
