Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Khan from Star Trek (Alternate Timeline) - Ends February 10
  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Removals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.

To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Discussions of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
You can't possess something twice.
~ Tom explain why he couldn't get possessed by the little girl.
We have to erase his mind to defeat Bill. It's all gone. Stan have no idea but... he didn't.
~ Stanford Pines explaining why he has to erase Stanley Pines's memory.

Inconsistently Heinous villains who are possessed/brainwashed, thus committing actions they probably wouldn't have done if it weren't for their problem.

Note: Villains who only do evil when they are possessed/brainwashed cannot count as Inconsistently Heinous due to failing the heinous standard to whoever is possessing/brainwashing them. However, if at least some of their worst acts were done without being brainwashed or possessed, then they can qualify.

All items (114)
