Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Khan from Star Trek (Alternate Timeline) - Ends February 10
  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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  1. None at the moment.

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

Ninten! I am grateful to your family. Your Great-Grandparents, George and Maria raised me. But, George stole vital information from our planet that can be used to betray my people... And now, one of his descendants is obstructing our plans, and must be stopped!! Ninten! I am talking about you! Go home now! Perish with the rest of the ugly Earth People. Foolish one, you cannot do a thing with your meager powers... Powers worthy of a lowly insect. Ninten! You alone, I may save you. Just you alone. Board our Mother Ship with me... then, fall into a long sleep with your friends and the other ugly earth people.
~ Giygas reveals his motives and attempts to spare Ninten before realizing he won't let Giygas follow through his plans.

Giygas (in Japanese: ギーグ Gyiyg), also called Giegue (in Japanese: ギーグ, Gīgu), is the main antagonist of the Mother/EarthBound science fantasy video game series, serving as the main antagonist of Mother/EarthBound Beginnings and Mother 2/EarthBound.

He is an alien who wishes to gain PSI back for his kind after being betrayed by his adoptive father, George, seeking to defeat George's descendant, Ninten, and his friends.

Upon failing to invade Earth, he later returns and gains so much power he loses control of himself, to the point he is regarded as an embodiment of evil and wishes to destroy the universe (with the help of Porky Minch, he kept his mind intact with the Devil's machine) and is prophesied to take over the universe unless Ness and friends defeat him.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • In both games, he turns random objects hostile and causes them to attack people.
  • He, alongside the Starmen, led an invasion on Earth and abducted many people, children included.
  • He brainwashes countless innocent people and animals into serving him.
  • In an apocalyptic future, he would end up nearly destroying all life to the point a scientist named Buzz Buzz had to go back in time 10 years to stop it.
  • He sends a Starman Jr. to assassinate Buzz Buzz due to his trying to travel back in time to alert Ness of Giygas's plans.
  • He uses his influence to bring out the evil in both people and animals (via the Evil Mani Main) with examples being:
    • Mr. Carpainter, who he turns into a cult leader who brainwashes people and tries to use Paula as a human sacrifice.
    • Geldegarde Monotoli, who became a corrupt mayor in Fourside.
  • Possibly under his orders, one of his minions, Master Belch takes over the town of Threed with an army of zombies and endangers thousands of civilians.
  • A Starman Deluxe acting under his master's name kidnaps seven people allied with the protagonists and places them in alien tubes (where they are unable to breathe) in Stonehenge Base, likely intending to perform nefarious experiments on them.
  • He turns Ness's hometown of Onett into a ghost town with many of his alien minions terrorizing the streets. Most people have either disappeared or locked themselves in their houses, too afraid to come out.
  • He tries to kill the protagonists when they enter the Cave of the Past by using attacks beyond their comprehension.
  • Unlike most villains in the games, he is played absolutely seriously without any comedic moments or traits at all, especially once he is revealed in the second game.
  • Although Porky arguably did worse than him, Giygas is partially responsible for his actions in the first place due to his influence on him via his influence with the Happy Happyists, who at the time were influenced by the Mani Mani statue.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He has a legitimately tragic origin as his adoptive father, George ended up abandoning him, and his mother, Mary, was forcefully separated from him by his kind. This sympathy extends in-game where he becomes emotionally broken when Ninten and his friends sing a song that Mary used to see him and ends up abandoning his plans. It is likely due to how emotionally broken he was, he sought out the Apple of Enlightenment which would destroy his mind. He doesn't even outweigh it with his actions in Earthbound due to not having any moral agency in that game and even then is is played sympathetically as he continually tells Ness how much he is hurting.
  • He cares for and respects his mom, Maria, as he was genuinely fond of her when she took care of him. He mentions when meeting Ninten that he was grateful for her taking care of him. He is deeply upset about being separated from her, as seen when you play the Eight Melodies, where he gets emotionally upset from being reminded of being separated from her to the point where he runs away.
  • He is a Villain by Proxy as originally never intended to take over Earth until his kind was betrayed and he was forced by his race to invade Earth.
  • He has good intentions, as his goal was to help his kind get back their PSI that George stole from them due to their reliance on it. This shows he has some care for his kind.
  • He has a pet the dog moment where he is willing to spare Ninten if he lives peacefully with him due to being a descendant of Maria, only trying to kill him alongside the rest of humanity when he realizes Ninten won't do such.
  • His worst deeds are done by the time of EarthBound, where he has severe moral agency issues, as his power had overwhelmed him to the point where he could hardly think or comprehend anything (even saying nonsensical phrases like feeling good and hurting at the same time), being recognized as an embodiment of evil and according to Porky, an "almighty idiot." He would have to be kept in a Devil's Machine just to contain himself.


  • He is one of four Inconsistently Heinous versions of Giygas, including his Cognitive Dissonance, BUZZBOUND and Giygarfield versions.
  • His official Saori Kumi novelization version is considered Near Pure Evil as he is a separate entity who lacks this version's redeeming qualities and backstory.
  • There is a theory that Giygas is consumed his kind to become more powerful which explains why they were never mentioned in Earthbound. If proven true, that makes him far worse.

External Links[]


           Nintendo Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Donkey Kong
King K. Rool (Cartoon)

Donkey Kong (Pixels)

Dragalia Lost

Fire Emblem
Anankos | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Hubert von Vestra

Kid Icarus

Pit (Peckish Palutena)

Dark Curse


Gruntilda | Conker the Squirrel

Xenoblade Chronicles

See Also
EarthBound Inconsistently Heinous | Kirby Inconsistently Heinous | The Legend of Zelda Inconsistently Heinous | Pokémon Inconsistently Heinous | Splatoon Inconsistently Heinous | Super Mario Inconsistently Heinous | Super Smash Bros. Inconsistently Heinous

            Mother Logo Inconsistently Heinous


Dr. Andonuts | Giygarfield | Giygas (BUZZBOUND | Cognitive Dissonance)

See also
Nintendo Inconsistently Heinous
