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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
NOTE: This is a composite profile of both mainstream versions of Dooku being his Canon and Legends counterparts where both incarnations take different directions in their storylines with the exceptions of the films and The Clone Wars.

I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you.
~ Count Dooku to his old master Yoda in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones prior to their lightsaber duel - his most famous quote.
The Sith control everything. You just don't know it!
~ Count Dooku to Anakin Skywalker.
I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them.
~ Count Dooku's last words to Anakin Skywalker, foreshadowing the latter's transformation into Darth Vader.

Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus, is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise.

He was once a Jedi Master who served as the Padawan of Yoda and master of Rael Averross and Qui-Gon Jinn before becoming a powerful Sith Lord and the second apprentice of Darth Sidious, as well as the founder and Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He is the arch-enemy of Anakin Skywalker throughout the Clone Wars and is the master of both General Grievous and Asajj Ventress. He is also the perpetrator of the Clone Wars, orchestrated by Sidious, with Tyranus manhandling and coordinating Sidious' plans on his behalf.

He was portrayed by the late Sir Christopher Lee in all his film appearances, while in the Clone Wars animated TV series, he was voiced by Corey Burton.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Even as a Jedi, he did some morally ambiguous and questionable deeds. He was consistently arrogant and lethal telling Qui-Gon not to help certain species.
    • Unlike Anakin, he has no excuse behind being arrogant, as Anakin was only arrogant due to being manipulated by Palpatine since he was 9.
    • The Revenge of the Sith novelization describes him as a sociopath who sees all other beings as either assets to be used or as threats to be killed.
  • He killed his own brother and sister after turning to the dark side. But to be fair, his brother was a tyrant and instead of wanting to just kill his brother he kills him out necessity to save his home world. But he killed his sister, Jenza just because she told him to step away from the darkness that has consumed him, because he thought she was going to reveal his secrets to the Republic, and because she told him not to trust the hooded man, when Dooku refused, Jenza disowned him as a brother, after this Dooku ordered Ventress to kill her.
  • He ordered the Pyke Syndicate to kill his former best friend Sifo-Dyas.
  • He killed Jedi Master Yaddle under Sidious’s orders to prove his loyalty.
  • Posing as a Jedi, he recurted the bounty Hunter Jango Fett to be the genetic template of the Grand Army of the Republic that would be under Jedi command that Syfo-Dyas previously requested to create in response to the premonition of war that he had, he also putted control-chips in all the clones' heads by lying that are a safeguard against rogue Jedi that needs to be kept as a secret, just as Dyas told to hide the true intentions behind the chips, making him indirectly responsible for the extermination of the Jedi Order. Furthermore, he completely disregarded how many clone troopers died during the Clone Wars despite being in the opposite side.
  • He helped Darth Sidious orchestrate the Clone Wars, acting as the Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on behalf of his master, leading to large scale battles that affects hundreds of star systems, which causes galaxy-wide destruction, and ultimately the death of billions of people and the rise of the Galactic Empire.
  • He orders Ventress to orchestrate various events on the planet of Ord Cestus to manipulate the Republic into thinking that the Separatists are expecting a huge batch of Droids from the ruling families of the world.
    • This would have caused the Republic under Chancellor Palpatine to bombard the planet, and the resulting civilian casualties would have caused more worlds to join the Separatist cause.
  • He manipulates multiple senators into betraying the Republic.
  • He brings Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan into an arena on Geonosis so they can be killed.
  • He kills Turk Falso and steals his ship.
  • He kills his loyal servant Bec Lawise because he brought up that the Separatist Senate would never approve of his invasion on Scipio.
  • It is possible that he also ordered Dr. Nuvo Vindi to recreate the Blue Shadow virus and start a galaxy-wide plague, considering that Vindi mentions he was hired by the Separatists, but that's not confirmed.
  • He and the Separatist Executive Council commit horrific acts during the Clone Wars.
    • He and Unger Gout enslaved the entire population of the planet, Khorm, abusing and forcing them to work in mines and when they died, their corpses were fed to the living to save money on food.
    • He ordered General Grievous to lead several devastating attacks ,such as:
      • Targeting a medical station with over 60,000 wounded clones after blowing up three Galactic Republic cruisers and all the troops inside them with his warship's ion-cannon.
      • Bombing the Coruscant's central power distribution and to use the Malevolent to destroy a medical station with thousands of injured Clones.
      • Launching a surprise attack on Kamino with Asajj Ventress, sacrificing many transports to break through the Republic fleet and ordering the troops to massacre everyone on the planet.
      • He ordered the massacre of the Nightsisters for betraying him despite the fact that he betrayed Ventress first.
        • What's more, the young Nightsister Merrin was left orphaned with no one to accompany her. This allowed fallen Jedi Master Taron Malicos to corrupt her by tricking her into believing that the Jedi killed her clan, leading Merrin to be hostile to everyone who came to Dathomir.
        • It also makes him responsible for Morgan Elsbeth working for Grand Admiral Thrawn.
    • He killed his own senator Mina Bonteri, with his agents for supporting an end to the war and blames it on the Republic.
    • He stole Jabba the Hutt's offspring Rotta and attempted to blame the Jedi for it, even going so far as to attempt to have Ventress kill him so that Jabba will join the CIS.
    • He orders the destruction of Ryloth to send a message about "the cost of a Republic victory."
    • He gave the peaceful race known as the Togruta to the Zygerrians so they could enslave them. Some of the Togrutas died because of him.
    • He orders Riff Tamson to cause a civil war on Mon Cala. He also orders the entire Mon Calamari population to be enslaved and the young Prince Lee Cha to be executed.
  • He takes over Hondo's fortress in revenge for him imprisoning him.
  • During Darth Maul's imprisonment, Dooku tortured him with force lightning.
  • He kills Lom Pyke all because he exposed his identity as Darth Tyranus and his role in Sifo-Dyas’ assassination.
  • Betrayed Asajj Ventress as Sidious ordered because Dooku's master saw she was growing too powerful, more powerful that she will kill him in the future.
  • Makes Quinlan Vos join the dark side by making the Jedi give in to his dark thoughts.
  • He was a very abusive teacher towards Savage Opress, often blasting him with Force Lightning.
  • He taunted Lux Bonteri, a boy, over the death of his beloved mother.
  • He ordered General Kalani to have his puppet king of Onderon, Sanjay Rash, executed even though he was nothing but loyal to the Separatist cause.
    • This is also really hypocritical on his part because he claims he's not interested in a prolonged war on Onderon, yet he has no interest in stopping the bigger Clone Wars.
  • At somepoint during the Clone Wars Dooku went after a Jedi artifact which contains a map to Jedi sites, and were encouraged by the opportunity to recover Jedi knowledge. When Dooku first arrived at Bursant, Dooku fought both Mace Windu and Yoda, throwing pillars at the Jedi Padawans to distract both masters. in Hyperspace Stories 11. The map was taken by Senator Yarua who later put it in a doll of his daughter Viiveenn. This would later lead to:
    • Dooku ordered Grievious to go after the artifact that was hidden in a doll. Among the casualties was Grevious killing Viiveenn's father Yarua, traumatizing the young Viiveenn for years.
    • When Ventress failed to get the doll, Dooku zapped her with Force Lightning in Hyperspace Stories 5.
  • He orders Fives killed for discovering the inhibitor chips. Then he ordered Nala Se to destroy his and Fives' bodies and inhibitor chips to make sure Order 66 can carry on.
  • He ordered a genocide of the Mahran after they refused to join the Confederacy and provide them with the rich resources found on their planet.
  • He provokes Anakin to give into the Dark Side, which backfired on his life when he was beheaded by him but ultimately served as the second last turning point for Anakin (before his fear of losing Padmé) to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader.
  • In The Bad Batch, it revealed that his war chest contained treasure that Dooku stole from his own people. The treasure also wasn't return to his people and they ended up paying the price.
  • While he does have some comedic moments due to some of his memed lines like “Twice the pride double the fall” and “I’ve been looking forward to this” as well as Anakin and Obi-Wan making fun of his old age during there time in Hondo's prsion they don’t detract from his villainy as his worst crimes like starting The Clone Wars are taken completely seriously by the Narrative and have a huge serious impact on the overall story of Star Wars.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Dooku is very tragic for multiple reasons:
    • He had a very neglectful and abusive father who abandoned him as an infant after discovering his Force-sensitivity.
    • When Dooku's best friend Sifo-Dyas received a Force vision of a deadly solar storm hitting the planet Protobranch, the Jedi Council forbade the idea of warning the planet, and Dooku later became unnerved when a senator only expressed concern over Protobranch's resources rather than its people. The vision eventually came true and most of the population died. After the disaster, the Republic showed more concern about the loss of Protobranh's resources rather than it's inhabitants. These events shook Dooku's respect for the Republic and the Jedi Council.
    • He was denied the right to speak with his sister by the Jedi Council.
    • He encountered the corrupt Senator Dagonet, who oppressed his people and allowed them to starve, and was even willing to kill them for defiance. This encounter further shook Dooku's faith in the Republic.
    • Windu filed a report about Dooku's bending the rules on Raxus Secundus in which Dooku investigated Katri's death despite the Jedi Council merely ordering her body to be retrieved for burial. It was later revealed that the Raxus Secundus senator, Larik, was corrupt and was going to destroy the planet by selling it out, costing him a seat on the Council. Dooku's faith in the Jedi Council has disappeared when they give Windu a seat but not him, and he's even suspicious of Windu for it.
    • The Republic and the Jedi Council refused to aid his homeworld when it was invaded by pirates. This was the last straw for Dooku and he took it back all by himself which only took 2 weeks.
    • He had been warning the Council about the coming darkness for years, but they ignored his concerns. When his former apprentice said he encountered a Sith Lord, Dooku turned out to be right.
    • All of these points make his hatred towards the Jedi and the Republic understandable.
    • Even Yaddle admits that what Dooku saw was right. In fact, Dooku was right from the start.
    • Governor Tawni Ames even admitted at the end of the Clone wars that Dooku was right and the Republic really was corrupt showing how he had decent intentions from the start.
  • He is a well-intentioned extremist, believing that the Republic and the Jedi have become corrupt and a Sith Empire will be better for the galaxy. He also rightly believes that the Jedi blindly serve the corrupt Galactic Senate while letting people suffer at the hands of their corrupted elected officials. The point is so compelling Yaddle can find no counter argument.
  • He was genuinely saddened by the death of his former apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of Darth Maul. In Tales of a Jedi, Dooku felt responsible that he indirectly played a role in Jinn's death and even called Sidious out for it. Sidious also sent Maul to kill Jinn, knowing Dooku would never obligate in killing Jinn himself.
    • He also rightfully blamed the Jedi council for Qui-Gon's death, as his former apprentice warned them the Sith had returned, and chose not to send additional back up.
  • He visited his mother's funeral and paid his respects to a person that he didn’t even remember and a mother that never showed care towards him. And when his father called him a freak, just for being a force user, Dooku remained calm in his mourning.
  • Saved his home planet Serenno from his tyrannical brother and took his brothers position as Count by killing him. This shows us that Dooku cares about the people of his home planet.
  • He was genuinely in love with Elodore Vane, as they were close friends when Dooku was still a Jedi, with it even being lightly implied that even back then that Dooku had feelings for her. Was there for her when her husband was killed (something Dooku himself orchestrated), with it being hinted that Dooku didn’t just kill him on Sidious’ orders, but get closer to the woman he loved. He would eventually propose to her, until her son was then killed in battle, leading her to postpone their wedding. However, this would unfortunately lead to Obi-Wan Kenobi giving Vane evidence that Dooku had purposely caused her husband’s death. She would then curse, and even threaten to kill Dooku if he didn’t leave her planet, which he sadly, yet willingly does so. Even Darth Sidious himself states that Dooku, even all the way up to his own death at the hands of Anakin, never once stopped loving Elodore.
  • He feels huge remorse for some of his crimes.
    • He angrily admits to Sidious he betrayed everyone he knew and is even ashamed of it, especially since his actions indirectly led to his beloved Padawan's demise.
    • He was genuinely regretful about killing Syfo Dyas.
    • He was regretful about having to kill Yaddle after she discovered his nature as a Sith lord.
    • He was generally regretful in almost killing his old friends during the first Battle of Geonosis.
    • He was at first reluctant to kill and felt remorse for betraying Asajj Ventress.
    • In the Legends continuity, he talks peacefully with Yoda for a chance of redemption but only rejects it after Anakin and Obi-Wan interfere.
    • In his final moments, Dooku felt remorse over betraying everyone he knew.
  • He is legitimately and truly loyal to Darth Sidious because he covered up the inhibitor chip conspiracy by destroying Fives and Tup's inhibitor chips to protect him and his plan to execute Order 66 in the long run.
  • Unlike Grevious and Ventress he shows respect towards the battle droids never abusing them or beratting them for their failure and even told off Grevious for smaking one saying the Jedi don't treat the Clones badily.
  • His death is ultimately extremely tragic, as unlike his predecessor Maul, who died taking comfort in the fact Luke Skywalker would avenge him and all those who suffered because of Sidious, and his successor Vader who died at peace after destroying Sidious and saving his son, Dooku died having realized everything he sacrificed and struggled for was for nothing, simply being yet another tool for Sidious to use and eventually discard.
    • Sidious even views Dooku as a proton torpedo, as he served his purpose and then was gone despite all that he did for him.
  • He has some honorable moments at times such as offering to spare Mace Windu and the other Jedi on Geonosis being clearly saddened when Windu declined his offer, even apologizing to Windu for being compelled to take his life. Forcing Moralo Eval to give Obi-Wan a fair fight when he was disguised as Rako Hardeen, and was willing to team up with Obi-Wan and Anakin to escape Hondo's prison and did not plan on betraying them or getting them caught by Hondo. He is also very respectful towards Obi-Wan Kenobi. This is shown when he complements Obi-Wan for using a Force mind trick in Florrum and when he admits that Obi-Wan is a worthy adversary after learning that he was really Rako Hardeen.


  • In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Count Dooku acted much more cruel and evil than in his other appearances, going as far as to bait and switch that both his well-intentioned goals and tragic past did not happen though he still shows occasional redeeming traits such as his reluctance to betray Ventress.
  • The Revenge of the Sith novelization in the Legends continuity also portrays him as more villainous as it's said he lacks empathy for all other beings, categorizing them as either people he can use or a potential threat, and also holds xenophobic views as he has contempt for aliens and believes only humans can be trusted to rule the galaxy, and it's implied this is part of what motivated him to join Sidious.
  • When he encountered and fought Darth Maul, Dooku didn't mention Qui-Gon's name at all as Darth Maul was responsible for killing him. Likewise, it is possible that Dooku would've stopped caring about Qui-Gon at this point, thus subverting this redeeming quality and dropping his Freudian excuse, but he could've also been too sad to mention his name or Maul never told Dooku of this.

External Links[]


           Star Wars logo Inconsistenly Heinous

Disney Canon
Count Dooku | Darth Vader | General Hux | Second Sister

Legends Canon
Count Dooku | Darth Vader | Asajj Ventress | Darth Revan

Darth Stewie | Emperor Carter | Darthenshmirtz

Jean Louis Apfelglück | El Macho (Fancy Turkey Films) | Yoda (Yoda Commits a mass shooting)

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Animated Features
Ozzy | Asajj Ventress

Live-Action Features
Darth Vader | Count Dooku | General Hux

See Also
Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous

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Animated Features
Martin Brisby | The Demon | Rameses | Joseph Korso | The Toad | Sour Kangaroo | Tai Lung | Gallaxhar | Boggis, Bunce and Bean | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Chantel DuBois | Beerus | Bender Bending Rodriguez | Gorg Commander | Gavin | Professor Poopypants | Melvin Sneedly | Orson

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Animated Television
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Live-Action Television
Spike | Mark Kovac

Tom Cat

Jean Louis Apfelglück | Homer Simpson (Waltman13) | Mr. Krabs (The Simpson's Hellfire on Earth) | Oscar | Yoda (Yoda Commits a mass shooting) | Sid (Everybody Loves Ice Age) | Manny (Everybody Loves Ice Age) | El Macho (Fancy Turkey Films) | Kevin McCallister | Peter Griffin (DB Fanon Wiki)

See Also
American Dad! | Cartoon Network | Comedy Central | Disney | DreamWorks | Family Guy | Futurama | Lucasfilm | Netflix | Star Wars | The Simpsons | YouTube Poop

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Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
The Walrus | Captain Hook | Hades | Firebird | Jumba Jookiba | Alameda Slim | Te Kā | Arthur | Soldiers | Virana | Callisto Mal

One-Eyed Bart | Henry J. Waternoose III | AUTO | Mor'du

Giant Magnet | Lady Eboshi | Jacques von Hämsterviel | Super Super Big Doctor | Sweet Pete

Live-Action Features
Winifred Sanderson | Kissin' Kate Barlow | Davy Jones | Kraken | Speckles | Red Queen | Theodora | Constantine | King George III | Lope De Aguirre | Sweet Pete | Malvina Monroe

Marvel Studios
Thanos | Mandarin | Scarlet Witch | Arishem the Judge | Gorr the God Butcher | Namor

General Hux | Count Dooku | Darth Vader

Animated Television
DuckTales (1987)
Emperor Ping the Pitiless | The Golden Goose

Demona | Matrix | Jason Canmore | Robyn Canmore

Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Jumba Jookiba | Jacques von Hämsterviel | Richter | Holio | Frenchfry

Phineas and Ferb
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Aloyse Von Roddenstein | Rodrigo | Darthenshmirtz | Super Super Big Doctor | Baljeet Tjinder

Gravity Falls
Stanley Pines | Preston Northwest | Lumberjack Ghost

Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Meteora Butterfly | Mina Loveberry | Solaria Butterfly

Big Hero 6: The Series
Obake | Noodle Burger Boy

King Andrias | The Core | Lysil and Angwin | Curator Ponds

The Owl House
The Collector | Unnamed Previous Golden Guard

Bessie the Cornish Cow | Brick Bristol | Cassandra | Cedric the Sorcerer | Count Dooku | Darth Vader | The Goblin | Janja | Shego | The Sorcerer | Steelbeak | Strange Supreme | Train Bandit Leader

Live-Action Television
Marvel Television
Hive | Jiaying | Calvin L. Johnson | Bullseye

Marvel Studios
He Who Remains | Arthur Harrow

Darth Vader

Disney-Hyperion Books
Dr. Myron Ned-Grant

Video Games
Master Xehanort | Xemnas | Master of Masters | Xigbar | GO-4 | Mad Doctor | Second Sister

Mad Doctor | Donald Duck


Bill Cipher | The Black Hiver | Elsa | Emperor Belos | Friar Archibald Tuck | Goofy | Joy | Mickey Mouse | Miles Walker | Mr. Incredible | Mokey the Mouse | Prince Achmed | Romeo | The Sun | Wilford Brimley | Minnie Mouse

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Amphibia Inconsistently Heinous | Buena Vista International Inconsistently Heinous | Gargoyles Inconsistently Heinous | Gravity Falls Inconsistently Heinous | Kingdom Hearts Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Phineas and Ferb Inconsistently Heinous | Pixar Inconsistently Heinous | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | The Owl House Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous

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Animated Features
Zim | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Plankton | Mr. Krabs | Dr. Fry | Dr. Onda

Live-Action Features
Light Turner | Bee

Animated Television
Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Darth Revan | Viggo Grimborn | Dagur the Deranged | Emperor Zarkon | Haggar | Morgana | Angor Rot | Dracula | Isaac | Lord Viren | Claudia | Avizandum | Catra | Hordak | Light Hope | Colonel Kubritz | Dr. Saira Bellum | Scarlemagne | Henry Wu | Evil-Lyn | The Nowhere King | Erodious the Planet Killer | Rand Ridley | J.R. Scheimpough | ROBOTUS Alpha-Beta | Silco | The Devil | Henchman | Tails Nine | Older Scott Pilgrim | Melvinborg

Live-Action Television
Thomas Shelby | Martin Brenner | Bryce Walker | Tyler Down | John Kreese | Bullseye | Terry Silver | Sam Lesser | Mira Kano | Morizono Aguni | Lee Byeong-chan | Father Paul Hill | Jin Seon-moo | Jeffrey Dahmer | Ye Wenjie

See Also
20th Century Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Avatar Inconsistently Heinous | Castlevania Inconsistently Heinous | Cuphead Inconsistently Heinous | Disney Inconsistently Heinous | DreamWorks Inconsistently Heinous | Inside Job Inconsistently Heinous | Jimmy Neutron Inconsistently Heinous | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Heinous | Masters of the Universe Inconsistently Heinous | My Little Pony Inconsistently Heinous | Nickelodeon Inconsistently Heinous | Paramount Inconsistently Heinous | SpongeBob Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | Tales of Arcadia Inconsistently Heinous | Universal Studios Inconsistently Heinous | Warner Bros. Inconsistently Heinous

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Animated Features
Gríma Wormtongue | Sauron | Martin Brisby | Tom Cat | Simone Lenoir | Morgan Moonscar | Mr. Freeze | Eric Cartman | Sheila Broflovski | Clyde Donovan | Mr. Chairman | Boogey Man | Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Bun Bun | Kanker Sisters | Lord Business | Rigby | Harley Quinn | Drizelda | Will Magnus | Joker | Joker | Doomsday | Spinel | Batman | Diego von Schniffenstein

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | HAL 9000 | Nothing | T-800 | Audrey II | Hannibal Lecter | Riddler | Mr. Freeze | Scrappy-Doo | Deus Ex Machina | The Architect | Mr. Chairman | Ra's al Ghul | Pale Man | Sam | Robert Angier | Sweeney Todd | Mrs. Lovett | Artemisia | Amanda Waller | Gellert Grindelwald | Alan Jonah | Emma Russell | Fleegle and Drooper | Arthur Fleck | Steppenwolf | Starro | Tony Soprano | Christopher Moltisanti | Dark Flash

Animated Television
Mr. Freeze | Mandy | Brain-Eating Meteor | Jack O'Lantern | Cthulhu | Morg | Bun Bun | Kanker Sisters | Big Nose | Master Shake | Calvin | Clay Puppington | Warden | Father | HIM | Dr. Kamikazi | Gus Turner | Constantine | Clammadon | Riley Freeman | Robert Freeman | Luna | Chris McLean | Courtney (Total Drama) | Chef Hatchet | Fang | Count Dooku | Rigby | Anti-Pops | Warden of the Internet | Halloween Wizard | Mitsuru Shinehara | Major Nixel | King Nixel | Ice King | Hunson Abadeer | Ice Finn | Betty Grof | GOLB | Gumball Watterson | Bobert 6B | Larry Needlemeyer | Ant-One | Mr. Chanax | Game Child | Virus | Donald Trump | The Xbox | Megatron | Count Venamus | The WALL-E-NATOR | White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Darth Revan | Commander Harland | Varicella | Rick Sanchez | Ralph | The Black Mass | Avocato | Ash Graven | Sheryl Goodspeed | Grace Monroe | New Death | Zombie Argentinosaur | Mr. Frog | Frowning Friends | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Oscar

Live-Action Television
Game of Thrones
Cersei Lannister | Daenerys Targaryen | Night King | Qyburn | Drogon

Tony Soprano | Christopher Moltisanti | Eek Stack Ik Ik

Video Games
Dark Kahn | Agent 47 | Diana Burnwood | Lucas Grey | Silvio Caruso | Alexa Carlisle | Marcus Stuyvesant | Wazir Kale

Daffy Duck | Tom Cat | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Marvin the Martian

The Black Hiver | Eddy (MeatCanyon) | Courage | Jeff Randell | Mojo Jojo (SuperMarioLogan) | Fred Jones | Harry Potter | Duncan (Duncan Murders Chris) | Kristal McLane | Trevor McGregor | Willy Wonka | Conductor | Warner Bros. Discovery | Mandy (Grim Tales Under Below) | The Grinch

See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Inconsistently Heinous | Batman Inconsistently Heinous | Cartoon Network Inconsistently Heinous | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Heinous | Ed, Edd n Eddy Inconsistently Heinous | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous | YouTube Poop Inconsistently Heinous

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Animated Features
Ozzy | Rameses | The Toad | Tai Lung | Gallaxhar | Fabrication Machine | Dr. Nefario | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Chantel DuBois | Aggie Prenderghast | El Macho | Dr. Strangeglove | Gorg Commander | Anthony Trumper | Scarlet Overkill | Professor Poopypants | Melvin Sneedly | Balthazar Bratt | Evil Bratt

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | The Car | Hannibal Lecter | Henry Wu | Candyman | Sweeney Todd | Mrs. Lovett | Prince Nuada | General Yang | Chris D'Amico | Owen Shaw | Newton Geiszler | Laura Barns | Howard Howe | Vic Hoskins | Krampus | Queen Freya | Red/Adelaide Thomas | Sandie | Jean Jacket | Golden Freddy

Animated Television
Blackarachnia | Headmaster | Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Darth Revan | Viggo Grimborn | Dagur the Deranged | Emperor Zarkon | Haggar | Morgana | Angor Rot | Catra | Hordak | Light Hope | Colonel Kubritz | Scarlemagne | Henry Wu | Leonard Burne | Older Scott Pilgrim

The Once-Ler | El Macho (Fancy Turkey Films | Kaka v420) | Shrek | Felonious Gru | Oscar | The Grinch | Dr. H. Hoovey | Big Jack Horner

See Also
Despicable Me Inconsistently Heinous | DreamWorks Inconsistently Heinous | Illumination Inconsistently Heinous | Netflix Inconsistently Heinous | Super Mario Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | Tales of Arcadia Inconsistently Heinous

           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Inconsistently Heinous

TV Shows
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kanker Sisters

Codename: Kids Next Door

Dragons: Riders of Berk/Dragons: Defenders of Berk
Dagur the Deranged

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003)/Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader
Darth Revan

Samurai Jack
The Black Mass

Powerpuff Girls Z

Dr. Kamikazi | Gus Turner | Constantine | Clammadon

Transformers: Animated
Blackarachnia | Headmaster

The Garfield Show
Commander Harland | Varicella

Pink Panther and Pals
Big Nose


The Looney Tunes Show
Daffy Duck | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Marvin the Martian

The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange
Annoying Orange | Broccoli Overlord

Steven Universe
White Diamond | Yellow Diamond

The Tom and Jerry Show
Tom Cat

Major Nixel | King Nixel

Count Venamus

We Bare Bears

Infinity Train
The Conductor | Grace Monroe

Transformers: Cyberverse

Underfist: Halloween Bash: Bun Bun
Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon: Drizelda
Steven Universe: The Movie: Spinel

Adult Swim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Master Shake

Robot Chicken
Calvin | Donald Trump | The Xbox

Moral Orel
Clay Puppington


Rick and Morty
Rick Sanchez | Tommy Lipnip

Samurai Jack
The Black Mass

Zombie Argentinosaur

Smiling Friends
Mr. Frog | Frowning Friends | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Oscar

The Black Hiver | Courage | Jeff Randell | Mojo Jojo (SuperMarioLogan) | Parker Cerise

See Also
Affiliated Studios
20th Century Studios | DreamWorks | Lucasfilm | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | Netflix | Warner Bros.
Affiliated Franchises
Adventure Time | American Dad! | DC Animated Universe | Ed, Edd n Eddy | Family Guy | Final Space | Futurama | Garfield | Looney Tunes | Powerpuff Girls | Regular Show | Robotboy | Star Wars | The Amazing World of Gumball | The Boondocks | The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy | Total Drama | Transformers
