Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

The real crime would be not to finish what we started. We'll do it here. The power of the sun in the palm of my hand. Nothing will stand in our way! Nothing!
~ Otto, now known as Doctor Octopus, justifying his evil acts and preparing to finish his fusion reactor.
I will not die a monster.
~ Doctor Octopus redeeming himself by destroying his fusion reactor for good.

Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius, later known as Doctor Octopus, is the main antagonist of the 2004 superhero film Spider-Man 2, the second installment in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, and a major character in the 2021 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: No Way Home.

A peppy, but ultimately kindhearted scientist and friend of Peter Parker, he unfortunately lost his sanity due to the influence of his most recent invention, four mechanical tentacles that eventually got a mind of their own after an experiment with his fusion reactor went horribly wrong. After the incident, Octavius became a vile madman and one of the greatest foes Peter Parker has ever faced. Years later, when he was transported to Earth-199999 through space and time before his redemption and demise, that universe's Spider-Man freed him from the control of his tentacles. Indebted, he helps him, Peter Parker, and another Spider-Man from another world fight and cure their foes on Liberty Island.

He was portrayed by Alfred Molina, who also voiced Viggo Grimborn in Dragons: Race to the Edge and The Duke in Solar Opposites.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

In General[]

  • In the original trilogy, he is easily the most destructive villain in the entire trilogy, and although he does need to compete with more destructive villains when crossing over to the MCU, all the villains who had attempted to cause more death & destruction that spans beyond a city all had much more resources than Doc Ock, who only had his tentacles and fusion reactor, so unlike the Green Goblin and much like The Lizard, Doc Ock doesn't fail the larger Heinous Standards of the MCU.
  • While he does have some comedic moments like him saying butterfingers after dropping Aunt May, he and his actions are still taken very seriously.

Spider-Man 2[]

  • While losing his wife to a tragic accident was horrible, it is worth noting that he was warned the experiment could go wrong but chose to do it anyway. Even when the artificial sun was reaching critical levels and beginning to endanger the spectators, he refused to shut the machine off and stopped Spider-Man from cutting the power. This would allow the artificial sun more time to suck in other objects, destroying the windows that would stab and kill his wife, thereby making him at least partly responsible for her demise due to his arrogance.
  • He stole money from the bank, and then threatened to kill Aunt May, eventually drops her from a tall building, comically remarking, “Butterfingers!” afterwards.
  • Threatened Harry with death if he didn’t give him tritium.
  • He kidnapped Mary Jane, threatening to "peel the flesh off her bones" if Peter didn't bring Spider-Man to him (unaware they were the same person).
  • In the final battle against Spider-Man, he plots to build his fusion reactor bigger and better than ever, despite knowing that he would risk causing the destruction of half of New York.
  • He committed several diabolical deeds to complete his goal, including threatening to kill Harry if he refused to give him tritium for his reactor, holding Mary Jane for ransom so Spider-Man would fight him, and his most infamous MEH moment, he broke the controls of a train, which would've killed the passengers of said train had Spider-Man not interfered.
  • He kidnaps Spider-Man and leaves him to Harry, knowing that he wanted to kill him.
  • Tells Mary Jane that Spider-Man died just to scare her, which didn’t work. He also refused to release on the basis she would lead the authorities to him.
  • During his fight with Spider-Man, he mocked Harry saying that he didn't have the guts to kill Spider-Man.
  • When Spider man told him to shut down the reactor Doc Oc refused saying that it was a chance he was going to take.

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]

  • After his arrival to the MCU, he attacked a bridge and tried to kill the MCU Spider-Man just because he mistook him for his own.
  • During said battle, he threw multiple cars at Peter, thus endangering many people including children.
  • He threateningly told MCU Spider-Man that he should've killed his little girlfriend when he had the chance, making the hero stop fighting passively because he thought he was talking about his MJ (Michelle Jones), not Raimi MJ (Mary Jane).
  • Before he was cured in No Way Home, he tried to kill the MCU Spider-Man and was very rude and cynical to the thought of being "healed".
  • He threatened to tear Peter limb from limb while he was being cured.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is tragic as he lost his wife due to his experiment, which made him feel upset, depressed, and even suicidal, until his tentacles convinced him to try his experiment again.
    • He is also fully aware that he accidentally caused his wife's death through his arrogance, even going as far as to say she's dead because of him, making him remorseful as well.
  • A majority (if not all) of his evil deeds were committed due to the AI of his tentacles' manipulating/overpowering his mind, giving him heavy moral agency issues.
  • He is genuinely respectful towards Peter, saying he has a bright future. He was also happy to see Peter again upon reuniting with him in the MCU.
  • He offered his help to the MCU Peter and Norman in curing the rest of the villains, especially his closest friend and fellow scientist.
  • After he was freed from his tentacles' influence, he stayed loyal to the MCU Parkers when Green Goblin took control over Norman's mind and convinced the rest of the villains to turn against them.
  • He ultimately redeems himself, twice as a matter of fact. First, he is redeemed at the end of Spider-Man 2 after he stops fulfilling his tentacles' despicable demands, and sacrifices his life by drowning himself and his fusion reactor to prevent it from annihilating half of New York. Even if he did make a brief return to villainy in Spider-Man: No Way Home, it was only due to getting transported before his first redemption, and he redeems himself once more when regains his sanity after his tentacles were given a new chip. Showing immeasurable gratitude, he assists them in their battle against Green Goblin and was responsible for curing Electro becoming a hero in the process.
  • He sympathized with Norman Osborn after learning that he was the Green Goblin and was forced by the Goblin into assisting him.


External Links[]


           Sony Pictures Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Animated Features
Constance Nebbercracker | Shaw | King Leonard Mudbeard | Douche | Akihiko Kayaba | Glenn Arias | Abraham Van Helsing | Zeta

Anime (Aniplex)
Daki | Kokushibou | Akihiko Kayaba | Wrath (Fullmetal Alchemist) | Kirei Kotomine

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | John Kreese | T-800 | Ricky Chapman | Terry Silver | Candyman | Doctor Octopus (his tentacles) | Mr. Electric | Lizard | Danny McBride | Carrie White | Kim Jong-un | Donkey Kong | Walter White | Todd Alquist | Lemon | Tangerine

Animated Television

Live-Action Television
Walter White | Saul Goodman | Gus Fring | Todd Alquist

Bones | Miguel O'Hara | Spider-Man

See Also
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Netflix Inconsistently Heinous | Spider-Man Inconsistently Heinous

          Spider-Man Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Doctor Octopus | Galactus | Thanos | Venom

Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus (his tentacles)
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Doctor Octopus (his tentacles) | Lizard

Spider-Man: The Animated Series: Spider-Carnage
Ultimate Spider-Man: Green Goblin

Video Games
Marvel's Spider-Man: Doctor Octopus | Mister Negative | Norman Osborn | Harry Osborn
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: Doctor Octopus | Norman Osborn
Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Harry Osborn | Norman Osborn | Mister Negative | Doctor Octopus | Sandman

Spider-Man (YTPH El Hombre Musaraña) | Miguel O'Hara (The Canon Event Meme) | The Spider-Man

           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Inconsistently Heinous

Infinity Saga
Phase One: Thanos
Phase Two: Mandarin | Thanos | Scarlet Witch
Phase Three: Scarlet Witch | Thanos

Multiverse Saga
Phase Four: Mandarin | Arishem the Judge | Doctor Octopus (his tentacles) | Lizard | Scarlet Witch | Gorr the God Butcher | Namor
Phase Five: Deadpool

TV Shows
Hive | Jiaying | Calvin L. Johnson | Dottie Underwood | Bullseye

Phase Four: Scarlet Witch (original | zombie) | He Who Remains | Strange Supreme | Arthur Harrow | Vision

El Macho (Fancy Turkey Films)
