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ā | Listen up! I serve it three times a day, and you'll eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food and sit your buts down now! | ā |
~ Chef Hatchet's first words to Camp Wawanakwa's first generation contestants. |
ā | Here's the deal. I'll help you man up and win this thing, you don't ask any stupid questions and you split the prize with me. Like they say, it's an offer you can't refuse. I won't let you. | ā |
~ Chef blackmailing DJ. |
Chef Hatchet is the secondary antagonist of the Canadian animated franchise Total Drama.
He is a supposedly former Canadian sergeant and a lousy cook who serves as Chris McLean's right-hand and best friend in the Total Drama reality show. Sometimes working as the reality's co-host, Hatchet often assists McLean on several of his life-threatening challenges, though by his own admission, he isn't as sadistic as Chris, even though both of them don't care for many of their teenage contestants most of the time.
He was voiced by ClƩ Bennett in the first five seasons and by Deven Mack in the sixth and seventh seasons.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Heinous?[]
In General[]
- Cooks slop for the contestants in every seasons minus the third and sixth ones to keep them miserable at each season's setting. While one can think he gets angry the teens he feeds aren't being thankful to the food he knows to cook, many episodes show that he is capable of cooking decent food and just cooks them bad food for the sake of it.
- Often joins Chris McLean, his co-host and superior, in supervising the challenges and enjoying the misery of the contestants, sometimes knowing what they can expect for having them tested before and even hosting some of the them if Chris is unavailable.
- Treats all of the show's contestants harshly despite all of them being teenagers, hitting them (like he does with Duncan and Izzy) or throwing things at them if they annoy him, going from knives to frying pans.
- Doesn't treat the show's interns any better as, while he doesn't torture them, he barks orders at them even though he is technically an employee just like them, is implied to not feed them sometimes and even doesn't bat an eye whenever Chris accidentally gets them killed, making him an accomplice by inaction in manslaughter.
- Despite how high the show's Heinous Standards are, Chef can be considered as one of Chris' resources and does stand out for a few evil acts he did unprompted by Chris, like trying to get rid of Ezekiel many times until he lost his sanity and turned into a feral beast or how he traumatized Zoey to the point of her developing an alternate persona in the form of Commando Zoey.
Total Drama Island[]
- Throws a knife in Geoff's direction just because he asked if they could ask for pizza instead due to not finding his meals delicious, something that could have killed Geoff if he hadn't dodged it.
- Assists Chris in the Awake-A-Thon by playing the harp to make the contestants not sleep in hopes of winning the exhaustive challenge, depriving several from proper resting.
- Sadistically enjoys at resuscitating Trent with a "mouth to mouth" after his teammate Lindsay accidentally poisons him with a cooked fish despite Trent's obvious discomfort.
- Sadistically torments Trent by claiming that a needle he was going to inject him with wouldnāt hurt but after tapping it, he says with sadistic pleasure it was going to be painful.
- Forces the contestants to undergo a military training-like challenge in which he has each team to hold a canoe for hours (with him and Chris sitting on the canoes to make it harder), eat garbage as "food rations", dance to some music speakers, write long essays about how much they love him, pass through an obstacle course full of dangerous things like axes and mud or forcing the contestants to stay upside down in a tree until they all fall off.
- Throughout the episode, Chef also mistreats several contestants, reprimanding Harold for getting angry at being picked on by Duncan and Geoff instead of reprimanding those two for that and also for not following his orders, seemingly comforting Lindsay for giving up only to then yell at her with a megaphone for doing it, twisted Gwen's request to go to the bathroom into sending her to clean up the bathrooms, sentencing Duncan to solitary confinement at the boathouse just because Duncan childishly annoyed him (though one can say that Duncan deserved it for being a jerk to Harold and provoking Chef throughout the episode) and throwing Courtney along with Chris into the Boat of Losers against her will despite being likely aware that she had been cheated out of the game by Harold but not caring because she told him to take a pill to chill out and he presumably found out that she and Duncan stole his desserts during the challenge.
- Cooks several disgusting foods for the first challenge during the merge, which are bull testicles (which a fun gag reveals that he apparently got by extirping them from a bull, who didn't notice how Chef castrated him), a pizza with living crickets and anchovies, dolphin hot-dogs and even glasses full of cockroach juice, which he gets by shredding live cockroaches in a blender.
- Throws agressive turtles at Duncan with a hockey stick during the Wheel of Misfortune challenge, resulting in them biting Duncan with one of them biting his groin.
- Looks for the contestants during the hide-n-seek challenge by shooting at them with a water gun that is potent enough to hurt them, given how he uses it on Chris to tease him at the beginning, sending Chris meters away.
- Sadistically smirks at how Owen gets hurt by getting his bike blown up during the bicycle race challenge.
- Passes himself as a psychotic serial killer for the horror movie challenge by going after the contestants with a chainsaw and a hook, scaring them as they run away from him. While it was all staged, Chef nonetheless endangered the contestants for using genuine weapons, as Duncan could have cut himself with Chef's chainsaw when facing him at the Dock of Shame.
- Pushes Leshawna in a harsh way into the Boat of Losers after her unfair and accidental eliminations.
- Shows no concern at the final four being accidentally stranded unlike Chris, not even caring that some animals could hurt them and that Owen was losing his sanity.
- Abandons the final four in the woods of Camp Wawanakwa and tells them to find their way back to the camp while surviving Sasquatchanakwa's threat.
- Spitefully eliminates Duncan over Owen when Chris allows him to take over the elimination ceremony, evidently playing favorites as Duncan annoyed him all season yet was a great player (though he somewhat deserved it for bullying Harold) while Owen didn't prioritize his game but complimented his cooking yet also ate all of Chef's sticky buns upon returning to camp.
- While shipping Duncan away, he repeatedly scares him with a Sasquatchanakwa costume.
- Places alligators in Lake Wawanakwa during the post-first season special, endangering several contestants like Duncan and Courtney as they look for the suitcase with the money.
Total Drama Action[]
- Traps several contestants upon arriving to the abandoned film set by motion-capturing a monster, endangering everyone by trapping them against their will and throwing them into an inflatable castle.
- While easily overlooked, Izzy escapes from his grasp by mentioning that she went to a romantic date with the monster, who couldn't take a no for an answer. As Chef was the one controlling the monster, it means that he dated a minor by proxy.
- Attempts to cook a racoon for dinner due to the animal entering into the craft services tent.
- Forces DJ, one of the kindest contestants, into an illegal alliance to cheat his way into the finale so he could win the prize and share it with him because Chris wasn't giving him paycheck in spite that DJ didn't want to do it, which leads Chef to threaten him under the pretext that DJ should man up, often giving the Screaming Gaffers some unfair advantages.
- Since their pact, DJ keeps playing for the benefits of himself and Chef until the guilt overcomes him and quits the season, standing up to Chef, but in turn causing Chef to despise DJ from that point onwards and make his life miserable whenever he can.
- Forces an intern to test the Western challenge of jumping onto an elderly mule by stomping on his fingers to send him against his will falling onto the mule, and despite the intern getting injured or dying, Chef dismissed the challenge as something safe.
- Breaks Owen's jaw by throwing him a book to his face during the disaster-themed challenge, forcing Owen to wear a braced device for some time until he recovered and eat through a straw.
- Shows zero concern when Duncan, Heather, Leshawna and Harold nearly drown during the challenge, unlike Chris, who was desperate looking for ways to save the contestants, instead of staying doing nothing like Chef.
- Apathetically leaves Leshawna locked up inside a bank vault during the movie heist-themed challenge when Duncan, Heather and Harold decide to leave her there for trashtalking them behind their backs, denying to Chris that he forgot to retrieve her by assuring him that they didn't forget something at the end of the episode.
- Punches Chris to the face, breaking some of his teeth, at the end of the boxing episode just because Chris playfully teased him.
- Throws bowling balls at the contestants in the obstacle course of the superhero-themed challenge despite how dangerous those can be if hitting a person.
- Attacks six of the final seven in a bridge as the bridge's "troll" during the fairy tale-themed challenge, injuring Lindsay and Beth in the process, and then takes control of a mechanical monster to hinder Justin, Duncan and Harold as they try to rescue Courtney from her tower.
- Expresses total indifference at the whole cast (including Sierra and DJ's mother) falling off a ravine to their apparent deaths as they tried to stop Alejandro Burromuerto from assisting Chris in Total Drama Dirtbags (a phony season Chris was using as a bait for them), even enjoying the possibility that they have all died when in reality they had all survived. By leaving them stranded there for hours, some of the contestants and DJ's mother nearly get killed when they find their way into a doom town.
Total Drama World Tour[]
- Flies the Jumbo Jet throughout all the season, but pilots it in a careless way that scares several of his passengers, even admitting at one point to Heather that he doesn't really know how to pilot the aircraft, thus endangering several minors and employees.
- Forces an intern to let him rest his feet on his back during the Egypt challenge, even though the one doing the same for Chris was devoured alive by scarabs.
- Kicks Ezekiel off the Jumbo Jet when he starts complaining at Team Victory for voting him first off again, even though Ezekiel hadn't put on his parachute and could have fallen to his death if he hadn't grabbed from the plane's tall wing.
- Slices open the door of the Jumbo Jet just because Harold criticized his lack of knowledge on Japanese culture, which sucked out all the contestants of the plane, something that would have killed all of them if they hadn't safely landed on a huge bowl of rice.
- In a flashback montage displayed in the Aftermath show by Blaineley, it's shown that back during the first season's filming, Chef lined up with some of the Screaming Gophers and a grizzly bear to beat up Harold for resolving an extremely long mathematical equation, with Chef using a frying pan. Even if Harold was annoying him, Chef had no right to beat him up as he could have just told Harold off much like the other contestants should have done, and assuming he did attack Harold, he could have gotten into trouble due to him being a grown-up man assaulting a minor.
- Possibly destroys the Venus de Milo, the Thinker and the Statue of David during the challenge at the Louvre, destroying historical artworks.
- Throws Heather as she clutches from a plane chair against her will from the Jumbo Jet at Newfoundland's seas.
- Finds a now almost feral Ezekiel hiding in the plane's cargo hold and, rather than informing Chris or the producers about this to send Ezekiel back home to be cured and healed, takes him to Chris, who in turn offers Ezekiel to return to the game if he poses as Jack the Ripper for the London challenge and captures all the contestants. At the end, Ezekiel loses and Chris has Chef throw him off the plane (although Ezekiel still finds his way back), though it can be seen that Chef threw Ezekiel off without a parachute, possily meaning that Chef didn't care if Ezekiel died or not as long he wasn't a nuisance anymore.
- Whips Duncan with a towel throughout the Olympian-themed challenge if he doesn't sing, even if Duncan doesn't do anything to deserve it to him.
- Attempts to make an illegal alliance again after being persuaded by Blaineley, the former host of Celebrity Manhunt who got the chance to join the game thanks to Geoff's tricks, in exchange of getting his own cooking show due to Chris not appreciating him, leading Chef to help Blaineley to cheat in the race over the Great Wall of China with him pulling her with a rickshaw faster and supplying her with gourmet food instead of the Chinese meals Chris was forcing the contestants to eat.
- Crashes in Easter Island simply due to getting into a slap fight with Chris.
- Helps Chris in placing a burned Alejandro inside the Drama Machine even though he tells Chris that he isn't sure if doing so is the best for Alejandro (though it's not like Alejandro doesn't deserve it for nearly murdering Cody in the finale).
Total Drama: Revenge of the Island[]
- Places a sticky bomb on Owen's face to launch him off from Camp Wawanakwa immediately after Chris informs Owen that he and his fellow castmates aren't going to compete in the fourth season for outliving their usefulness, cruelly laughing with Chris at Owen's expense.
- Hands over the Toxic Marshmallow of Loserdoom to Staci upon her elimination, leading her to lose all her hair (with zero indications if she may eventually regain it or not), alarmingly proving himself to have no problems in handing over radioactive material to a minor.
- Attaches a sticky bomb like the one he used on Owen to the boat of Dakota Milton's paparazzi to launch them off Lake Wawanakwa.
- Throws large ice blocks at the second generation contestants during the ice-themed challenge.
- Drops the still-sleeping Dakota, who is by now hired as an intern thanks to Mr. Milton's persuasion, into Lake Wawanakwa despite it being infested with piranhas.
- Puts Dawn in a bag to prevent her from exposing Scott's lies during her elimination. To make it worse, given how the bagged Dawn is later launched off Camp Wawanakwa with the Hurl of Shame, she could have drowned inside the bag if not because she fortunately survived.
- Changes the high score of the Mutant Maggots during the modeling challen he had previously given to them just because their animal model threw up on him, which is such a petty excuse to change his mind.
- Drugs the contestants with "Turkey Buttolini" and leaves them aboard wood rafts for the treasure-themed challenge.
- Tricks the Final Six into defacing Mount Chrismore out of spite for Chris using his stuff in the graffiti-themed challenge without his permission, pinning the blame on Duncan due to Chris bringing him as a cameo and laughing at how Duncan blows up the monument, which wasn't Chef's idea but Duncan's.
- Forces a jetpack on Heather so she can test the challenge for the Final Five, getting her hurt in the process.
- Hosts the challenge for the Final Four due to Chris getting trapped inside the bathroom in a trap engineered by Scott, leading him to force Cameron, Zoey, Lightning and Scott to cook disgusting foods for a tied up DJ, whom Chef kidnapped against his will by using his contract as a loophole. The disgusting meals are ultimately enough to scare DJ to the point he breaks free from his restraints and runs away from Campa Wawanakwa, forcing Chef to change the challenge.
- Psychologically pushes Zoey too far throughout the challenge until she gets traumatized enough and develops a ruthless persona called Commando Zoey.
- Throws the Toxic Marshmallow of Loserdoom to an injured Scott's lap during his elimination, causing him so much pain as the radioactive marshmallow burns his legs.
- Places a bomb under the Dock of Shame to make Chris launch himself off into Lake Wawanakwa as revenge for all the abuse he had to put up through the season (though this was something deserved for Chris, as he had planned to put it into the boat taking Chef and the contestants away from the island just to cruelly taunt them like he did with their yacht in the season premiere), smiling at Chris for his misfortune and leaving him to be arrested by Canadian authorities.
Total Drama All-Stars[]
- Throws powdered gruel at the cabins of the losers as part of the season's "room service", laughing at how annoyed Zoey, Courtney, Duncan and Alejandro react, though at least Sierra and Scott enjoy the gruel.
- Laughs at Sam as he accidentally injures himself throughout the digging challenge due to a mosquito sucking out much of his blood the night before, then throwing him into the Boat of Losers for an exile night at Boney Island.
- Cheats with Chris in the fighting challenge by stepping on the roulette determining which contestants must face their worst fears, leading Scott to fight against Fang despite the trauma Scott now feels for the mutated shark.
- Throws a dynamite stick at Duncan, Scott, Cameron and Zoey as they paddle their raft during the regatta challenge, only failing because Duncan turns off the wick, though this later gives Duncan the idea of using it to blow the former Playa Des Losers up to spite Chris, leading to his arrest by the end of the episode.
- Forces the final seven to go to rescue Chris from Ezekiel by blackmailing them into saving Chris or not giving them the prize money instead of either contacting the authorities or going to save Chris himself, instead saying behind at the monitor room while eating ice cream and seeing how one of the interns tries to repair the monitors.
- Flushes a heavily-bandaged and injured Cameron into the Flush of Shame rather than sending him to a hospital for the injuries Ezekiel inflicted on him while trying to rescue Chris, even popping out his bubble at the risk of drowning.
- Takes up the role of the "Mad King" in the finale challenge by shooting at Mal or Zoey with his meatball bazooka, even shooting Chris with it for annoying him.
- Uses a fracking machine to make the moats for the finale challenge (though, in Chef's defense, both him and Chris weren't aware that it was dangerous doing so), which at the end of the episode, end up sinking Camp Wawanakwa, leaving all of its animal population homeless, leaving everyone drifting on the sea with both Heather and Alejandro being chased and possibly devoured by Fang and forcing Chris to relocate the show to Pahkitew Island.
Total Drama: Pahkitew Island[]
- Shoots tennis balls with a tennis ball machine at the third generation contestants, hurting some of them like Beardo or Topher.
- In Topher's case, Chef cruelly throws him back into the battlefield after he compliments Chris instead of barking him to go back to where the challenge's taking place, shooting him in the head afterwards.
- Takes away Clucky after attacking Rodney in a straightjacket with a muzzle a la Hannibal Lecter, then cooking Clucky offscreen for the winning team.
- Forces Jasmine into entering inside one of the pods for the underground challenge despite Jasmine's claustrophobia and evident discomfort at the idea of being underground during such a long time.
- Burns down the food Chris was gonna give the contestants if they completed the underground challenge correctly which no one did, resulting in all that food being wasted and several animals dying for nothing.
- Shoots at the contestants while blindfolded with his meatball bazooka during the challenge, hitting Topher, Dave and Max even though this endangered the babies that Chris used for the challenge, though fortunately no baby got hurt.
- Tries to leave all of the contestants in Pahkitew Island as he and Chris fly away to safety with their helicopter once the island starts a self-destruct sequence, not caring that if they failed, all six teens would die. Plus, even after Scarlett reveals her true nature and threatens Chris to give her the money or she kills everyone, Chef doesn't even try to persuade or force Chris to accept Scarlett's commands as she tries to shoot them down.
- Harshly grabs and ties Max up for gloating that he would be the only evil left in the island just because they were eliminating Scarlett with the Cannon of Shame and no longer wanted to deal with any evil there despite Max playing a role in saving the day and not doing anything to deserve his elimination.
- Brings a TV with the recordings Chris needs to put Jasmine and Dave against Shawn and Sky respectively in the finale, revealing Shawn's confessionals ridiculing Jasmine's plans with the money and Sky's audition tape revealing that she had a boyfriend back home, temporarily turning Jasmine against Shawn and definitely breaking Dave's friendship with Sky, who in turn nearly gets her and Shawn killed with Pahkitew's booby traps.
- Leaves Dave behind in Pahkitew Island with no means to make it back to civilization and at the mercy of the Scuba Bear, who presumably attacks or even kills Dave, due to that being the very last scene of the show.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- Much like Chris, Chef is often an on & off protagonist/antagonist whose actions aren't always villainous and in fact he is only sometimes villainous, even less than Chris McLean.
- He is played for laughs too often to take him and his actions seriously, with one running gag of him crossdressing making it hard for the audience to see him a serious light.
- He has standards unlike Chris and Courtney, as while they usually laugh at the cast's miserable expense, Chef is willing to show some concern and honor for their safety occasionally if the situation really calls for it or not even approving some of their actions like Chris does:
- Doesn't give Heather any points for exposing Gwen's crush on Trent by reading her diary, likely finding her act too nasty.
- Tells Harold to go to the infirmary after he accidentally swallows too much mud, telling him that his tour of duty is over.
- When Gwen is nearly attacked by the Psycho Killer, Chef runs along with everyone else to the main lodge to warn her.
- Gets scared when he thinks to have killed Izzy during the second season's first challenge, sharing a laugh with her once he checks that she's fine.
- While Chris takes great pride at the final challenge he organized for their first All-Stars season finale against the orders of the producers due to how dangerous it is, Chef doesn't congratulate him and instead tells Chris that Mal, Zoey and their helpers could get killed.
- Upon finding out that Chris fed the third generation contestants with a dairy product that expired in 1978, Chef rightly warns him that he will poison them or worse.
- He also displays standards when he returns a baby that was lost in the challenge involving babies from the sixth season.
- He was concerned with Raj and Wayneās injuries from a Cassowary challenge that he wanted them to be sent to the hospital and urged Chris to do so.
- He was horrified with Chrisā idea of Julia and Ripper eating a fifty feet tapeworm.
- He doesn't approve of bad parenting, as when he hears how terrible Chase was as a boyfriend to Emma during the seventh season's final six challenge, Chef firmly opines that Chase's parents didn't raise him in a right way due to how reckless and selfish Chase behaved and still does.
- He doesn't really dislike all the contestants no matter how harsh he is often with them, showing respect at Gwen, Leshawna and Izzy for either beating out his challenges or besting him in combat, having amicable interactions with Beth, Cody and Alejandro, admiring Justin's looks and even appreciating Owen's compliments about his cooking.
- He even expressed an interest to toughen DJ up during their illegal alliance in the second season even though he was mostly blackmailing him, suggesting that he did care for DJ to a degree, though once DJ stands up to him and quits the season, Chef goes to hate him and do all in his power to make him miserable.
- He acknowledged that he didnāt treat Zoey well for a challenge he wasn't even supposed to host.
- He proves to be a man of his word in the 100th episode, as he promises the final seven to give them the benefits they demand in exchange of rescuing Chris from the feral Ezekiel, showing that he is honest.
- Lastly, he loses many of his negative traits in the reboot, being more concerned about the contestants safety than ever before and rarely partaking in their suffering.
- His Total DramaRama version doesn't count as Inconsistently Heinous due to such version being more gentle and bumbling due to working as a daycare teacher looking up for younger versions of the Total Drama contestants due to that spin-off taking place in an alternate universe that isn't canonical to the main Total Drama series.
- That said, while the canon Chef is currently Inconsistently Heinous, there's a possibility (though highly unlikely) that this may change once he returns in Total Drama Island: The Return, the upcoming second season of HBO Max/Cartoon Network's Total Drama revival.
- Chef Hatchet is, alongside Chris McLean, Courtney and Fang, one of the four Total Drama characters to be Inconsistently Heinous.
External Links[]
- Chef Hatchet on the Villains Wiki
- Chef Hatchet on the Total Drama Wiki
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