Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

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  1. Damien Darhk from DC’s Arrowverse - Ends February 10
  1. Masataka Ebina from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Ends February 10
  1. Cthulhu from Godzilla vs. Cthulhu: A Death May Die Story - Ends February 10

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Inconsistently Heinous Wiki

I believe I have your attention, benders of Republic City. So once again the Wolfbats are your Pro-Bending Champions. It seems fitting that you celebrate three bullies who cheated their way to victory, because every day you threaten and abuse your fellow non-bending citizens, just like the Wolfbats did to their opponents tonight. Those men were supposedly the best in the bending world, and yet it only took a few moments for me to cleanse them of their impurity. Let this be a warning to all of you benders out there; if any of you stand in my way, you will meet the same fate. Now, to my followers, for years the Equalists have been forced to hide in the shadows. But now, we have the numbers and the strength to create a new Republic City! I’m happy to tell you that the time for change has finally come. Very soon, the current tyrannical bending regime will be replaced by a fair-minded Equalist government. You and your children will no longer have to walk the streets afraid! It’s time to take back our city. For centuries, benders have possessed an unnatural advantage over ordinary people. But thankfully, modern technology has provided us with a way to even out the playing field. Now, anyone can hold the power of a chi-blocker in their hand. My followers and I will not rest until the entire city achieves equality. And once that goal is achieved, we will equalize the rest of the world! The Revolution has begun!
~ Amon's speech at the Pro-Bending Arena.
The era of bending is over! A new era of equality has begun!
~ Amon's most famous quote.
Tonight, I rid the world of airbending, forever.
~ Amon crossing the Moral Event Horizon as he attempts to debend Tenzin and his 4 young children, who are the final airbenders left.

Noatak, better known as Amon, is a major antagonist in Nickelodeon animated series The Legend of Korra, which is sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, serving as the main antagonist of Book One: Air and a posthumous antagonist in for the remainder of series.

He is the mysterious and charismatic leader of the Equalists, an anti-bender revolutionary group, who wants to enact a cultural genocide against all benders by removing their bending permanently. He was revealed to be the bloodbending son of the powerful crime lord that terrorized Republic City, Yakone, and the older brother of the corrupt politician, Tarrlok. He was the first arch-enemy of Avatar Korra.

He was voiced by Steve Blum.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Heinous?[]

  • Even during his childhood, unlike his brother who refused, he ruthlessly bloodbent wolves under his father’s orders and shows no remorse for this.
  • Furthermore, he bloodbent his own brother under his father’s command and bloodbent Yakone out of retaliation. Although, the latter is justified due to Yakone’s torment of his family.
  • He left his brother Tarrlok and his mother to deal with Yakone’s torment on their own. While he does offer a plea for Tarrlok and care for his mother, he calls Tarrlok weak and pathetic like his father after he refused and makes no indication he would’ve came back for his mother.
  • He wanted to get rid of bending globally by using blood bending to remove ever bender's bending permanently, which will take a huge mental toll on the victims looking at the bad shape Tahno, Tarrlok and Korra were in (which is disturbingly akin to rape) and would cause them to be unconscious for a while. Amon is clearly aware of how intrinsic to a Bender's nature that removing it will be a genuinely horrible crime due to he himself being a bender.
    • It should be noted that Amon uses bloodbending for his debending scheme by using it destroy his victim's 7 chakras to sever their bending. Essentially, all of the victims he debended are disfigured internally beyond physical repair upon their encounter with Amon.
  • While he does spare Korra from getting debended, it is only because he doesn't want to make her a martyr that would rally up opposition. However, this encounter traumatizes Korra and causes her to have a mental breakdown that is very disturbingly reminiscent of something of a gang rape encounter.
  • While he at first targeted mostly crime lords like Lightning Bolt Zolt and Shady Shin, and then jerks/cheaters like Tahno, after gaining enough followers, Amon has multiple innocent people, even public service officials, debended, such as everyone of Chief Lin Beifong's police squad, who he kept imprisoned also.
  • Despite knowing Tarrlock was his brother, Amon de-bends him without hesitation and has him imprisoned.
  • Launches a destructive, all-out terrorist attack on Republic City that caused mass destruction everywhere, which is pretty much implied to have killed a lot of people.
  • Attacks Air Temple Island Island to debend all the final airbenders, asking Lin to help him find them and the Avatar or be debended, to which after she refuses, he has her debended, while having no qualms attacking children and pregnant women.
  • He then has Tenzin and his children captured to debend them, planning to end airbending once and for all, showing that he has no qualms about debending children. It was possible he was going to kill them afterwards to fully ensure the eradication of airbending, (given that he and Tarrlok were sired from debended father)
  • He eventually debends Korra, stripping her of her bending, leaving her very devastated to the point of being implied to have had suicidal thoughts considering she ends up going to the edge of a steep cliff and her statement that she is nothing without her bending until Avatar Aang restores her bending.
  • When the Lieutenant saw that Amon was a bloodbender, the latter bloodbends him by lifting him up painfully before tossing him into a bunch of crates remorselessly.
  • He attempts to debended Mako and would've succeed if Korra hasn't unlocked her airbending to save him.
  • Despite the franchise's high heinous standards, Amon still stands out as while no one would die from the genocide (as it is a cultural one), it is still genocide, and on a global scale with thousands being his attempted victims for debending, which would cause huge mental distress towards the victims. Coupled with him having less resources than Unalaq and Ozai, the former having immense spiritual power and the latter having the powers of a god when he attempts omnicide, and both having vast armies, this makes Amon stand out within the franchise, with his cultural genocide being treated with the same gravity as an actual one within the franchise, because removing it is a genuinely horrible crime due to how intrinsic it is to a Bender's nature.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • Amon has genuinely good intentions of planning to remove bending to ensure a society where everyone is equal as they have no bending and thus, non-benders can't be abused by benders anymore. Despite him being a bender himself and deceiving others, Amon is genuine in his belief that bending is the root cause of all problems as Tarrlok notes, and that the world is better without them following his experience with it from his childhood.
  • Amon has a tragic backstory, being born as the oldest son of Yakone and being a waterbender, Noatak was ruthlessly exploited by his abusive father to be the perfect bloodbending tool for his revenge, which took a severe strain on him, growing very cold to the point of bloodbending his own father and then running away to escape from him.
  • He genuinely cares about his brother, Tarrlok, as he wanted the latter to run away with him, and after meeting him decades later after his plan is foiled, Amon releases his brother and apologizes for debending him, taking him with him as they leave to start a new life, happy that they are finally together again.
  • His death is also played for sympathy, as he shed a tear upon hearing Tarrlok assure him their fresh start would be like the old days, right before his brother detonated their boat and killed them.

External Links[]


           Avatar The Last Airbender logoInconsistently Heinous

TV Shows
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Azula | Jet | Koh the Face Stealer

The Legend of Korra
Amon | Hiroshi Sato | Varrick | The Evil Unalaq | The Fog of Lost Souls | Zaheer | Kuvira


Yandere Katara

See Also
Nickelodeon Inconsistently Heinous
