Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Khan from Star Trek (Alternate Timeline) - Ends February 10
  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

Your blade... it did not cut deep enough.
~ Egil to Shulk when he stabbed him with the Monado, showing little effect.
This world is in disarray. I must eliminate the cause of this disorder and restore the world to its original form. This is my duty. Nay, the will of the world!
~ Egil's motives for his villany.
Shulk, for both our worlds, you must succeed... Lady Meyneth.
~ Egil's last words, confirming his redemption.

Egil, also known as Yaldaboth and originally Gold Face, is the central antagonist of Monolith Soft's RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles. He is the current leader of the Mechonis giant, being the one responsible for the multiple attacks on the Bionis giant.

He was voiced by Peter Bramhill in the English version.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Is the main cause of the constant attacks on Bionis, where many innocent Homs and other species get killed by the Mechon, causing them to have a war between the two titans. By the time the main campaign starts, there’s only two Homs Colonies left (Colony 6 and Colony 9), meaning the rest were wiped out by Egil’s forces.
  • Created the Faced Mechon, much more powerful weapons than regular Mechons that would be piloted by Machina or brainwashed humans, which included Mumkhar, Xord, Fiora and Gadolt. The Mechon conversion is shown to be extremely gruesome, as many of the Homs' organs are removed during the process,
    • This would be specially cruel, cause he would indirectly cause the descent of villainy of Mumkhar, shortened the life span of Fiora, and leave Gadolt as an empty husk.
  • During the process of the war against the Bionis, he was negligent against those of his own race, being too focused on the war rather than ruling his own people. Miqol (Egil's own father) even mentions that many were killed when they stood up to him, showing that he was the only one willing to go so far to get revenge. Egil even threatens his sister Vanea when she openly turns on him, saying that she forfeited her right to exist.
  • He has Metal Face and Xord attack Colony 9 and Colony 6 respectively, which leads to many innocents being killed while others like Fiora and Gadolt are forcibly converted into Faced Mechon.
  • After Metal Face's death and Face Nemesis' disobedience, Egil decides to fully brainwash the remaining Faced Mechon against their will, including Sharla's boyfriend Gadolt. We clearly see that this process is extremely painful and essentially turns Homs into purely killing machines, only desiring to carry out Egil's will.
  • While he waits for Shulk and his friends at Meyneth Shrine, Vanea tries to reason with him but this fails. Shulk also tries to reason with Egil once the party arrives, which is also ignored.
  • Once he realizes that Meyneth doesn’t support his actions, Egil, feeling betrayed, rejects her as his Goddess before preparing to destroy Agniratha. This leads to Gadolt’s heroic sacrifice in order to protect the party from this attack. Without Gadolt, Shulk and the others would’ve been killed in the explosion.
  • He awakens the giant Mechonis titan in order to use it to attack the currently dormant Bionis, aiming to destroy all the life on it. Egil even goes as far to strike the Bionis twice, once with the Mechonis arm and the other time with its sword, coldly asking Shulk how many did he think died in that attack.
  • During the battle against Shulk's group, at one point Shulk envisioned him slashing in half the giant Bionis that would've surely destroyed all of the life on Bionis.
  • Even after Shulk spares his life after everything Egil had done (all while being goaded by Zanza), he continued to threaten Bionis and everyone living on it. He thankfully does come to his senses once he realizes how genuine Shulk was.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Although it doesn't fully justify his actions, he has a tragic backstory. Previously, he was once a benevolent ruler of his people and had a friend on Bionis called Arglas, who was a giant. However, Arglas would eventually be possessed by Zanza and would attack Mechonis and his village, which would have him resent all life on Bionis, Zanza, and his disciples.
  • He's a well-intentioned extremist, as although killing every life on Bionis is very cruel and brutal, this was to indirectly kill Zanza, as he consumes all of the life on Bionis when they die, and seeing as how Zanza was cruel to his own creations, this could be seen as indirectly saving them and his own race.
  • While he was harsh on his own species during the war, he ultimately cared for his own race even then, as the whole point of him starting a war was because of revenge against them causing a massacre on them. He also cares for his sister Vanea, despite threatening her for opposing him and siding with Shulk. They even share a touching moment before he sacrifices himself to stop Zanza from harming her and the others.
  • When he's ultimately defeated by Shulk, he finally redeemed himself by promising peace on both of the giants. Although Dickson would betray Shulk and reincarnate Zanza, he ultimately protected Shulk's team from Zanza and would sacrifice himself in doing so, wishing them luck on defeating Zanza.


  • So far, he's the only Xenoblade Chronicles villain to be Inconsistently Heinous.


           Nintendo Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Donkey Kong
King K. Rool (Cartoon)

Donkey Kong (Pixels)

Dragalia Lost

Fire Emblem
Anankos | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Hubert von Vestra

Kid Icarus

Pit (Peckish Palutena)

Dark Curse


Gruntilda | Conker the Squirrel

Xenoblade Chronicles

See Also
EarthBound Inconsistently Heinous | Kirby Inconsistently Heinous | The Legend of Zelda Inconsistently Heinous | Pokémon Inconsistently Heinous | Splatoon Inconsistently Heinous | Super Mario Inconsistently Heinous | Super Smash Bros. Inconsistently Heinous
