Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

In this world, it's kill or be killed.
~ Flowey's catchphrase and most famous quote.
Howdy! It's me, Flowey. Flowey the Flower! I owe you a huge thanks. You really did a number on that old fool. Without you, I never could have gotten past him. But now, with your help... He's DEAD. And I've got the human souls! Boy! I've been empty for so long... It feels great to have a soul inside me again. Mmmm, I can feel them wriggling... Awww, you're feeling left out, aren't you? Well, that's just perfect. After all, I only have six souls. I still need one more... Before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers... Monsters. Humans. Everyone. I'll show them all the REAL meaning of this world.
~ Flowey upon gaining the human souls

Flowey the Flower is the main antagonist of the 2015 indie RPG Undertale.

Flowey, like his name implies, is a talking golden flower with a sadistic streak and a desire for godhood. As revealed in the game's ending, he is actually the reincarnation of Asriel Dreemurr, the Prince of the Underground who was murdered by humans before being resurrected by Alphys as a flower years later. For the longest time, he had the ability to SAVE and RESET time due to having the most DETERMINATION in the underground, but when the main protagonist, Frisk, comes along, he loses that ability as the child has more DETERMINATION.

His goals vary from each route, which include: Absorbing the six human SOULs gathered by monsterkind to reset everything and be with Chara again (True Pacifist Route), attempting to destroy the world (Neutral Route), or helping Frisk/Chara kill all monsters (Genocide Route).

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • At the very start, he tries tricking Frisk by being superficially kind and persuading him into touching his bullets by calling them "friendliness pellets".
    • If Frisk does touch the "friendliness pellets", they lose HP and he sadistically taunts the them.
    • If Frisk continuously avoid them, Flowey gets progressively angrier until he surrounds the entire battle box with “friendliness pellets”, telling Frisk to die.
  • He follows a rule of "kill or be killed", but is very hypocritical with this policy, as he calls Frisk out for killing monsters in the Genocide Route and trying to kill them earlier.
  • If Frisk decides to spare Asgore, he sneak attacks him to kill him and gain the human SOULs, all while destroying Asgore's SOUL to make sure they can't pass through the Barrier (making matters worse, Asgore is his own father).
    • If done again in a second neutral route or further, while he no longer becomes Photoshop Flowey, he still destroys Asgore's SOUL to spite the player and make sure they can't escape the Underground.
  • He tries destroying everyone and everything upon gaining the human SOULs, and admits he'll use Frisk's soul to teach everyone "the true meaning of this world".
  • If Frisk dies, he brings them back so he can kill them continually out of pure sadism.
  • In the True Pacifist Route, he absorbs both the six human SOULs and the SOULs of every monster in the underground (sans Napstablook) to RESET time to the very beginning so he could play with "Chara" over and over.
  • In the Genocide Route, he assists Frisk in committing genocide on monsterkind, and kills Asgore as a last-ditch attempt to be spared, proving himself to be a coward.
    • It also demonstrates how hypocritical he really is, saying "it's kill or be killed" but begs for his life.
  • Said he's done literally everything, which indirectly means he could've committed every crime in existence: He outright claims he's killed everyone in one of the previous timelines, which by extension all but outright confirms he killed his own mother.
  • He holds a great dislike towards Papyrus' brother, Sans, by implying that they fought multiple times back when he could still RESET, with Sans usually winning and killing him, and warns the protagonist to stay away from him. This is hypocritical, since if Sans actually did fight Flowey, it was for justified reasons as he's proven himself to be a major threat.
  • Although he has some comedic moments, like being annoyed with Frisk dodging his petals, and him making a troll face when he regains his health in his battle on the Neutral Route, he is still taken seriously and these moments are minor, not to mention that he is played completely straight and seriously in Genocidal Route.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Flowey is fundamentally a tragic character. As Asriel Dreemurr, he lived a happy life with his parents until he found and befriended the human Chara. The two were extremely close, becoming best friends, but one day Chara convinced Asriel to free monsterkind through poisoning the former with buttercups so the latter could absorb their SOUL and cross the Barrier, and kill six more humans to steal their SOULs. Despite Asriel showing he no longer wants to continue the plan, Chara manipulated him into continuing with it because "big kids don't cry". Following Chara's death, he absorbs their SOUL and crosses the Barrier only to be attacked by humans who thought he killed Chara. Despite the human wanting to kill them all, Asriel refused to hurt any of them and died as a result. Anywhere from a few decades to a whole century later, he came back as a flower, and nobody recognized him - And when he did reveal his identity, he couldn't feel anything for them due to lacking a SOUL, and thus being incapable of feeling emotions like love and hope.
    • His final fate will also always be played for sympathy: On the Neutral Route, he runs away crying if the player chooses to spare him, not understanding why they're showing him kindness. On the True Pacifist Route, he willingly stays all alone in the Underground. And on the Genocide Route, he is brutally murdered by Chara while begging for mercy.
  • He has genuine friendships with Chara and Papyrus:
    • Even after losing his ability to love and seeing everyone else as expendable toys, he never lost his care for Chara, and his true goal in the True Pacifist Route is to reunite and "play" with them for eternity. In the Genocide Run, he's overjoyed to see Chara has seemingly returned and seems to share his genocidal beliefs.
    • He genuinely admires Papyrus for his kindness and enjoys the friendship he has with the skeleton.
  • He redeems himself in the True Pacifist Route by realizing the errors of his ways, freeing the SOULs, and breaking the Barrier that separates monsters from humans. Following this, he breaks the fourth wall to make a plea to the player to not RESET the game so that Frisk and everyone else can keep their happy endings. He even says that he doesn't think he can handle having to go through all of that again and asks the player to erase his memories too if they still insist on doing it. Seeing as how he has nothing to gain from being deceitful and/or manipulative at that point, he's most likely being completely sincere and earnest about it.

External Links[]


           Undertale Logo/Deltarune Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Undertale: Frisk | Flowey | Asgore Dreemurr | Undyne | Chara
Deltarune: Queen | Spamton G. Spamton

Undertale Fanon
Dusttale: Sans
Horrortale: Sans
LHUGUENY: Chara | Frisk | Asgore
Stronger Than A Table: Frisk
Undertale: Insanity: Sans
Undertale Yellow: Clover | Flowey

Deltarune Fanon
Nowhere King: W.D. Gaster
Juno Songs: Spamton G. Spamton

The Angry Birds Movie 7: Underchuck
Capitano Nox : Spamnic
