“ | We Anti-Spirals were once a Spiral race like yourselves. But when we learned that the evolution of Spiral Power would lead to the destruction of the universe, we annihilated all those who possessed the power of the Spiral and drove the few surviving life forms to the far corners of the universe. We halted our own evolution and locked ourselves away into this pocket universe! On our homeworld, we sealed away our bodies and any hope of evolution! This form is the symbol of our determination! Foolish creatures, drunk on Spiral Power! We defended the universe by killing our fellow spirals and halting our own evolution! Do you possess the sheer fortitude that is on par with that?! DO YOU?! WE SAY, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOT! AT! ALL! | „ |
~ The Anti-Spiral. |
The Anti-Spiral is the main antagonist of the anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and the overarching antagonist of the Lordgenome arc. It is the collective consciousness and the ruler of the Anti-Spiral Race, who seeks to purge the universe of all Spiral beings in order to prevent them from triggering the Spiral Nemesis. It is also the master of Lordgenome and the arch-nemesis of Simon.
It was voiced by Takaya Kamikawa in the Japanese version and Dave Mallow in the English dubbed version.
It's Evil Ranking[]
What Makes It Heinous?[]
- After obtaining the laws of the universe, they became gods and started manipulating the world with their newly gained knowledge.
- It stopped their own evolution as a species to prevent the destruction of the universe and merged all their bodies into one. While this was a good thing, they took it way too far by ending the evolution of all sentient species.
- If a world was determined to fight against them not evolving, they would wipe the species' population completely.
- Although it seems like it has good intentions, other Spiral beings rejected the Anti-Spiral being in power, and the Anti-Spiral just forced itself into power with all its abilities that could bend the universe, making defeating it nearly impossible.
- It gets Lordgenome on its side and causes him to fall into despair after telling him about the Spiral Nemesis, and also, as a result, Lordgenome kills his friends and becomes an agent of the Anti-Spiral.
- It attacked Earth after Lordgenome was defeated once the human population exceeded one million.
- It forced Nia to be an Anti-Spiral messenger and caused her to send minions to destroy the human population.
- When it’s shown that Nia is trying to resist control and is helping humanity defeat it, it tries to deconstruct her.
- It tried to kill team Dai-Gurren during the final battle and used a Death Spiral Field Trap and an Ashtanga attack that they resisted, but it racked up a higher body count in doing so.
- It traps team Dai-Gurren in a Dimensional Labyrinth.
- It analyzes Nia in a room; the process is really disturbing. It’s on rape levels bad with the way they analyze her.
- During the final fight, it transforms into the Granzeboma and fights Simon and the rest of the team, exposing its true motives to remain the dominant species.
- The Anti-Spiral’s demise also caused the death of Nia, who was trying to help Simon and the rest of team Dai-Gurren.
What Makes It Inconsistent?[]
- Its moral agency is pretty vague. While yes, it is one body and individual, the fact is that the Anti-Spiral is made up of an entire race combined. However, they all share the same goals since they merged to prevent the universe’s destruction. So, with all this in mind, it cannot be PE or NPE.
- It's final words to Simon were simply "If this is how it must be, protect the universe...at all costs" with their being nothing twisted about it in context, suggesting that it does genuinely care about preventing the universe's destruction despite its extreme measures.
External Links[]
- Anti-Spiral on the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Wiki
- Anti-Spiral on the Villains Wiki
- Anti-Spiral on the Ultimate Evil Wiki