Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

Last time on Total Drama...
~ Chris McLean's famous catchphrase.
After my involuntary year long "vacation", I really need to be in a familiar environment, surrounded by the people I love... to hurt! Ha ha ha!
~ Chris McLean sadistically taunting his pleasure to hurt the contestants at the beginning of All-Stars.

Chris McLean is the main antagonist of the Canadian animated franchise Total Drama.

As the host of the show, Chris is in charge of designing challenges for the contestants to compete in—all of which he intentionally makes excruciating and gruesome for the contestants to satisfy his sadistic tendencies.

He was voiced by Christian Potenza in the first five seasons and by the show's executive producer Terry McGurrin in the sixth and seventh seasons.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

In General[]

  • His competitions tend to be very unfair and dangerous, and he shows a blatant disregard for the well-being of the contestants. He always endangers their lives in the most inhumane challenges, just for his own pleasure. He is even responsible for the deaths of several interns who died testing the challenges.
    • Furthermore, he also tries to be even worse, but is often limited by other factors, for example the local authorities that intervened to stop him from endangering contestants with toxic waste, meaning his honor is out of pragmatic reasons and not genuine.
  • Although he started out with redeeming qualities like fairness and sportsmanship, as the show went on, he discarded those traits as he became more and more cruel and even supported the actions of the worst Total Drama villains like Courtney, Mal and Scarlett.
    • However, it's debatable if he even had those qualities in the first place since he already took pleasure in the contestants' suffering from the beginning.
  • By causing the deaths of several interns and endangering the contestants several times, ruining the lives of many people (such as Ezekiel and Dakota), killing and mutating animals, Chris stands out for having the highest kill count and attempted kill count in the entire series, and is even more heinous than Mal and Scarlett, the show's two Near Pure Evils. Due to this, he has gone too far to be considered mischievous anymore.

Total Drama Island[]

  • He forced Courtney and DJ to wear chicken hats for refusing to do the high dive challenge.
  • He forced the contestants to stay up all night for the Awake-A-Thon after exhausting them with a morning routine and huge amounts of food.
  • He forced the contestants to face their greatest fears, and when Tyler is eliminated, Chris traps him with dozens of chickens (which Tyler is afraid of) on the Boat of Losers just to terrify him further.
  • He doesn't show any concern for Cody being mauled by a bear, only eliminating him for eating the chips that were left behind against the challenge's rules.
  • He doesn't tell Beth about Boney Island, causing her to steal a Tiki doll and get her team cursed for three consecutive episodes. When it's eventually revealed that Beth stole the doll, Chris called her out for not heeding his warning even though he never told her.
  • He allowed Harold to sabotage the votes to unfairly eliminate Courtney as revenge against Duncan for bullying him.
  • He and Chef Hatchet forced the contestants to eat the most disgusting meals, even killing dolphins and making them into "dolphin hot dogs" for the contestants to eat (which is a federal offense).
  • He didn't care when Gwen was nearly attacked by the Psycho Killer. In fact, he would've been happy to record it for higher ratings, and only tried to save her so that he doesn't receive a lawsuit for her death.
  • He unfairly eliminated Leshawna when the eliminated contestants kept accidentally saying her name while trying to decide who to vote off, not meaning to vote for her, and even accepted a couple "votes" from a random parrot in the room.
  • He stranded the final four contestants in the woods for a survival challenge, not caring for their well-being.
  • He forced the final three constestants to do the most disgusting challenges chosen by former contestants.
  • He cheated the winner out of the prize money, causing the events of Total Drama Action.

Total Drama Action[]

  • He tried to knock Duncan off the surfboard challenge by throwing many things at him that could have hurt, including Lindsay.
  • He tricked the contestants into thinking they were terminally ill after making them read medical books all night.
  • He didn't care when Chef broke Owen's jaw and only had Chef take care care of him so that he doesn't file a lawsuit.
  • He nearly drowned the contestants in the submarine challenge and only cared about them surviving so that he doesn't get fired.
  • He scared the contestants by making them think they were in an exploding tower. While there was no damage, he still enjoyed their mental trauma.
  • He wired each stink bomb the contestants had to defuse differently without telling them beforehand, causing them to lose the challenge and need a tomato bath.
  • He faked his death and framed Courtney for it.
  • It's implied he killed a parrot for biting him.
  • He hired Owen to sabotage the other contestants.

Total Drama World Tour[]

  • Throughout the season, he eliminates the contestants by making them jump out of the plane. However, he sometimes neglects to make sure if the eliminated contestants have parachutes, which could result in their deaths.
  • He caused Ezekiel's transformation into a feral beast by eliminating him early, which led to Ezekiel stowing away on the plane the entire season. He even used the feral Ezekiel for two challenges (with no intentions to cure him) while further humiliating him, destroying his life.
  • In London's airspace, he ordered Chef to throw Ezekiel out of the plane for a second time although he did not had a parachute, trying to murder him again.
    • At that time, Ezekiel was still not completely feral and Chris knew he was starting to turn green abnormaly and did not try to cure him. Instead, he ordered Chef to throw him out of the plane (with no parachute) instead.
  • He had Chef release scarab beetles on the contestants in Egypt, which killed one of the interns and reduced him to a skeleton. He even stands on and props his feet on the skeleton like he was a footrest.
  • He told Chef to slice open the door to the Jumbo Jet just because Harold criticized his knowledge on Japanese culture, sucking the contestants out of the plane which would have killed them all if they didn't safely land on a giant bowl of rice.
  • He refused to help Bridgette after she got her tongue stuck to a flagpole courtesy of Alejandro, even drinking the hot water Bridgette needed to free herself. When Bridgette is eliminated, he threw her out of the plane with her tongue still stuck.
  • He pushed Noah off a cliff for cracking a joke.
  • Despite Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot capturing Jack the Ripper (Ezekiel) per the challenge, Chris still disqualified them resulting in Noah's unfair elimination.
  • He broke the lock on the bathroom door so that Tyler sees Gwen and Duncan's adulterous kiss, effectively destroying Courtney and Gwen's friendship.
  • He weaponized Gwen's allergy to eucalyptus in a tie-breaker challenge between her and Courtney, resulting in Gwen's elimination.
  • He threw the contestants out of the plane when they were asleep, causing them to nearly get killed in a waterfall until Sierra saved them.
  • He threw Courtney and Blaineley out of the plane when they were both eliminated, in the process breaking every bone in Blaineley's body since she couldn't use her parachute.
  • He made Alejandro and Heather throw effigy dolls in the volcano for the final two, causing a volcano eruption that burned Alejandro and left him trapped in the Drama Machine.
  • Mocks Ezekiel's presumed death when he falls into the volcano.

Total Drama Revenge of the Island[]

  • He dumped toxic waste in Camp Wawanakwa, polluting the whole island and mutating the animals.
  • He blew up the boat the new cast was riding on their way to the island.
  • He crushed all of Dakota's fans with a tree after cutting it down.
  • He had Chef stick a bomb on Owen's face and detonated it when Owen asked why he and his friends weren’t competing that season, even telling him that they outlived their usefulness. The two laughed as Owen was blasted away.
  • He electrocuted the contestants by making them press badly wired buzzers.
  • He didn't care when Lindsay was kidnapped by Sasquachwanakwa, only having the contestants rescue her so that he doesn't get a lawsuit.
  • He sent Dakota into a mine filled with toxic waste, causing her mutation into a giant monster, destroying her life like Ezekiel.
  • His actions also caused the mutation of one of his intern in the finale 3 due to toxic waste.
  • He had Gwen and Sam buried alive for the contestants to rescue them, despite Gwen's claustrophobia.
  • He forced a brutally injured Scott to ride the Hurl of Shame with Fang, whom Scott is terrified of, which gets him mauled offscreen.
  • He tried to blow up the boat in both endings, but he fails because Chef planted bombs under Chris's feet.

Total Drama All-Stars[]

  • He used a giant toilet as the method of elimination.
  • He pretended to let Ezekiel back in the game only to launch him out of the island, revealing it was a prank.
  • He put Gwen (and later Cameron) on the Villainous Vultures, and Courtney on the Heroic Hamsters; even though the "villains" are good people and Courtney is not.
  • He made the contestants fire leeches at each other.
  • He further sabotaged Gwen and Courtney's friendship by making them fight and angering Courtney with videos of Duncan kissing Gwen.
  • He tried to make Duncan hurt a defenseless bird, which he refused to do.
  • He made Chef throw a dynamite at the contestants, which Duncan blew out and used to destroy Chris's cottage. He also likely corrupted the police since he had Duncan arrested, but he and Chef got off despite throwing the dynamite.
    • Even though Duncan blew up his cottage, it's still little to nothing compared to what Chris and Chef have done to others throughout the series and he still deserved it to some extent.
  • He continued to let Mal terrorize the other contestants despite being fully aware of the threat he posed and not doing anything about it.
  • He made Cameron take the Flush of Shame despite his injuries instead of taking him to the hospital.
  • He starved his interns and set up a challenge to feed them sundaes, but changed the rules at the last second so the contestants would have to eat their own sundaes, which led the interns to most likely die of starvation.
  • Although he got scared when he witnessed Mal about to hit Gwen with a pipe, it was only because he came out of nowhere and not out of concern for Gwen.
  • In the final challenge, he had the eliminated contestants trapped inside bubbles, and whoever didn't get their bubble popped would float away.
  • He and Chef accidentally caused the island to sink after Mal's defeat.

Total Drama Pahkitew Island[]

  • He shot the eliminated contestants out of a cannon, making them human cannonballs.
  • He made the third generation of contestants jump out of the plane while only giving half of them parachutes, and didn't even give one to Chef.
  • He interferes with the contestants much more than previous seasons, sending murderous robots in their ways everytime. Due to this, he actively tries to directly kill the contestants.
    • He introduces robots that actively attack contestants, including attempting to kill them during challenges.
    • He ensures these robots are armed and programmed to escalate violence, turning challenges into life-or-death situations.
    • He tried to taunt scuba bear (a robot) to eat and murder Ella just because she was singing.
    • Throughout the season, he also interferes by sending multiple crocodile robots, programming them to eat the contestants every time.
      • One example is in "This Is the Pits!", when he enabled a crocodile robot to attack Max just because he said "the show was boring".
      • He also tries making crocodile robots eat Sugar, Sky, Jasmine and Shawn by activating them in the finale four, with pure amusement. He also feels sad that the robots did not eat them afterwards.
  • Unlike other seasons, he did not give shelter or food to the contestants, forcing them to look for their own food in the woods everyday, making the season "survivalist".
    • He allows contestants to endure extreme dangers like being stranded in harsh conditions without food or water, interacting with deadly machinery, and evading explosive traps.
    • For this reason, Team Maskwak never had a shelter and were constantly sleeping outside for all the pre-merge.
  • He was sadistic with Samey's pain in the grease pig challenge.
  • He hoped for Ella to get hurt during the balloon challenge.
  • He shocked the contestants with shock collars.
  • He trapped Shawn, Dave, Sky, Topher, Max, Scarlett, Jasmine and Sugar in an underground cave. When they almost died, he was fine with it.
    • Instead of saving them, he tried to escape the island with a fake identity to not be judged by authorities for the murder of 8 teens.
  • He unfairly eliminated Ella for singing even though her team won the challenge.
  • He made Sky, Dave, Sugar, Topher, Scarlett, Shawn and Max carry human babies in a challenge that involved survival against lions and snakes, risking all the babies' lives.
    • That could imply that Chris illegally owns human babies that he used to test challenges, making him even worse.
  • He gave the contestants food poisoning by feeding them drinks that expired in 1976. He forced them to play hide and seek as they started getting sick and continued with the game when a thunderstorm hit.
  • When Scarlett accidentally triggers the island's self-destruct sequence, Chris McLean's primary concern is saving himself, not the contestants. Despite this being a life-threatening situation, Chris shows little concern for the contestants who are at risk of dying in the explosion.
    • Instead of trying to help the contestants evacuate or resolve the situation, Chris immediately retreats to the safety of his helicopter with Chef and refused to evacuate the island and instead sent the contestants to risk their lives stopping the countdown, completely abandoning them.
    • During Scarlett's takeover of the island and her attempt of destroying the island, Chris shows no intent to help the contestants.
    • Instead, he gloats about the drama for ratings and allows Scarlett to rig the island to self-destruct without taking measures to protect anyone. Scarlett's threat to annihilate the island is treated as a ratings stunt rather than a genuine emergency by Chris, showing Chris's complete disregard for human life.
    • He mocked the contestants that they only had 4 minutes to live when they were taken as hostages by Scarlett.
    • He sadistically says that his coffee was more important than the contestants' lives.
      • What's even worse, is that he delayed the warning that Scarlett tried to kill everyone because he wanted to taste his coffee first. He also was fixing the coffee machine as the priority compared to everyone's lives.
  • He impersonated a producer and prank-called Topher about hiring him as the new host of Total Drama, causing Topher's elimination.
  • He turned Dave against Sky by showing him her audition tape mentioning her boyfriend Keith, driving Dave insane so much that he tried to kill Sky and Shawn in revenge.
  • He also revealed to Jasmine that Shawn never wanted to share the prize money with her, although Jasmine forgave Shawn eventually.
  • He left Dave to be mauled, perhaps to death, by Scuba Bear.

Total Drama Island (2023)[]

  • He openly states that he enjoys watching contestants fail and get hurt.
  • He purposefully put Emma and her ex-boyfriend Chase on the same season, clearly hoping for conflict.
  • When Julia refuses to hand over her phone, he has Chef throw it into the lake.
  • When contestants bombard him with questions about safety and fairness, he dismisses them with a horn blast and tells them to "beat it."
  • The first challenge involves blindfolded contestants navigating a course full of booby traps, including mud pits, lobster traps, murder hornets, and hot coals.
  • He lets sharks loose in the water after two contestants have already fallen in. When Damien expresses shock that there are sharks in the water, Chris casually responds, "Because I put them there," showing no concern for their safety.
  • He admits that he enjoys "hitting people when they're down".
  • Instead of being horrified like the other contestants, Chris finds Zee’s leg loss amusing and sarcastically points out that at least he has another one.
  • Without fully explaining what’s going to happen, he traps two contestants inside glass booths and waits until the water starts rising before letting them panic.
  • He "forgets" to mention the live bear in the climbing wall, just like he "forgot" about the sharks in a previous challenge.
  • Instead of just reminding him to be careful, Chris brings up Ripper’s past embarrassment about ripping his pants and receiving letters filled with vomit.
  • He lets Damien and Julia continue panicking in the water-filled booths until their teams save them, rather than stopping the challenge when things become too dangerous.
  • When Damien wants to quit, Chris reveals that leaving the show would make him owe the producers a million dollars, forcing him to stay against his will.
  • It’s heavily implied that Chris tampered with the elimination results. Priya clearly voted for Ripper, and Damien only voted for himself, meaning Scary Girl’s elimination might not have been legitimate.
  • He allows Ripper to use Priya as a shield, which resulted in her getting injured. Instead of addressing it as an actual safety concern, he downplays it by making it sound like Ripper almost won, showing he doesn’t care about the campers’ well-being.
  • Instead of showing any real concern for Scary Girl’s behavior or how she takes her elimination, he just casually remarks that she took it better than expected.
  • Introduced raptors as part of a challenge, with campers needing to avoid farting to prevent attracting them; they were a constant danger, chasing campers who made too much noise.
  • He introduces the lightning round, a challenge that requires the campers to fly through an electrical storm to reach a target, knowing it’s incredibly dangerous.
  • While the campers are clearly suffering from the intense challenges (like Emma being attacked by a bull or Wayne and Raj being stuck in tapioca pudding), Chris does little to help, focusing instead on keeping the competition going.
  • He organizes a challenge that involves obtaining cassowary eggs from a dangerous bird. He also did this knowing that some of them, like Millie, are terrified of birds.
  • When Wayne and Raj are attacked by a cassowary and sustain injuries from falling down a cliff, he shows little concern and dismisses the severity of their condition, only agreeing to send them to the hospital after seeing Raj coughing up feathers and Wayne collapsing.
  • He sets up a truly disgusting eating challenge where contestants must consume foul and revolting foods, such as snotty pig nostrils, maggot-infested dishes, and even a 50-foot-long sentient tapeworm.
  • He deliberately withholds breakfast, food, and water to make the pole challenge more difficult for the campers. He also orders Chef to throw away food in front of the campers just to heighten their misery.
  • He continues the challenge under intense heat, even when there’s a heat advisory that strongly recommends drinking water and seeking shade. Despite knowing about the dangers of dehydration, he refuses to stop the challenge,
  • He sets up the "Injure Yourselfie" challenge, which involves contestants taking selfies with dangerous wild animals. While this may be framed as a game, it directly puts contestants in harm's way for the sake of entertainment.
  • For the final challenge, he has contestants build make-shift rafts (made of wood) and canoe across a lake of lava.
  • When Millie has an emotional moment and reveals her insecurities, Chris dismisses it as "boring" and orders Millie to join the eliminated contestants.

Total Drama Island (2024)[]


What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • In general, he's too comedic and is played for laughs, with some of his worst actions (like starving his interns) being played as black comedy.
  • He is affectionate toward a handful of people:
    • He is genuinely fond of his old plant Larry, as he compliments him and treats him relatively well.
    • He is on good terms with his family (like his cousin and his mother) and his home country of Newfoundland.
    • While he often mistreats him, he has a genuine friendship with Chef Hatchet and is occasionally nice to him.
  • He is On & Off as he has several Pet The Dog moments:
    • When Owen eats a piece of used gum, he offers Owen a tetanus shot if he wanted it.
    • He throws a parachute to Harold after he jumps out of the plane without one and wishes him good luck without a hint of sarcasm.
    • After Gwen and Courtney's boxing match, he gives them both an extra point for "adding a little warmth to my cold heart".
    • Gives Ripper a new t-shirt after he stupidly ripped off his original one, even though he didn't have the obligation to do so.
    • Uses the Drone of Despair to take Wayne and Raj to a hospital after they get badly hurt to the point that they need to leave the competition, in contrast to how he got rid of Cody and Cameron previously when they got critically injured.
    • Gives Chase a pizza after he gets eliminated, which was something really kind from him in spite that Chase didn't deserve such a courtesy.
    • Disapproves on how quick Emma is willing to forgive Chase despite him having been and still being an awful boyfriend, suggesting that even he dislikes toxic relationships, especially due to how Chase endangered Emma's well-being for the sake of thrills.


  • To highlight his heinous nature, Chris McLean's descent into a sadistic and unscrupulous host caused his own original voice actor Christian Potenza to start disliking him and lose interest in Total Drama to the point of ultimately departing the show after Fresh TV cut ties with him over false assault allegations, leading him to drop out from the recent Total Drama seasons despite recording his lines for them and being recast with Terry McGurrin.
  • He is one of two versions of Chris Mclean to qualify as Inconsistently Heinous, and the only official version, alongside the version from the Total Drama Island 2023 Again fanfiction.

External Links[]


           TDLogoInconsistently Heinous

Chris McLean | Courtney | Chef Hatchet | Fang

Duncan (Duncan Murders Chris) | Kristal McLane | Trevor McGregor

See also
Cartoon Network Inconsistently Heinous

           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Inconsistently Heinous

TV Shows
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kanker Sisters

Codename: Kids Next Door

Dragons: Riders of Berk/Dragons: Defenders of Berk
Dagur the Deranged

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003)/Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader
Darth Revan

Samurai Jack
The Black Mass

Powerpuff Girls Z

Dr. Kamikazi | Gus Turner | Constantine | Clammadon

Transformers: Animated
Blackarachnia | Headmaster

The Garfield Show
Commander Harland | Varicella

Pink Panther and Pals
Big Nose

The Spies | The WALL-E-NATOR

The Looney Tunes Show
Daffy Duck | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Marvin the Martian

The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange
Annoying Orange | Broccoli Overlord

Steven Universe
White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Spinel

The Tom and Jerry Show
Tom Cat

Major Nixel | King Nixel

Count Venamus

We Bare Bears

Infinity Train
The Conductor | Grace Monroe

Transformers: Cyberverse

Underfist: Halloween Bash: Bun Bun
Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon: Drizelda
Steven Universe: The Movie: Spinel

Adult Swim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Master Shake

Robot Chicken
Calvin | Donald Trump | The Xbox

Moral Orel
Clay Puppington


Rick and Morty
Rick Sanchez | Tommy Lipnip

Samurai Jack
The Black Mass

Zombie Argentinosaur

Smiling Friends
Mr. Frog | Frowning Friends | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Oscar

The Black Hiver | Courage | Jeff Randell | Mojo Jojo (SuperMarioLogan) | Parker Cerise | Black Pearl

See Also
Affiliated Studios
20th Century Studios | DreamWorks | Lucasfilm | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | Netflix | Warner Bros.
Affiliated Franchises
Adventure Time | American Dad! | DC Animated Universe | Ed, Edd n Eddy | Family Guy | Final Space | Futurama | Garfield | Looney Tunes | Powerpuff Girls | Regular Show | Robotboy | Star Wars | The Amazing World of Gumball | The Boondocks | The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy | Total Drama | Transformers

           WB 2023 Symbol Inconsistently Heinous

Animated Features
Gríma Wormtongue | Sauron | Martin Brisby | Tom Cat | Simone Lenoir | Morgan Moonscar | Mr. Freeze | Eric Cartman | Sheila Broflovski | Clyde Donovan | Mr. Chairman | Boogey Man | Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Bun Bun | Kanker Sisters | Lord Business | Rigby | Harley Quinn | Drizelda | Will Magnus | Joker | Joker | Doomsday | Spinel | Batman | Diego von Schniffenstein

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | HAL 9000 | Nothing | T-800 | Audrey II | The Riddler (The Batman Saga) | Hannibal Lecter | Riddler | Mr. Freeze | Scrappy-Doo | Deus Ex Machina | The Architect | Mr. Chairman | Ra's al Ghul | Pale Man | Sam | Robert Angier | Sweeney Todd | Mrs. Lovett | Artemisia | Amanda Waller | Gellert Grindelwald | Alan Jonah | Emma Russell | Fleegle and Drooper | Arthur Fleck | Steppenwolf | Starro | Tony Soprano | Christopher Moltisanti | Dark Flash

Animated Television
Mr. Freeze | Mandy | Brain-Eating Meteor | Jack O'Lantern | Cthulhu | Morg | Bun Bun | Kanker Sisters | Big Nose | Master Shake | Calvin | Clay Puppington | Warden | Father | HIM | Dr. Kamikazi | Gus Turner | Constantine | Clammadon | Riley Freeman | Robert Freeman | Luna | Chris McLean | Courtney (Total Drama) | Chef Hatchet | Fang | Count Dooku | Rigby | Anti-Pops | Warden of the Internet | Halloween Wizard | Mitsuru Shinehara | Major Nixel | King Nixel | Ice King | Hunson Abadeer | Ice Finn | Betty Grof | GOLB | Gumball Watterson | Bobert 6B | Larry Needlemeyer | Ant-One | Mr. Chanax | Game Child | Virus | Donald Trump | The Xbox | Megatron | Count Venamus | The WALL-E-NATOR | White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Asajj Ventress | Darth Vader | Darth Revan | Commander Harland | Varicella | Rick Sanchez | Ralph | The Black Mass | Avocato | Ash Graven | Sheryl Goodspeed | Grace Monroe | New Death | Zombie Argentinosaur | Mr. Frog | Frowning Friends | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Oscar

Live-Action Television
Game of Thrones
Cersei Lannister | Daenerys Targaryen | Night King | Qyburn | Drogon

Tony Soprano | Christopher Moltisanti | Eek Stack Ik Ik

Video Games
Dark Kahn | Agent 47 | Diana Burnwood | Lucas Grey | Silvio Caruso | Alexa Carlisle | Marcus Stuyvesant | Wazir Kale

Daffy Duck | Tom Cat | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Marvin the Martian

The Black Hiver | Eddy (MeatCanyon) | Courage | Jeff Randell | Mojo Jojo (SuperMarioLogan) | Fred Jones | Harry Potter | Duncan (Duncan Murders Chris) | Kristal McLane | Trevor McGregor | Willy Wonka | Conductor | Warner Bros. Discovery | Mandy (Grim Tales Under Below) | The Grinch

See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Inconsistently Heinous | Batman Inconsistently Heinous | Cartoon Network Inconsistently Heinous | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Heinous | Lucasfilm Inconsistently Heinous | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Heinous | Ed, Edd n Eddy Inconsistently Heinous | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Heinous | Star Wars Inconsistently Heinous | Tim Burton Inconsistently Heinous | YouTube Poop Inconsistently Heinous
