Inconsistently Heinous villains who are under the male gender.
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Cinematic Universe) -
The Riddler (The Batman Saga) -
Megatron (Transformers One) -
Tai Lung -
Makoto Kagutsuchi -
El Macho (Despicable Me) -
Walter White -
Darth Vader
All items (997)
- A character that is scared shitless to go into a taco bell
- Abel (The Walking Dead)
- Abobo
- Aboboy
- Abraham Van Helsing (Hotel Transylvania)
- Adolf Hitler
- Adolf Hitler (Crack-Life)
- Adolf Hitler (Downfall)
- Adolf Hitler (Hitler Rant Parodies)
- Adolf Hitler (Kung Fury)
- Adu Du
- Agent 47
- Agent Bishop (TMNT 2003)
- Agent Ohlm
- Aiden (Minecraft: Story Mode)
- Airy (ONE)
- Akihiko Kayaba
- Alameda Slim
- Alan Jonah
- Almighty Tallests
- Aloyse Von Roddenstein
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- American Kirby
- Amon (The Legend of Korra)
- Anankos
- Anatoly Vinogradov
- AnCap
- Andi Novikov
- Andrew Detmer
- Angor Rot
- Angstrom Levy
- Angulocust
- Annoying Orange
- Ant-Man (AOK)
- Ant-One
- Anthony Trumper
- Anti-Bully Squad
- Anti-Pops
- Antwan Hovachelik
- Ardyn Izunia
- Arkham Knight (Arkhamverse)
- Armin Arlert (A Slap on Titan)
- Arthas Menethil
- Arthur Harrow
- Arthur Morgan
- Asgore Dreemurr
- Asimov (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Askeladd
- Astarion Ancunin
- Atrocitus (DC)
- Avizandum
- Avocato
- AZ
- BadBoyHalo
- Baldi (DAGames)
- Baljeet Tjinder
- Balthazar Bratt
- Barmaley
- Baron Bomburst
- Baron Draxum
- Baron Omatsuri
- Baron Quinn
- Bart Simpson (Toy Gory)
- Bart Thumper
- Batman (Meme Zee)
- Batman (Red Son)
- Batman The Silenced
- Battra
- Beavis and Butt-Head
- Bebe's Kids
- Beerus
- Bertolt Hoover
- Bertram
- Big Boss
- Big Dick Randy
- Big Jack Horner (Joeybar)
- Big Nose (Pink Panther and Pals)
- Bigs
- Bill (Tarantinoverse)
- Bill Boss
- Bill Broth
- Billy Bickle
- Billy Butcher (Comic Series)
- Billy Kong
- Binky (You've Gotta be Kidding!)
- Bird Brain
- Birthday Boy Blam
- Blind Cannibal Assassins
- Blocky
- Blutarch Mann
- Bogeyman (folklore)
- Bones (YTPH Monster Craft)
- Boogey Man (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
- Bowser (Luigi's Lament)
- Bowser (Super Mario)
- Bowser (White Knuckle Scorin')
- Bowser Junior (Glider YTP: Bowser Junior The Murderer)
- Bowser Junior (SML YTP: Junior's Nuke)
- Box Club Leader
- Brainchild
- Bran Stark (Game of Thrones Evil Ending)
- Brick Bristol
- Bruno Gate
- Brutus (Asterix)
- Bryce Walker
- Bubbles
- Bullseye (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Buzz Buzzard
- Caesar (Fallout)
- Caesar Clown
- Cain
- Caine (ZAMination)
- Caine Soren
- Caleb Goldman
- Calvin (Robot Chicken)
- Calvin L. Johnson
- Calypso (Twisted Metal)
- Candyman
- Captain Hero
- Captain Hook (Disney)
- Carl Johnson
- Carlito Keyes
- CaseOh (MeatCanyon)
- Cassidy Casablancas
- Cat Blanc
- Cecil Terwilliger
- Cedric the Sorcerer
- Chairman Chair
- Charles Dreyfus
- Charles Xavier (Marvel Ruins)
- Charlie Kelly
- Charmander (Starter Squad)
- Chef Hatchet
- Chef Julian Slowik
- Chef Pee Pee (Glider YTP: Stuck In A Box!)
- Chef Pee Pee (SML Movie: Among Us)
- Chief Blue Meanie
- Child Catcher
- Chris D'Amico
- Chris McLean
- Christopher Moltisanti
- Chrollo Lucilfer
- Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy
- Claudandus
- Claude Speed
- Clay Puppington
- Clive Dove
- Clubby the Seal
- Clyde Donovan
- Clyde Shelton
- Coach Morceau Oleander
- Cobalt Blue
- Cody Nutkiss
- Columbus (Lego Columbus Stop Motion)
- Commander Shepard (Renegade)
- Commander Shpiggs
- Conductor (YTPH El Expreso Bipolar 😔)
- Constantine (Muppets)
- Constantine (Robotboy)
- Count Bleck
- Count Dooku
- Count Venamus
- Creator (Raya505)
- Creek (Trolls: The Beat Goes On!)
- Crowley
- Cthulhu (Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story)
- Cthulhu (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
- Cuphead & Mugman (Secret History)
- Cuphead (ArinsMind)
- Cuphead (Cuphead: The Incredible Story)
- Curator Ponds
- Cyalux Clover
- Cyrus (Jaiden Animations)
- D.A. Sinclair
- Dabi
- Daddy Pig (NEGAS)
- Daffy Duck
- Dan Mandel
- Daniel (Camp Camp)
- Dankton
- Danny McBride
- Danyell Radcliff
- Dark Flash (DC Extended Universe)
- Dark Helmet
- Dark Kahn
- Dark Mayhem
- Dark Stanley
- Dark Vegan
- Darnell (Pico)
- Darth Revan
- Darth Stewie
- Darth Vader
- Darthenshmirtz
- Dave the Intern
- Davy Jones (Pirates of the Carribean)
- Deadpool (X-Men Movies)
- Death (Harry Potter)